Eurovision: the biggest disappointment was the commentary

Like the blatant propaganda churned out of war rooms, this year’s PBS commentary demonized ‘enemies’ and magnified the perceived virtues of ‘friends’.

PBS’s commentary during the semi-finals of the Eurovision song festival must have been scripted in a political war room. I admit I am not a Eurovision fan. Nevertheless, like many others I do sometimes engage with this annual popular ritual that has now turned into a regular festival of national self-flagellation.

Like the blatant propaganda that is churned out of war rooms, this year’s PBS commentary demonized and devalued ‘enemies’ and magnified the perceived virtues of ‘friends’. The blatant way in which the presenter was leading televoters was pathetic and verged on the ridiculous.

While I am aware that patriotic fervour and national interest may have led PBS to encourage people to vote strategically, I was shocked by the kind of the commentary which the national station broadcast during the live transmission from Dusseldorf.

My jaw dropped as I heard the Maltese presenter making her remarks on the Hungarian participant, a mother of two. It was clearly implied that Kati Wolf was putting the Eurovision experience before her little children, who were turned back home ‘brokenhearted’ because mama-singer was far too busy rehearsing. What was that supposed to mean?

The selection of the Icelandic song was attributed to public sympathy. The group Sigurjón's Friends was almost portrayed as a team that used the untimely death of their main singer as a springboard to qualify for the semi-finals, instead of another favourite song that was penned by a Maltese composer.

It was revealed that the Polish singer Magdalena Tul and her team shared the same hotel with the Maltese, but lo and behold they only spoke to Glen Vella’s group whenever TV cameras were rolling.

Then we also heard accounts of almost accidental entries, singers who did not make huge efforts to participate. These included the Finnish singer who was merely trying his luck and the Swiss singer who was spotted by the composer while she was street busking. How can we forget the Russian hunk who “ghamilha fatta” that he was going to be selected for the finals as he had spent thousands of euros to promote his song across Europe and even bought airtime on Maltese stations?

While it was indeed very clear which competitors were supposed to be culprits, Ms Eileen Montesin's script also pointed out the nice and friendly nations who deserved to be considered by our "wise" and discerning televoters. These included the wonderful singer from Serbia (“sabiha barra, sabiha gewwa” [beautiful inside and out]), the grateful Azerbaijanis (we gave them 12 points last year), the bubbly Croatians (“bhal Glen taghna” [just like our Glen]), the Malta-loving singers from San Marino, Lithuania and Georgia.

We do not know how the Maltese public and jury actually voted and whether they were influenced by this running commentary.

Yet, we do know that Malta did not qualify for the finals and we all acknowledge that Malta was probably left out because of ‘political’ games that put small nations at a huge disadvantage. This is something we have long-been aware of and I admire the Maltese team for appearing to be sober and resilient throughout the whole exercise.

Nevertheless, to me such TV commentaries were almost a bigger disappointment than the festival result itself as whoever did the scripting was assuming that Maltese viewers are willing to be led by the nose.

Carmen Sammut is the author of Media and Maltese Society (Lexington Press) and blogs on

I totally agree with Ms Sammut's write up, in fact while hearing the commentary, my wife and myself uttered to ourselves ' they are asking us here not to vote for this country' and at other times' it is so obvious that here they are telling us to vote', although we never vote we consider watching the event as we are personal friends of the singer year in year out. A comment on the person commenting i personally think a drastic change should be considered, hearing the same voice on our national TV station is boring, apart from the fact that how it was read it seemed that we were watching a drama. TVM deserves much better I should think.
It really bugs me to see Malta year after year going to this so called 'Eurovision' wasting tax payers money just to satisfy the personal ego of a few individuals. Those Maltese who think we can break the Political Patronage of this Eurovision club and win the contest are fools and are not only deluding themselves, and worse still, wasting other people's money.
We should stop wasting taxpayer's money once and for all. This is just a free holiday for the Eurovision entourage!
I totally agree with all the comments here about the disgusting commentary of yesterday's Eurovision. But please let's give some praise to Glenn and to Paul and Fleur, and to the whole team.Well done to you all. even this year's video was a very interesting one reflecting the lyrics of the song, and not as always the Airmalta plane landing and shots of Hagar Qim temples!!!!To add insult to injury the Maltese commentary didn't complement the team's orginisation and hard work at all!Probably Ms.Montesin was chosen from someone up above, as usual. Just to remind her that not everybody likes that crap TV series of KC, but the Eurovision song contest is viewed by a much bigger audience, and she didn't make a good advert at all, with the stupid and idiotic comments that she made! I had to go to the toilet more than 3 times with what I heard. The only issue missing was a comment against DIVORCE!!
guess the maltese presenters need some basic education but anyhow didnt expect much better from them either. this Eurvision song contest, is nothing more than a business making machine. so it has nothing to do with the best voice or song. but how much money is pumped into it. I still believe we should continue to partecipate, but take it more lightly and just make full use of its exposure.
@ Lill John67 - Prosit, haddtli l-kliem minn halqi. U sa fejn naf jien tiskriptjah hi ukolll KC. Ara veru dik is-sensiela (il-ftit sekondi li xi kultant niflah ghalihom) tqabbadni l-biki ghax tikkonfermali x'poplu verament injorant ahna. Ma rridux nitghallmu!! Ma nafx - din tal-qalba jew pinnur? Kollha darithom l-istazzjonijiet allajbierek. Konferma ohra ta kemm ahna poplu injorant u dilettantesk, specjalment meta jigu biex jaghzlu l-programmi li jkunu ha jbellghulna. Heqq, imbaghad intuhom l-awards ukoll. Jekk tridu tisimghu kummentarju bis-sens b'entertainment value oghli, allura tharsu mkien hlief lejn Terry Wogan tal-BBC. Biss ma nahsibx li ghadu, imma kemm kien joghgobni. Fuq kulhadd kien jikkummenta kif kien jixraq, mhux l-ewwel darba li maqdar ir-rapresentant ta pajjizu stess. U qatt ma smajtu jlissen xi kumment b'sens ta ghira, razzizmu, jew hdura bhalms hu l-kaz tal-presentatirici taghna. Imma, nsomma, x'tistenna minn injoranta pastaza baxxa w hamalla bhalha?
Sewwa jghidu 'Min jobzoq fis-sema jigi f'wiccu". Dawk li qed jikkumentaw fuq Monteseen, ghandkom ragun. Kemm qalatli lili ghax kont naghmel xoghol ta recordings u sound engineering lin-Nazzjonalisti (bhal ma ghamilt lil tal Lobour wkoll). X'ma qalitx kontra tieghi. Anke ir-ragel taghha kien qalla biex taghlaqlu!!! Ghid li mhux veru Eileen? Ara jien ma wegghajt lill-hadd mhux bhalek u qatt ma dahalt "politika" fix-xoghol li kont naghmel qabel sabiex nidher sabih!!! Le miniex se nitkellem aktar fuq dal-festival. Dak li kelli nghid ghidtu u ktiebt wkoll. ANKE META SEMMEJT AFFARIJIET JAHARQU....U MIN IRID JIFHEM JIFHEM!!!
Do people actually spend 0.75eur to vote in this competition? I mean, it's not like you can vote for Malta . .XD
But always losing one day you have to give up.
If you don't like to lose- don't run in the race.
Jiddispjacini ghal Gell ghax ma ghandux tort. Imma jiena kont ilni ninnota xi gurnalisti barranin. Ma tantx qed inizluna , anke issa specjalment kif il-pajjiz in 2011 l-anqas hawn bis dritt ta divorzju, imwarbin totalment, SFORTUNATAMENT! ghax jafu li hawn ma hawnx drittijiet civili. m atarx li mhux ser jghidu hekk , imma il-barranin jafu x'qed jigri hawn. Dik hija r-realta.
Jiena nidhaq meta jghidu li il-Maltin razzisti! Jghid hekk biss min qatt ma siefer, hlief xi mawra qasira mal-Euro Tour jew ma Hammilton u Easy Jet! Ghala qed nghid hekk? Ghax kull Malti li ghex barra jigi dejjem meqjuz mill-barranin bhal xi islander inferjuri, Malta taht Sqallijja, aktar qrib l-Afrika milli l-Ewropa! Anke il-kulur tal-gilda tghodd, u anke kif titkellem l-accent bl-Ingliz! U dan mhux biss ma nies komuni jigri, imma anke ma studenti u professionals. Mhumiex se jghidulek f'wiccek mal-ewwel, imma wara ftit tittendi x'jahsbu fuqhekk! Dunque, nigi ghal punt: bhal ma qal Richard Hill' We Europeans' l-Ewropej tan-North huma razzisti lejn ta tahthom, il-Germanizi huma unici li razzisti lejn ta tahthom ta fuqhom u ta magembhom; il-Germanizi ta Switzerland, razzisti lejn it-Tajani Zvizzer, dwk it-Taljani Zvizzeri huma razzisti lejn it-Taljani tan-North, dawk it-Taljani tan-North razzisti ghald dawk ta taht Ruma, anke ghar-Rumani, u specjalment ghll-Isqallin; l-Isqallin ghal Maltin, u ahna ghall-Gharab, u l-Gharab ghall-Gharab suwed, u l-Gharab suwed ghall-Afrikani lii mhux Gharab! Anke il-Right wing Party Finnlandiz, jaraw lil tan-Lega North bhal 'Torroni'! Imsomma wiehed jammetti jew li kulhadd mimli bil-preducizzji u hadd ma jammetti! Jigiefiri, li kretina bhal tal-bierah titkellem hekk, u normali anke go Parigi, u m;ghandnix ghalfejn narawha ta barra minn hawn. Il-bahnana ma tafx xi'inhu allowed u mhux! Mhux ta b'xejn li kient qalet 'Run Rabbit Run'! ghax tpatpat bhal papri biss taf! Imma, dawk li huma' politically correct' ahjar imorru jghixu barra minn Malta biex inehhu ftit mill-Insularita taghhom jekk huma irudu ikunu jafu x'jahzbu l-Ewropej 'civilizzati', 'sofistikati' u 'politically correct' fuqhom u fuqna!
Dear Dr Sammut, you are assuming of course that the whole thing was scripted in the first place. I rather suspect it was an impromptu mishmash of the commentator's personal observations and various bits of gossip. I doubt whether any thought was given as to what was appropriate comment and I would hate to think that someone with the authority to, actually approved what was said beforehand!
Dr Sammut need not be surprised. Eilieen Montesin was one of the leading lights at Xandir Malta during the "Run Rabbit" days. Before, that is, she went through her conversion on the road to Damascus. The leopard (or hyena, in this case) cannot change its spots.
X'titenna minn wahda li minghalija xi attrici tahdem KC. Dik mhux ghax tal-qalba baghtuha bhal snin ohra. Ma tmurx dik, mhux it-tifla tista tmur.
Ma nistawx naqaw izjed ghan nejk biex battu lil Eileen Montesin taghmel il kumentarju.
Qatt maghna ha nitghallmu.Il barranin lilna ma jafuniex lanqas jekk naghmlu xnaghmlu.