Parliament should listen: A case for ad hoc committees on abortion and surrogacy | Michael Farrugia
Metsola’s finest hour
Michael Falzon
Taking the leap | Kayleigh Busuttil Fitzpatrick
UN report on Malta’s human rights record | Mirane Vella, Joanna Onions
Protecting the Maltese dghajsa
Michael Falzon
Illegali | Patrick Calleja
How l-orizzont respects its readers!
Is the Pope worried about AI?
Alexiei Dingli
Those relished and cursed public opinion polls
Assange saga is over
Michael Falzon
Greedy, greedier, greediest
Mark Said
The consequences of polls on politics
How long can energy subsidies last?
Unborn children deserve compassion | Tony Mifsud
Malta’s harm reduction hiccups: A love story in the making | Karen Mamo
Tell it to the marines | Frank Camilleri
A myth debunked
Michael Falzon
New definition of irony: Robert Abela complaining about ‘cushy jobs’
Hobson’s choice or waiting for Godot?
The web rebooted
Alexiei Dingli
Back to Taxi Mary
Michael Falzon
Hey local councils: What exactly are you responsible for?
From delusion to hope
Mark Said
The final lap | Claudette Abela Baldacchino
Abandon cheap provincial politics, go Green
Whatever the outcome of this election: Europe will swing to the right
With malice, aforethought
Michael Falzon
Corrupt profits over patients
Peter Agius
Everything that’s wrong with Maltese politics, in one online app…
Three more summers of sewage  in our seas
The effects of immigration
Michael Falzon
Hunting in Malta as seen by the European Commission | Mark Mifsud Bonnici
Like Humpty Dumpty: Joseph sat on a wall and had a great fall | Frank Camilleri
What are our children eating? Can it be improved? | Norma Camilleri
Growing up in a rainbow family
An intrepid juggler
Michael Falzon
‘Political terrorism’? ‘War on the judiciary?’ Get a grip, people…
The AI beverage from HELL
Alexiei Dingli
Off with a whimper
Michael Falzon
Not if, but when and how: Considerations for the euthanasia debate | Christian Colombo, Joanna Onions