What if?
Saviour Balzan
I do not know many of the people who have been charged with criminal wrongdoing following the Vitals inquiry by Magistrate Gabriella Vella...
A wish list resulting from the Sofia inquiry
Mark Said
Although the Sofia public inquiry conclusions shone a spotlight on construction safety (actually the total lack of it) in Malta, I heavily suspect that workers will still deem...
A different World Cup
Michael Falzon

Meanwhile, fans of the beautiful game will lay back and enjoy the spectacle, little bothering about all that has happened for the World Cup to be held in Qatar

Meanwhile, fans of the beautiful game will lay back and...

One million reasons not to recycle, a million reasons to complain
Josanne Cassar

The truth is that we can find a million reasons not to recycle, reuse and...

The truth is that we can find a million reasons not to...

‘Recognising the problem’ isn’t enough: you also have to try and solve it
Raphael Vassallo

So for the government to stolidly refuse to ever address this problem, simply because the ‘absolute majority’ does not want it to… well,...

So for the government to stolidly refuse to ever address...

Abortion is termination of pregnancy
Isabel Stabile

We are very grateful to the government of Malta for listening to our concerns, and to reconsider and update laws created in 1850s. This will allow doctors to...

We are very grateful to the government of Malta for...

Another electoral pledge kept
Julia Farrugia Portelli

So much has been achieved in the disability and vulnerability sectors in Malta, with a chain of reforms paving the way for even more reforms, more assistance...

So much has been achieved in the disability and...

Too hot for comfort
Michael Falzon

Notwithstanding all the talk and righteous indignation, the countries that signed the so-called Paris Agreement have not cut their emissions enough to meet...

Notwithstanding all the talk and righteous indignation, the...

Abortion, by any other name…
Raphael Vassallo

Both Abela and Fearne seem to have finally (and belatedly) understood, that their previous policy-direction on abortion was simply unsustainable and if left...

Both Abela and Fearne seem to have finally (and belatedly)...

The other side of the media ‘narrative’
Saviour Balzan

It is the obligation of the State to ensure that the fourth pillar remains a...

It is the obligation of the State to ensure that the fourth...

We cannot just keep tallying up the number of fatalities
Josanne Cassar

An official statement which addresses these daily accidents with some kind of...

An official statement which addresses these daily accidents...

Open letter to animal welfare secretary | Katerina Younes

Animal Liberation Malta believes that the Maltese government should be at the...

Animal Liberation Malta believes that the Maltese...

Abela has excluded ALL politicians as President: not just Gonzi
Raphael Vassallo

The Prime Minister had no shortage of perfectly valid, rational arguments to...

The Prime Minister had no shortage of perfectly valid,...

Beyond the budget: we must move from growth at all costs, to prosperity | Steve Ellul

We hear a lot about sustainability and the new green economy, but what this really means is that we need to ensure that our industries are all geared towards...

We hear a lot about sustainability and the new green...

L’Uomo Del Monte ha detto ‘No’…
Raphael Vassallo

In an age when Planning Authority decisions always seem to go in the clean opposite direction… there can be no doubt that Thursday’s decision...

In an age when Planning Authority decisions always...

Under pressure at the PA? Funny, were it no so tragic
Michael Falzon

Most pressures on the PA are made by politicians complying with the wishes of...

Most pressures on the PA are made by politicians complying...

The reason for all this traffic? It’s not my car, it’s yours
Josanne Cassar

It may not be what everyone wants to hear, but sometimes you have to sacrifice...

It may not be what everyone wants to hear, but sometimes...

Nice guy Karmenu. But Mifsud Bonnici as PM was a fiasco
Saviour Balzan

No matter what the obituaries will say, as a politician Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici...

No matter what the obituaries will say, as a politician...

There is nothing ‘pagan’ (still less, ‘satanic’) about Halloween
Raphael Vassallo

Nearly all the Catholic Church’s most cherished festivals (including both Christmas and Easter) can also trace their origins to the same pagan traditions...

Nearly all the Catholic Church’s most cherished...

Road rage rules OK
Michael Falzon

In Malta, the constant unlimited increase in cars on our roads has led to many drivers getting impatient while driving in a slow-moving column –...

In Malta, the constant unlimited increase in cars on our...