The end of Bondiplus

It’s curtains on one of PBS’s top current affairs programmes that irked Labourites for its alleged bias

Last one behind switch the lights off please...
Last one behind switch the lights off please...

There will be no more Bondiplus in the upcoming winter schedule, as the Public Broadcasting Services (PBS) did not accept it - neither for TVM nor TVM2.

As the new schedules of all the main TV stations were announced, Bondiplus did not feature anywhere.

In the past years, veteran journalist Lou Bondì was the subject of numerous controversies, having been accused of hosting biased discussions in his programmes in favour of the Nationalist Party.

He was formerly an information manager of the Nationalist Party before the party lost re-election in 1996.

Many of his detractors accused Bondì of using his primetime PBS current affairs programme of propping up the Nationalist government, and targeting government critics.

He was loved and hated in equal measure, but the scale of the popular discomfort he elicited was manifested when audiences booed Bondì during his surprise appearance by the side of guitar legend Santana, during his concert in Malta.

A recent controversy came in mid-June, when the Where's Everybody director was appointed on a government board responsible for the organisation and coordination of national festivities.

Labour MEP Joseph Cuschieri later described the appointment a "shameful decision" and an "open challenge to people of good will."

When questioned about why his programme had been turned down, Bondì said:

"That is a question you have to ask the relevant TV stations, in this case PBS."

He also refused to say what programmes he had proposed and whether he had submitted a proposal for other programmes besides Bondiplus, saying this information was "commercially sensitive".

The Bondiplus programme originated from the Bondicini investigative journalism programme, which was co-presented by Bondi and former PL candidate Simone Cini in 2001.

Bondiplus was a long-running show on national, public television. Last year, it was aired live twice a week, but this was reduced to once after the Labour government was elected last March.

Maureen Attard
Meta jmissu Xarabank?
Maureen Attard
Ghal-erwieh. Kien dardar lil kulhadd anke lil nazzjonalisti. firmat Nazzjonalist.
@SPA2130 If you consider Bondi+ to have been fair, balanced and unbiased then you and I interpret those words quite differently. Towards the end of the last election, Lou didn't even try to appear impartial. Contrary to your statement, free speech will now be given a chance.
Bondi+ is a Bondi- now ,thank god for that.
THANK GOD FOR LITTLE MERCY. At last we will stop risking a heart attack when we were subjected to such biased, arrogant, and disgusting programme. The way BondiPlus interferred directly with Police matters especially when they barged in on the Court ordered arrest of Daphne Caruana Galizia was not only the apex of corrupt practices but was criminal, and criminal action should have been taken by the Police. At last PBS has saved many from serious injury.
Waqghulu ic-cingi il-Larry King ta Malta! To be fair, sbilancjat mill-kbar,pregudikat mill-kbar favur il-PN: ma jiswiex karlin imma ma kienx ahdar. Xejn personaloi Lou imma investejt hazin dan l-ahhar.
Waqghulu ic-cingi il-Larry King ta Malta! To be fair, sbilancjat mill-kbar,pregudikat mill-kbar favur il-PN: ma jiswiex karlin imma ma kienx ahdar. Xejn personaloi Lou imma investejt hazin dan l-ahhar.
kumbinazzjoni,taf li lanqas hadd ma stennija
Well, maybe NET TV will take him on board.....oops!! NET TV will not obviously....they want money....Well maybe Bondiplus will resurrect after 10 or 15 years who knows or maybe never....good riddance. Bondiplus sucked precious taxpayers money for crappy show.
For spa2130 it was free expression but for us it was pure drainage and nothing more. Hail to the defunct.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
All bad things come to an end.
Priscilla Darmenia
Perhaps we can now enjoy watching a more balanced journalism. - Bondi+ was too biased. – In my opinion Lou Bondi (and his soul mate Peppi) always had a hidden agenda in favour of the PN. – Both Lou and Peppi rarely interrupt a guest when his arguments favour the PN agenda but never stop interrupting one who expresses an argument against the PN. – No wonder the PN followers will miss him.
Luke Camilleri
alleged bias? ALLEGED? HE WAS BLATENT! Knowing full well that any libel cases lost or won would be always be paid for by BIG DADDY @ PBS!
All good things come to an end!
Time for real journalism .Bondibias no more.
Hadd ma stenna mod iehor. Mhux talli rnexxilu jdardar l-ilma li ried jixrob minnu, talli ghamlu drenagg.
PBS (PL) is trying its utmost to stifle free expression.