Six areas outside Malta’s territorial waters identified for offshore wind farms
Government seeks public consultation on National Policy for the Development of Offshore Renewable Energy, which identifies areas and sets parameters for floating clean energy...
Stop fossil fuels and invest in renewable energy now for serious climate action, says FOE
Malta should stop investing in fossil fuels and its gas pipeline if it is serious about mitigating the negative effects of the climate crisis, says Friends of the Earth Malta
Updated | PN warns EU ‘ignoring anti-corruption sentiment’ after it approves power station deal

'Instead of understanding the Maltese public sentiment against corruption, the EU has made a decision that favours people with secret Panama companies

'Instead of understanding the Maltese public sentiment...

Italian company engaged to dismantle 25-year-old plant at Delimara power station

Enemalta is continuing the decommissioning and dismantling of its old, heavy fuel oil-fired plants, with Italian company General Smontaggi being selected to...

Enemalta is continuing the decommissioning and dismantling...

[WATCH] Update 6 | Environmental permit for gas-fired power station approved

Risks associated with operation of gas power station have been evaluated and found to be within acceptable limits, says major accidents advisor • ERA...

Risks associated with operation of gas power station have...

Church calls on ERA to resist ‘undue pressure’ on LNG power station

Church environment commission says ERA board members should be free in addressing issues on gas power station and should vote ‘serenely and...

Church environment commission says ERA board members should...

Malta aims to conclude EU’s gas security of supply legislation during Presidency

Minister Konrad Mizzi attends Energy Council in Brussels • Holds numerous bilateral meetings, including Vice President for the Energy Union Maroš...

Minister Konrad Mizzi attends Energy Council in Brussels...

Alternattiva to take further action if power station emergency plan remains unpublished

AD chairperson says Civil Protection Department has democratic obligation to carry out public consultation on external emergency plan

AD chairperson says Civil Protection Department has...

MARIN report on new power stations ‘raises more questions’ than answers – FAA

Planning Authority urged to appoint own experts to study Electrogas reports

Planning Authority urged to appoint own experts to study...

Updated | Environment Authority ‘has no option’ but to reject LNG tanker permit – PN

Nationalist Party insists that LNG tanker anchored in Marsaxlokk Bay does not satisfy safety requirements

Nationalist Party insists that LNG tanker anchored in...

Revised renewable energy strategy confirms elimination of wind energy, introduces heat pumps

To meets its 2020 renewable energy targets imposed by the EU, Malta eliminates possible use of wind energy and strongly pushes solar energy whilst introducing...

To meets its 2020 renewable energy targets imposed by the...

Update 2 | PN leader accuses environment authority of hastening new power station consultation process

Difficult to consider Environment and Resources Authority’s 10-day extension as a ‘sincere move’, Simon Busuttil says • Labour says PN...

Difficult to consider Environment and Resources...

Gas tanker safety report hints at restrictions of ship movements during refuelling

Studies in connection with the IPPC permit for the LNG tanker suggest that finding mooring alternatives during storms could be ‘challenging’ •...

Studies in connection with the IPPC permit for the LNG...

Front Ħarsien ODZ objects to Ħas-Saptan fuel depot, calls for comprehensive studies

Front Ħarsien ODZ has objected to the proposal to move fuel depot from Birzebbugia to Has-Saptan, while calling for ‘transparent and comprehensive...

Front Ħarsien ODZ has objected to the proposal to move...

Government rebuts Chamber’s energy tariffs complaints: prices lower than EU average

Malta’s energy tariffs for companies that consume less than 500Mwh - marking 88.4% - are lower than the EU average

Malta’s energy tariffs for companies that consume...

1,600 square metres PV farm on top of Gozo sewage treatment plant

The approved communal solar photovoltaic farm system will cover a roof area of...

The approved communal solar photovoltaic farm system will...

Nationalist Party calls on ERA for longer consultation period for power station, LNG tanker

The Nationalist Party has called on the Environment and Resources Authority to extend the IPPC public consultation period, calling the current time-frame...

The Nationalist Party has called on the Environment and...

Have your environmental say on the new Delimara power station

The Environment and Resources Authority has launched the environment impact...

The Environment and Resources Authority has launched the...

Enemalta’s €80 million network project in final stages

Enemalta’s three-year network reinforcement project draws to an end as...

Enemalta’s three-year network reinforcement project...

Paceville will need new distribution centre for spike in energy demand from high-rise development

A new distribution centre is needed because the existing Enemalta network at St Andrew’s does not have enough spare capacity to meet new demand levels

A new distribution centre is needed because the existing...