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Muscat retains strong trust lead, but ‘Tagħna Lkoll’ loses its sheen

Putting his name to the Taghna Lkoll pledge - but voters don't believe the hype any longer.
Putting his name to the Taghna Lkoll pledge - but voters don't believe the hype any longer.

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A MaltaToday survey conducted over the past week reveals that Prime Minister Joseph Muscat still retains a strong 17-point 'trust' lead over Opposition leader Simon Busuttil.  However his performance rating a prime minister dropped by 4 points.

Despite his popularity, a majority of respondents still disagree with the Individual Investor Programme approved by parliament last month. And although Muscat removed a controversial secrecy clause, those who agree with the 'golden passport' scheme remain the same as last month (26%).

But outright opposition to the scheme has also dropped by four points, while those think the €650,000 passport acquisition should be accompanied by investment has increased by five points - a development that comes in the wake of talks between government and opposition on revising the scheme.

An interesting finding from this month's survey is that only 36% think the government is fully honouring its meritocracy pledge.

While 25% say Labour has disregarded its 'Malta Tagħna Lkoll' slogan, 27% say this pledge is being honoured only in part.

The survey also shows a shake-up in the list of concerns of the general public.

While concern on the cost of living and utility bills has fallen to an all-time low, the environment and immigration have increased dramatically.

Jobs now top the list of Maltese concerns, while the environment and over-development emerge as the third most-mentioned concern after the cost of living. Another concern that increased in ranking is public transport.

meta tkun fil gvern x titlef ghandek u dawn huma ftit mir ragunijiet. 1..L Ambjent. 2..Cittadinanza. 3..L Ingustizzji mal Laburisti. 4..Kuntatti mil poplu mal ministri 0. 5..Toroq. 6..Transport. Dawn huma ftit il ghala il gvern ta Joseph tilef mil popolarita.
It seems that PN has managed to thwart the budget benefits from the public agenda by increasing the hypocrisy mode in its appeal for attention with the media following like a docile instrument screaming in tune for it. So we have the scandals against the environment, inherited by this government, being screamed at by the ambient organisation who remained dead silent with Gonzi-Simon PN....they are screaming for the national heart when they are the inheritors of fascism, and their Simon is mixing up with shady characters in Ausralia, and....the list goes on. Be careful.. KLIKKA STYLE governments like the klikka PN ALWAYS GAIN POWER BY LIES AND MORE DAMN LIES
And ... he will remain strong :)
il partitarji laburisti gahndhom il hin kollhu jzommu quddiem ghajnejhom x kien hawn tal korruzjoni taht il pN li ma hallas had ghalijha hlief il poplu.ezempju car l-iskandlu ta enemalta u mijjiet kbar ta miljuni f consulenzi lil hbieb tal PN . insomma il 17 percent differenza bejn Dr.Muscat u Dr.Busuttil turi fic car li il maggoranza hija f sensija,pero nipretendi li din ghandha tikber bil kbir,specjalment bl ewwel budget posittiv tal PL u ma ghandhomx ihallu il magna tal probaganda tal pn ixxewex anke barra min malta tinfluwezahhom.ftakru li il pN partit fallut u jidependu li jergu jiggvernaw akkost ta kollhox biex jibqu jezistu.
The problem is that the conflicts between the Government of Malta and the politicians are causing enough friction to slow down the processes of improvement. Is it possible that Government officials are holding to their positions and arguing as a way to withhold power?