To ‘dream’; perchance also to ‘believe’… ay, there’s the rub!
The future of space exploration | Nathan Pullicino
Uncontrolled spending
Michael Falzon
All I want for Christmas is (yet another) Asylum and Migration Pact…
Social cohesion is paramount
Alex Agius Saliba
‘Balancing’ is the job of a circus acrobat, not a cabinet minister
What’s the point of a ‘Planning Authority’… without ‘Planning’?
Did the world cop it?
Michael Falzon
The never-ending story | Carmelo Abela
A voice for island communities | Josianne Cutajar
If the PN reinvented itself in the 1970s… why can’t it do the same today?
The misfit of one-size-fits-all policies | Steve Ellul
Fighting Greenwashing. Forging a Green Europe
Why does the EU want to lower the driving age to 17? To boost Europe’s automotive industry, of course…
Policy schizophrenia
Michael Falzon
‘Doing nothing is not an option’ (he says, while doing nothing)
Migraine costing European economies an estimated €55 billion annually | Yan Grima
‘Tis the season of grifting | Haris Barounis
UNESCO will not save our heritage
Michael Falzon
The only ‘shocking’ thing about Geert Wilders’ win, is how the world’s media reported it…
With so many ‘invasive species’ running around… why are ‘trees’ the only ones we ever complain about?
Seeing beauty in a dumpster fire | Daniel Xerri
We need to emphasise EU cyberspace partnerships | Josianne Cutajar
In pursuit of skilled foreign labour
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
‘Vitals is the new Egrant’. Discuss…
Because they deserve it | Byron Camilleri
Can Manuel Delia stop lying, just for once?
Reforming the personal assistance scheme for persons with a disability
Are we are sleepwalking into an educational abyss? | Louis Naudi
16-year-olds running the country? Maybe it’s not such a bad idea, after all…
Our prehistoric past faces another threat | Dawn Adrienne Saliba
A case of mid-term blues?
Michael Falzon
Abortion change that preserved the status quo | Neil Muscat
Silver economy in Malta: A growing opportunity | Steve Ellul
Job terminations: Delivering the bad news transparently
How does Malta intend to ‘unwaveringly support’ Ukraine, exactly?
Brincat’s opinions might be a load of BS…  but so was the ensuing ‘outrage’
The Air Malta tragedy
Michael Falzon
The desired unity | Mark Said
Oh, so you punched someone? It’s ok, everyone makes mistakes…