Updated | 'I will expose Muscat's wild promises' - Gonzi

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi says he will expose the wild promises being made to everyone by Labour leader Joseph Muscat.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said Joseph Muscat was making promises he cannot keep.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said Joseph Muscat was making promises he cannot keep.

Adds Labour's statement at 1:50pm

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi this morning warned that Labour leader Joseph Muscat was making "wild promises" to everyone and said that he will "expose these false promises."

"The people should be wary that the Opposition leader is making false promises to everyone which could not be kept and he also knows they cannot be kept," Gonzi warned.

Speaking at the Nationalist Party club in Mellieha, Gonzi told the party faithful "Joseph Muscat is promising everything to everyone in secret meetings.  Muscat does not care about the national interest. His only interest is to make immediate electoral gains."

"You can rest assured that I will expose every false promise he makes. You must be careful because Muscat is promising things that are contradictory. He is promising one thing to one group and the exact opposite to other groups.  He is promising that development permits will be approved to the construction industry and promising environmentalists that the same permit will not be approved."

Gonzi urged his supporters to "protect democracy everyday" and not to take it "for granted." Gonzi said he was shocked at how Joseph Muscat launched a personal attack on an individual citizen over Enemalta. Gonzi said this reminded him of old school socialism Malta experienced in the 1980's.

"We should defend democracy to ensure that individual citizens can carry out their duties in peace," Gonzi said.

In reference to a series of meetings he held this week with various entities and organisations, Gonzi announced that the Forum of trade unions will be allowed to join the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD) since it has been officially recognised by the European Trade Union Council.

The Prime Minister also revealed his concern and shock at the assault on Osama Al Shazliay Saleh in Paceville on 17 March. Gonzi said that "everybody should be shocked at the assault and death of the man. I do not accept such acts of violence on persons, irrespective of their skin colour." 

“I am shocked how some people reacted as if nothing had happened when a Sudanese migrant was murdered in Paceville yesterday week. Malta cannot tolerate a situation where anyone minding his own business ends up being killed and certainly this country could not tolerate racism,” Gonzi said

“We must give importance to the value of life. The Maltese people should unite against racism and not accept racism in Paceville or anywhere else.”

Meanwhile, in its reaction the Labour Party said that it is Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi who promises everything to everyone "but does not keep his word."

Labour said that the Prime Minister did not keep the promises he made to market hawkers, Enemalta, Go, Air Malta, Transport Malta and Dockyard employees, developers, environmentalists, hunters, the self-employed and families.

"Affected families and business owners know that if they trust GonziPN once again, he will fool them again. The wolf changes his hair but not his nature."



Ma tahsibx li ghandek tipprova tqabbilhom mal-weghdi vojta li ghamilt int qabel l-ahhar elezzjoni Gonz halli naraw min parla fil-vojt u qarraq bin-nies biex jisraq l-elezzjoni?
[55% PL][40%PN]Thats my calculation,Too much people was heart in the last 5 years include some PN backbenchers.
Really??? What does he have to say about the endless list of promises made before the last election but remain not honoured. Who knows what Dr Gonzi would come up with the next time round?
'I will expose Muscat's wild promises' - Gonzi. Sewwa taghmel sur Prim Ministru. Urihom xi ssarraf, ezattament bhal ma ghamilt when you exposed the 600 euros increment you had per week. Imn'Alla ghandna lilek biex insiru nafu xi jkun ghaddej minn taht.
Sur Gonzi, l-ewwelnett ma jixraqlekx it-titlu ta' prim ministru, ghax fuq il-kwistjoni tal-kunsill lokali tal-Mosta int tajt prova li tqis biss kunsilli li jkollhom maggoranza nazzjonalista. It-Tieni. Meta ghidt li Joseph Muscat qieghed iwieghed kollox lil-kullhadd biex jakkwista l-voti, ma stajtx tghid haga li zgur HADD - almenu dawk li ghnadhom rashom fuq ghonqhom - mhu se jemmnek !Bl-Ingliz nghidu: " The proof of the pudding is in the eating ". Il-pudina tieghek nghafu kif saret - EZATTAMENT IL-KONTRA TA KIF UREJTHA FILL-PROGRAMM ELETTORALI! Il-pudina li se jahmi Joseph Muscat inkunu nafu kif giet wara li jknu ghaddew il- 5 snin tal-legislatura, jekk il-maggoranza tal-poplu tghatih il-fiducja. Jien konvint li se tkun ferm ahjar minn tieghek Sur Gonzi ! Eddy Privitera
Mirror mirror on the wall who is the most hypocritical of them all?
When I read jgalea comments I realize to whom T.Fenech was refering when he said "cuc malti"!
Qed tara kemm int bravu GONZ !!! Qabel l-ahhar elezzjoni fost affarijiet ohra int GONZ kont weghdt li SMART CITY u se thaddem mal-4000 ruh,imma li skuza kienet li minhabba bicca pumping station li SMART CITY ma saritx.GONZIPN kull minn jgholli jdejh ghandu xi jxomm.
mela ara tafx sur pm, li fi grocer ir rabat driver ta ministru tighek , kellu battibekk ma nazzjonalist li mhux se jivvota , u l kliem kien hekk " iva ghidli xi trid , li trid intik " il persuna baqat issostni li mhux se tivvota u driver qallu " ejja nlaqqak ma simon" , qallu d driver " kif taslu li tivvotaw lejber mela ma tisimghux il programm ta joe grima l hdura li tohrog " issa sur pm , saqsijhom wiehed wiehed id drivers u ara min kien.
Wild promises? Nahseb ahjar jindaga l-ittri li ntbaghtu fi zmien EFA u qabel l-ahhar elezzjoni. Ez: li d-dockyard mhux ser taghlaq u li x-xoghol garantit. Li l-kacca u nsib mhux ser jintmessu. Li fl-2008 kienu ser jitnaqqsu t-tax bands. Li l-membri fuq bordijiet tal-gvern jigu appuntati wara call for applications u mhux dejjem jitlahhqu l-hbieb tal-hbieb. Li l-power station tal-Marsa kellha tinghalaq u dik ta' Dellimara tlahhaq, mhux jitlaq id-dawl tal-pajjiz kollu hekk kif ifalli xi boiler wiehed mill-power station tal-Marsa. Li l-isptar Mater Dei ikun State of the Art. Mhux spiccajna bil-pazjenti jmutu fil-kuriduri. Ghar milli konna bl-Isptar San Luqa! Iwieghed is-sahha b'xejn, imbaghad minn taht ihalli biss 3 centri tas-sahha miftuhin ghal Malta kollha: Floriana, Mosta u Paola, biex kemm jista' jkun in-nies jigu sfurzati jmorru privat! U l-Ghawdxin? Nesihom!
Yeah right!!!! Since the split is so open within GonziPN, then they will try to create and invent rumours in order to try to deviate the attention of the Maltese and Gozitan people! This is another prove that GonziPN is still living in the 60's and think that the people are still very ignorant, stupid, and naive, and believe everything that they are told!!!! I fell so pity for the true nationalists, who really contributed to the best of this country!
Mark Fenech
Inti "of all people" qiegħed titkellem fuq "wild promises". Taf hafna x'inhuma dawn il-"wild promises" fl-ittri li baghat lil haddiema tas-Sea Malta; tal-Malta Drydocks; tal-Air Malta; tal-GO (anke meta din kienet diga tal-privat u allura ma kellekx ġurisdizzjoni fuqha; lill-kaċċaturi u n-nassaba; lis-sajjieda u lill-bdiewa; u tista' tkompli b'lista li ma tispicca qatt. Issa qieghed tohodha bi kbira ghax semma lill-Manager tal-Human Resources għax qiegħed jivvinta qlajjiet fuq l-PL meta ma huwiex suppost jitkellem fuq il-politika ġo l-Enemalta li hija tal-Poplu u mhux ta' Gonzipn. Ma għandekx għalfejn tmur fit-80, lili l-Gimgħa 13 ta' Frar 2004, baghatuli ittra biex ma niħiex aktar lejn l-Enemalta wara l-Gimgha 20 ta' Frar 2004, u dan għal xejn b'xejn, għax jiena kont kważi ħallejt ħajti għall-Enemalta. Jiġifieri taħt il-gvern gonzipn u mhux fit-80. Hu ħrieġtu tar-rġiel b'għamiltu għax xogħol li kont nagħmel jiena waħdi llum mpegajtu xi 8 persuni biex jaghmluh, u xorta dejjem b'lura. Ara l-accounts tal-korporazzjoni kemm qiegħdin b'lura bizzejjed. Hallina gonzipn.
Kellna dan l-ahhar gimghat tnaqqis fil-baġits li kienu 5 miljuni mill-Edukazzjoni,8.5 miljun mis-Sahha,1.5 miljun mill-qasam socjali. Tonio Fenech ikkonferma li dawn it-tnaqqis iddecieda l-Gvern u ma nponietx l-EU! Dr Gonzi qalilna li l-Finanzi kienu fis-Sod qabel l-elezzjoni tal-kunsilli Lokali jixhed dan il-video clip. Apparti hekk dan il-Gvern nehha s-sussidji kollha u impona tariffi esegerati tad- dawl u ilma,l-ghola taxxa fid-dinja fuq il-fuel, licenzji tal- karozzi jgholew kull sena,tariffi godda tal- Mepa, zieda drastika fic-cilindri tal- gas u sijsa qawwija fuq is-siment.Kiser wkoll il weghda li jnaqqas it taxxa fl-ewwel sena, gholla l-eta tal pensjoni kif wkoll gholla l-Bolla meta l-pagi huma f'pajjizna huma l-inqas EU. Min dahak b'min?
Imma dan possibli ga nesa x'weghdi ghamel 4 snin ilu u issa qed jghid lil haddiehor biex ma jwieghedx....dan l-istess persuna li qed jaghmel il-laqghat ta malajr biex jara kif ha jingabar ma elettorat. Ifthulu naqra ghajnejh ghax nahseb mhux widnejh biss ghandu maghluqa. Grow up Dr gonzi please irbah l-elezzjonijiet bis-sew u mhux bil-qerq ghax poplu jixraqlu ahjar.
din l arroganza turi bic car li flok gonzi se jfittex ghala l eletturi ma jriduhx u telquh irid jitfa il htija tad disfatta fuq il partit laburista. kompli hekk dr gonzi kompli hekk is siegha tad destin qeda mghana.
Dan il-bniedem huwa inkredibbli. Ghandu l-ardir u l-wicc tost jigi jitkellem fuq weghdi meta huwa kien il-persuna li qabel l-elezzjoni li ghaddiet wieghed kollox lill kulhadd. Jekk nibda insemmi ma nieqafx:kaccaturi u nassaba, haddiema ta l-Airmalta, haddiema tad-dockyard, xufiera tal-linja, xufiera tat-taxis u minibuses, tnaqqis fl-income tax u l-lista ma tieqafx. U minn dan kollu xi twettaq............ ASSOLUTAMENT XEJN U SAR KOLLOX BIL-KONTRA!!. Biex ma nsemmux il-weghdi fierha ta l-gharef ta qablu Dr.EFA, li sahanistra baghthom bil-miktub qabel l-elezzjoni u referendum ta l-2003 biex akkost ta kollox u bil-qerq, tradiment u gideb jisloh il-voti biex nidhlu fl-UE. Poplu oqod attent ghax il-pajjiz ma jiflahx ghall-gvern iehor tal-PN u jekk dan allahares qatt, MISKINA MALTA !!!
Il-veru trid tkun ma tisthix Sur Gonzi. Il-gideb sfaccat li gdibt int u shabek matul dawn l-erba snin jaqaw inzejthom? U qed tghid fuq Muscat illi espona persuna gewwa l-Enemalta? Dik il-persuna qeda tbezza lin-nies ezatt kif ghamel zijuk meta bezza lin-nies bil-babaw. Umbaghad int ghaliex ma titkellimx fuq in-neputija li xtaqet tant deni lil ghajra...mela ghax "Gonzi" tahsbu li intom untouchables jew. I cannot wait for the day that your are trashed in the anals of history!!
Finanzi fis-sod ghal tal-klikka waqt li lilna gibtuna fixxa!
Veru kaz ta' l-qahba milli jkollha ttik
Imma dan possibli ga nesa x'weghdi ghamel 4 snin ilu u issa qed jghid lil haddiehor biex ma jwieghedx....dan l-istess persuna li qed jaghmel il-laqghat ta malajr biex jara kif ha jingabar ma elettorat. Ifthulu naqra ghajnejh ghax nahseb mhux widnejh biss ghandu maghluqa. Grow up Dr gonzi please irbah l-elezzjonijiet bis-sew u mhux bil-qerq ghax poplu jixraqlu ahjar.
Dr. Gonzi il poplu warajk. Hadd ma jridu lil Joe M. u il klikka tieghu fil gvern. Kulhadd lilek Dr. Gonzi irid. Malta leader serju, matur, Kattoliku irid, u INTI BISS kapaci tmexxi. Kompli ikxiflu il weghdiet fierha, u immaturi, u mexxina ghal rebha elettorali kolossali, li jien mhux biss konvint, izda konvintissimu li ser issehh.
Tell me Dear Gonzi, what promises, like the one of the Income Tax before the last General Election and ended up taking half of my salary to employ another and then boosting yourself as a creator of jobs? It is no use, no one believes you anymore. Your promises are like the writing in the water. Coming the next general elections please do not come and knock at my door for I will greet you with the last few Water & Electricity bills and maybe you can greet me with the pay rise you got in the last 4 years. I sincerely hope that you will not only get defeated in the general elections but also as leader of the PN.
il veru ma jisthiex,ghamel ma nafx kemm il weghda qabel l-elezzjoni u ghamel il kontra li wieghed.imma kif qatt ma jinbidlu dawn n nies.tieghu dejjem itih lil haddiehor...isthi jekk taf sur gonzipn..il poplu mhux ha jafirlek did darba ghax thaft bih
look who is talking in Maltese we say Dockyard Air Malta Doctor of your choice Hunters No operation waiting list no bumpy roads Par idejn sodi I can go on and go on . Dr Gonzi we all still have good memory, it seems that Dr Muscat knows your trick.
'WILD PROMISES'! For sure Gonzipn is the expert of such promises. His 'Wild promises', sent and signed by himself, before 2008 election, to shipyard workers, Air Malta workers and many others, will always haunt Lawrence Gonzi. The distress caused to these workers and their families will always be in their minds, and you will not fool them again. Now that the election is getting nearer, you want to be near the people and in their homes. I guarantee you Lawrence Gonzi, that these workers will welcome you in their homes with these letters of your WILD PROMISES. Wait and see.
Try exposing the corruption in this country, your personal collaboration in this corruption and the lies you tell from the minute you wake up to the minute you fall asleep.
Luke Camilleri
'I will expose Muscat's wild promises' - Gonzi He cannot even expose His Cabinet's goings on or the hidden power behind his SEAT, the true control of Gonzipn, the Klikka, the Hidden hand! ----------------------------------------- What does Gonzi call his "promises" especially those before the last election, SCIENCE FICTION? You are at it again Dr. Gonzi , on the eve of another election with your cronies chosen from your limited pool of talent who HAVE TRULY LOST THEIR CREDIBILITY with the electorate! Your ride on the gravy train is nearing its stop!
Make it fast if you want to gain some votes. You have a long way to go to catch up.
Joseph MELI
No one could ever accuse you of falling into that fools bear-pit otherwise known as making false promises could they Prime Minister?
Of course...you are an expert on wild promises aren't you Mr.Gonżi!! Wild promises are all that you are thought about when climbing up the ladder in the np!!
Minix ser nistenna sa l-2010 sabiex inehhi parti mill-Income Tax ghaliex din tkun mizura sabiex tistiumula l-ekonomija Tiftakru dan il-kliem sur Gonzi qabel l-elezzjoni? Hallina trid!! Biex tiskongra trid tkun pur!!!
Anette B Cassar
Gonzi's wild promises are already exposed. What about the cut in income tax at a time when financial crises were on the horizon?
I think the PN promises are wild. It seems the priminister is trying all he has left as a vote catching exercise. All the promises made by the PN government have gone to the wild e.g. the smartcity joke, the miserable state of the countries finances for state and parastatal institutions. The excessive spending going on at the moment by the current government shows their miserable state. I think that the current government is still squandering public taxpayer funds in certain areas at an alarming rate!
Qatt ma kont nobsor li gonzipn ghandu wiccu tost b'dan il-mod u li jigi jitmellah b'dan il-mod mill-poplu. OF ALL PEOPLE HU QED JITKELLEM FUQ IL-WIL PROMISES
Qatt ma kont nobsor li gonzipn ghandu wiccu tost b'dan il-mod u li jigi jitmellah b'dan il-mod mill-poplu. OF ALL PEOPLE HU QED JITKELLEM FUQ IL-WIL PROMISES
what about the wild promise you made to all the Air Malta employees just prior to last general election??? You promised them a future when you knew that you and your friends had brought the company to its knees. Oh and what about the wild promise you made to reduce the income tax band from 35% to 25%??? Of all people you have the check to "expose" wild promises. You are not credible.
Dear Prime Minister, the first thing to do is being a little introspect and see who within your Party claimed that Malta will benefit from 100 million liri every year, while your Busuttil claimed that hnting will still be allowed. Talk about wild promises then.
Trid veru ma tisthix min alla li halqek!!! jew inkella qed tbati bid-dimenzja, taf xbatli qabel lelezzjoni l-ohra sur Gonzipn? batli itra sabieha (li ghada ghandi) fejn kont ktibtli li ha naqla hafna flus u bla bla bla bla, u mela tigi tparla li ha tesponi li muscat, ahjar tesponi il 500 euro zida TA XEJN li hadt int u shabek. Ubil haqq, jien mhux talli qlajt izjed flus talli il lum spiccajt barra min dak il post tax-xoghol li tant kont ghal-qalbi fih, grazzi sur Gonzi u ghara ma tersaqlix lejn dari la int u wisq izjed shabek.
Dr Gonzi, I think you will more credible if you expose your misdeads, the way you treated those who don't carry your flag, those people who are on the fringe of poverty,those who are still mistreated by your government, those who are left without medicines, those those who are suffering because of you or your untalented bunch. You should also expose the mishandling of public monies and how you didn't return the €500 weekly. How you voted against the Will of the Majority in the divorce issue.