Why we decided to publish the Vitals inquiry
MaltaToday got hold of the 1,200-page inquiry and although our journalists have been working on several stories to synthesise what we believe are the more damning findings, a...
The sewage network needs an upgrade
Malta has invested heavily over the past two decades in new sewage treatment plants to ensure that no untreated sewage is dumped at sea. But despite these multi-million euro...
Cancelling Mintoff, is cancelling Maltese history

As such, the PBS board would do well to revise its ill-judged decision to...

As such, the PBS board would do well to revise its...

Those who wage a ‘culture war’...

It should come as no real surprise that opponents of this bill have consistently distorted these facts

It should come as no real surprise that opponents of this...

Buildings collapse because of ‘structural’ – including ‘systemic’ – flaws

Yet beyond these reforms the government should also address the widespread perception that the authorities are in cahoots with the construction industry

Yet beyond these reforms the government should also address...

Unfit for purpose

Andrea Prudente’s life was not yet on the line but in a cruel and sadistic way we allowed her to linger in the lobby of death. Prudente was the one...

Andrea Prudente’s life was not yet on the line but in...

Abortion amendment is a step in the right direction

It is impossible for the legislator to anticipate all the grey areas and...

It is impossible for the legislator to anticipate all the...

Malta has a crisis

Bernice did not need courage. She found the courage and did all she could to protect herself and her children. What Bernice needed was concrete and timely...

Bernice did not need courage. She found the courage and did...

Femicide: a nightmare from which we never ‘wake up’

As the NCPE reminded us, almost exactly a year ago:  This entails a...

As the NCPE reminded us, almost exactly a year ago: ...

Shooting down political interference

One expects that any future decision – not just on Mizieb and Ahrax; but on public land in general – will not be taken for political reasons; but...

One expects that any future decision – not just on...

Weak prosecutions lead to injustice

The prosecution’s role in the justice system is crucial. The country cannot afford to have a weak prosecution. A weak prosecution only benefits the...

The prosecution’s role in the justice system is...

On abortion, some sense at last

It becomes a lot harder to ignore the realities on the ground when confronted directly by the people who are affected by them

It becomes a lot harder to ignore the realities on the...

Sexual harassment destroys lives

In this latest case, sexual violence ended up destroying an artist’s dream career; in Pauline Dembska’s case, it ended up killing her outright

In this latest case, sexual violence ended up destroying an...

Ħondoq may have been saved. But the danger remains

There is cross-party consensus to grant Ħondoq ir-Rummien the protection it so...

There is cross-party consensus to grant Ħondoq ir-Rummien...

Road safety should start with data analysis

It is useless having all the education campaigns of this world and the best...

It is useless having all the education campaigns of this...

Transparency still lacking in asset declarations

A closer look at the declarations themselves seems to raise more questions,...

A closer look at the declarations themselves seems to raise...

No-pain budget but no pitch for new economic model

Caruana may want to re-evaluate his strategy over the medium term by reducing...

Caruana may want to re-evaluate his strategy over the...

Government’s contempt for Parliament knows no bounds

It is precisely because this government has ‘the biggest majority in...

It is precisely because this government has ‘the...

Water is too precious, and too scarce, to be ‘free’

The worst thing we could possibly do, in the present circumstances, is to keep...

The worst thing we could possibly do, in the present...

Justice has only begun to be served

Five years after the murder itself, Abela’s government still proves incapable of building bridges to the Caruana Galizia family or reconcile itself with...

Five years after the murder itself, Abela’s...