Court orders ‘Tyson Butcher’ to pay €47,000 to PBS or face insolvency

Prime-time daily advertiser ‘Tyson Butcher’ has been condemned by a court to pay €47,000 in advertising fees to State broadcaster Public Broadcasting Services (PBS) or ‘face insolvency.’

Prime-time daily advertiser 'Tyson Butcher' has been condemned by a court to pay €47,000 in advertising fees to State broadcaster Public Broadcasting Services (PBS) or 'face insolvency.'

In a judgment handed by Mr. Justice Anthony Ellul, John and Melanie Pace who run the widely-advertised 'Tyson Butcher' store in Zejtun, were ordered to pay PBS €47,073 in unpaid advertising and other services.

The Court was informed that the Pace's were admitting to their debt, and agreed to pay PBS back in weekly instalments of €300. They have also accepted to shoulder the expenses incurred on a guarnishee order issued by PBS against them, at the cost of €1,754.87.

Mr. Justice Ellul concluded that should the Pace's default on their repayments, they could face insolvency.