Woman charged with hitting partner with mug had been acting in self-defence, court told

Charges against the woman come two weeks after her partner was charged with threatening and assaulting her during the same incident

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A woman has claimed to have been acting in self-defence as she was charged with grievously injuring her former partner.

The accused’s charges come two weeks after her partner was charged with threatening and assaulting her during the same incident.

The 37 year-old woman from Cospicua pleaded not guilty to charges of insulting and threatening the man, breaching the peace and grievously injuring him by allegedly hitting him with a mug.

The woman’s arraignment before the Magistrate Elaine Merceica Rizzo comes just days after that of her 38-year-old former partner, who is facing similar charges over the March 22 incident. The man, who the court had been told, had threatened her with a “massacre” had been remanded in custody.

Her lawyer, Charles Merceica, told the court this morning that this was a “classic case of self defence,” in response to the man’s alleged threats towards her and her son.

The woman’s partner had been taken to hospital suffering from a concussion, telling doctors that his injuries had been caused by the defendant who had hit him in the head with a mug. 

Police Inspector Colin Sheldon, prosecuting, explained the dynamics of the incident to the court, adding that the couple had only been together for about five months at the time.

He said that the defendant was the mother of a young child and that she had reported the incident herself, in the presence of her father, uncle and son. The son had been spoken to by the Child Protection Unit and had released a statement to them. 

Asked about the boy's relationship with his mother by lawyer Charles Merceica, Inspector Sheldon said that the boy would cling to his mother. The inspector confirmed that the woman had reported the incident to the police even though she had been aware that she was likely to face charges.

Mercieca requested bail for the defendant, arguing that she had to take care of her son and had no prior convictions. The prosecution did not object to the bail request.

Bail was granted, secured by a €2,000 personal guarantee, on condition that the woman sign a bail book every week.