Employers want new tax reductions and longer school hours

MEA presents Budget 2013 proposals and call on government to shoulder full cost of maternity leave.

Pre-budget proposals: The Malta Employers Association calls for targeted income tax reductions.
Pre-budget proposals: The Malta Employers Association calls for targeted income tax reductions.

The Malta Employers Association is calling for targeted income tax reductions in its pre-budget proposals, saying that tax incentives similar to the parent-tax band introduced in 2011 should be utilised again to increase the income of families with children earning medium incomes.

The MEA, which said the budget's focus should be on fiscal consolidation and a balanced budget, said it also supported active labour market policies that could encourage greater participation in the labour market and increase tax revenues for government.

"The budget, as well as the ensuing debate, should be based on the sustainability of public finances and not political opportunism. The budget should send a message of a commitment towards financial stability, one which does not raise people's aspirations unrealistically and which does not impose any costs to businesses in these times of global economic uncertainty," MEA director-general Joe Farrugia said.

The MEA also wants that payment for all maternity leave be a state responsibility. "Malta is one of the few countries where employers pay for maternity leave, and this is also crating a disadvantage for women seeking employment. The full burden of maternity leave should be shifted to government over a number of years," MEA said of the recent extension in maternity leave.

The association also said school hours should be extended to cater for working parents with children in primary and secondary schools, and for childcare to be made affordable to encourage stronger female participation. "Government should increase the current incentives to families wanting to avail themselves of childcare facilities."

The MEA called for added green incentives for the installation of photovoltaic technology by households and businesses.

"Malta should invest heavily in alternative energy to reduce its current dependency on fossil fuel energy. The incentives for the installation of solar and photovoltaic energy systems have been popular with households and businesses, with a strong take-up for the schemes offered. These should be extended for a further diffusion of alternative energy. Similar schemes could be introduced for water conservation."

il budget se jkun l-arma li bih gonzi se jiggieled l-elezzjoni. riforma u tnaqqis fit taxxa ghal middle class u l-elezzjoni gewwa.
Skuzi...jien minix bravu bhal tal-MEA imma dawn iridu illi jitnaqqsu t-taxxi imma l-ispejjez kollha tal-maternity leave jghaddu ghand il-Gvern...cioe` ahna! Mela dak illi nifrankaw minn but (ghax jahasra tal-MEA missithom il-kuxjenza ghall-haddiema salarjali(sic)) jittiehed minn but iehor. L-unika raguni illi iridu illi t-taxxi jonqsu halli n-nies jonfqu izjed mill-prodotti u servizzi tal-employers shabhom. Imma l-burden ingorruh ahna. Jekk jintnehhew it-taxxi, IZJED ghandhom igorru il-maternity leave expenses huma. Fejn hi l-CSR??? Ghax ma jghidux kemm hawn employers illi jevadu it-taxxi billi jixhtu hafna dhul bhala spejjez u jgawduhom huma biss! L-evazjoni tat-taxxi ghandu jieqaf u employers illi jinqabdu ghandhom jigu immultati sew halli imorilhom il-qziezat! Rigward extended hours fl-iskejjel..naqbel...kemm-il darba illi l-employers jaghtu sehemhom finanzjarment biex joghlew il-pagi tat-teachers u ihallsuhom overtime. Altrimenti xejn! L-MEA tridha hobbla u tredda...minghalija! Rigward green incentives u paroli fil-vojt...naqbel u naqbel ukoll illi l-Gvern jidhol partnership mal-employers halli l-employers illi jgibu dawn il-prodotti ma jkomplux jisirqu in-nies hajjin! Wara kollox il-President taghhom qatt ma kien employer imma alla jbierek sar wiehed minnhom.
Sur employers - aktar ma titolbu, aktar jaghtikom gonzipn - issa z-zmien li taghsruh ... (nahseb tafu fejn !!!) .... ghax aktar ma tibku u titqanzhu, aktar terdghu ... and now is the time my friends ...... bhalissa gonzipn sar father christmas li qed jasal daqsxejn kmieni din is-sena .....