Six areas outside Malta’s territorial waters identified for offshore wind farms
Government seeks public consultation on National Policy for the Development of Offshore Renewable Energy, which identifies areas and sets parameters for floating clean energy...
Stop fossil fuels and invest in renewable energy now for serious climate action, says FOE
Malta should stop investing in fossil fuels and its gas pipeline if it is serious about mitigating the negative effects of the climate crisis, says Friends of the Earth Malta
Azerbaijan: Caspian gas and civil society crackdowns

SOCAR will power Maltese homes. To imprisoned political leader Ilgar Mammadov,...

SOCAR will power Maltese homes. To imprisoned political...

3,500 households to benefit from extended PV scheme

Minister says government become complacent despite advances and achievements in...

Minister says government become complacent despite advances...

Hondoq reverse osmosis plant meant to improve water quality

The Water Services Corporation is claiming that a new reverse osmosis plant at...

The Water Services Corporation is claiming that a new...

Malta’s share of renewable energy lowest in EU, edges closer to 2020 target

Malta’s share of renewable energy in 2004 stood at 0.1% • In 2015, the figure went up to 5%

Malta’s share of renewable energy in 2004 stood at...

Batree replaces Batterina in GreenPak’s latest initiative

All types of batteries, including rechargeable batteries used for handheld...

All types of batteries, including rechargeable batteries...

Marsa power station to be completely dismantled today

Marsa power plant no longer needs to be on cold standby in the event of major...

Marsa power plant no longer needs to be on cold standby in...

Driving electric? It’s cheaper to charge your car from home

Using Transport Malta’s new charging points to power electric cars comes...

Using Transport Malta’s new charging points to power...

[WATCH] Gas-fired Delimara 3 plant to commence operations in March

Minister Konrad Mizzi says the former BWSC plant in Delimara will start...

Minister Konrad Mizzi says the former BWSC plant in...

PN leader reiterates vow to renegotiate energy contracts when in government

In a six-hour debate on a motion presented by the opposition, the House of Representatives discussed the Enemalta contracts signed with ElectroGas Malta and...

In a six-hour debate on a motion presented by the...

ElectroGas fines in excess of €10 million

Enemalta sources confirm that the consortium which will be selling gas and...

Enemalta sources confirm that the consortium which will be...

Half of BWSC plant to be gas-fired by end of February

In parliament, de facto energy minister Konrad Mizzi says that the Delimara 4...

In parliament, de facto energy minister Konrad Mizzi says...

[WATCH] Second nationwide blackout blamed on interconnector, minister: ‘I apologise’

Second power cut of 2017 leaves Mizzi “disappointed... I apologise” • Commissioning of gas power plant to start in coming days, will...

Second power cut of 2017 leaves...

Maghtab to host 22,000 solar panels

A solar farm hosting 22,000 photovoltaic panels will be developed on land previously earmarked for landscaping with indigenous shrubs and trees, and...

A solar farm hosting 22,000 photovoltaic panels will...

[WATCH] Interconnector energy provision at 75% when blackout hit

Enemalta executive chairman: 'If we agree against use of heavy fuel oil,...

Enemalta executive chairman: 'If we agree against use...

Refuelling of LNG floating storage unit complete

The refuelling process started on Wednesday following the arrival of LNG...

The refuelling process started on Wednesday...

State aid approval paves way for ElectroGas 18-year security of supply deal

Legal certainty that Malta will not be in breach of state aid rules means that ElectroGas can now confirm its 18-year security of supply agreement •...

Legal certainty that Malta will not be in breach of state...

[WATCH] Panama Papers haunts Konrad Mizzi every step of his new European role

Minister says his achievements give him legitimacy to chair European energy council, despite lingering questions over Panama offshore company

Minister says his achievements give him legitimacy to chair...

Cold weather takes electricity demand to new heights

The cold January weather leads to all-time record electricity demand on Monday

The cold January weather leads to all-time record...