Abortion referendum is undesirable but practical way forward
Just as Malta introduced divorce in 2011 after a referendum, the same can happen with abortion
Why Myriam Spiteri Debono’s appointment bodes well
She did not shy away from prodding the national conscience by saying that generosity should not stop at forking out money for worthy causes but must be displayed in our everyday...
Which battles should the PN fight?

Nationalist leader Bernard Grech currently finds himself in an unenviable predicament where he must strike a balancing act between ‘putting on a brave...

Nationalist leader Bernard Grech currently finds himself in...

Solid growth based on tax collection programme

While Prime Minister Robert Abela skirted around the question as to whether...

While Prime Minister Robert Abela skirted around the...

Taxation is about morality, too

The issue of global corporate taxation is ultimately an issue of social justice, more than economic gain. Preferential tax incentives deprive...

The issue of global corporate taxation is ultimately an...

A mass transportation system leading to more development?

In a nutshell:  mass transportation poses a daunting challenge to our way of...

In a nutshell:  mass transportation poses a daunting...

An economy built on modern-day slavery

Racism is a collective disease which desensitizes us from basic human compassion

Racism is a collective disease which desensitizes us from...

The education crisis is about planning, and priorities

Naturally, there is no magic solution to such problems; what is needed is...

Naturally, there is no magic solution to such problems;...

Is growth without taxation possible?

Editorial | Growth of this sort will only leave people behind; Labour has often resorted to grants to supplement low minimum...

Editorial | Growth of this sort...

Let’s not allow greed and cynicism to destroy Malta

The Archbishop is right to sound to sound the alarm on this issue; for there...

The Archbishop is right to sound to sound the alarm on this...

Anything but an overhaul of the 2006 local plan

The Nationalist Party seems to be avoiding any commitment which puts it into...

The Nationalist Party seems to be avoiding any commitment...

National healing, by definition, must involve everybody

To be truly effective, this admission must also come from other leaders within...

To be truly effective, this admission must also come from...

Twenty years after 9-11: a world turned upside down

Editorial | The so-called “war on terror” became a flimsy...

Editorial | The so-called “war on terror”...

Impunity extends to party financing, too

Malta’s entire culture of political party financing – including, but not limited to, the impunity with which political parties evade tax – is...

Malta’s entire culture of political party financing...

Hubris: Labour’s downfall

All of which raises a question that cannot be ignored forever. Why is Labour intent on ignoring the common citizen’s voice?

All of which raises a question that cannot be ignored...

Government’s hands are not ‘tied’ by the 2006 local plans

Either way, it seems that government does have the power to revise the local...

Either way, it seems that government does have the power to...

Press ‘registration’: a red herring for control

Editorial | The idea of a professional warrant for journalists is at minimum a...

Editorial | The idea of a professional warrant for...

Marsaskala: government cannot ride roughshod over people

When will government finally realise that it cannot continue to ride...

When will government finally realise that it...

The minister’s silence on prison deaths

Government’s own failure to publicly address the issue surrounding prison...

Government’s own failure to publicly address the...

Overdevelopment: the elephant in the room

It is hard to shake off the notion that a public garden in Mosta, much needed...

It is hard to shake off the notion that a public garden in...