Young, free, and against divorce

A new campaign group composed of youngsters (aged between 16 and 26) gathered in Valletta's Upper Barrakka today to announce their opposition to divorce.

Sporting white T-shirts with the name 'Le B'Rispett Lejn il-Gejjieni' (No, out of respect for the future), emblazoned in different colours, campaigners Andrea Pace and Angelo Micallef outlined the reasons for the group's formation and its main arguments in favour of a 'No' vote in the May 28 referendum.

Andrea Pace, the group's main spokesperson, said that what united this otherwise disparate organization - composed, he said, of 'students and workers' - was the common belief that society will not be better off with the introduction of divorce.

"We are saying no because we believe that the best recipe for marriage is one that promotes a stable society where marriage is based on permanence," Pace said. "We recognize that it is indeed true that the breakdown of marriage causes much pain and hardship, but the introduction of divorce will not serve to alleviate this pain and hardship in any way, but rather will lead to an increase in the breakdown of marriages."

Pace claimed that the current bill, as jointly presented by Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando (PN) and Evarist Bartolo (PL), would open the door to "unilateral divorce".

"There is no limit to the number of times one can attain divorce and hence one may attain divorce more than once," he added.

He also reiterated the No campaign's arguments that to talk of 'guarantees' on maintenance was misleading, as in practice maintenance be 'guaranteed'.

"This is why we are appealing to all voters to respect the future, and vote no," Pace concluded.

The same spokespersons were however reluctant to comment when asked about a number of related issues: including what alternative solutions the group was proposing for persons whose previous marriage had failed, but who were in new, unregulated relationships.

"We believe the way forward is to seek ways to strengthen families," Angelo Micallef said. When asked how this approach could help people whose families have already failed, he reiterated his group's belief that "divorce was not a solution."

Micallef and Pace both declined to express a view on the proposed cohabitation legislation, arguing that it was irrelevant to the issue at hand: i.e., the 28 May referendum.

Separately, the group as a whole appeared unaware that divorce that Malta's law courts have recognized at least 785 divorces obtained from foreign jurisdictions since 1973: when the Family Act allowed for the recognition of overseas divorce.

"It is not possible for Maltese couples to get divorced overseas," one member insisted, while several others nodded vehemently, "You need to obtain a residency abroad first."

When reminded that Malta has been a member of the EU since 2004 – making foreign residency considerably easier to obtain that ever before – they still insisted that Maltese courts 'cannot recognize divorces obtained from foreign jurisdiction'.

"It is not possible for Maltese couples to get divorced overseas," one member insisted Iwiegeb il-Monsinjur l-ahjar : Intant, ghax forsi jkun hawn min jghidli li din "out of context", ghandkom ukoll id-diskors shih.
Probabilment nofshom qeghdin il-Youth Fellowship jew f'xi 'Ghaqda vergni zaghzagh'
Ian George Walker
"It is not possible for Maltese couples to get divorced overseas," one member insisted, while several others nodded vehemently, "You need to obtain a residency abroad first." This shows that the people in this group have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. What a gaffe!
Anglu Micallef is a typical example of an ultra conservative minority student group that dominates our alma mater, which is supposed to be the most liberal and progressive institution in a country. Unfortunately, only in Malta this is not the case. Everyone knows what alliances these students have and soon enough you'll see him in some government high profile position. Remember the famous Mr Delia who is now given the task to oust Franco Debono from the 5th district.
Dawn il-persuni jigu mfissra hekk...dawk li huma taht it-18 huma sempliciment kannoli bla krema ghax bla vot, il-bqija li qieghdin jigu jitkelmu u l-anqas jafu li tiga jezisti d-divorzju juru li huma jghixu f'dinja tal-holm. Ma nistax nifhem kif nies bhal dawn li qatt ma raw xejn x'toffri l-hajja specjalment meta jkollok problema fiz-zwieg jigu jitkellmu li dan il-vot tal-LE huwa ghal gejjieni...almenu jekk fethu moviment gdid, jistghu juzaw mohhom u mhux ta' haddiehor biex jitkellmu!!! Morru sal-qorti tal-familja u araw minn x'hiex jghaddi l-bniedem bil-problemi u mhux bhal ma qal 'BEJN il-LINJI' li haseb li ghandek xi textbook solution u kollox jissolva bir-rikoncillazzjoni...hadd ma jirranga bir-rikoncijalzjoni....staqsi lil dawk li sofrew xi forma ta' vjolenza jew abbuz ha tara kemm jixtiequ jirrikonciljaw ma sieheb jew siehba taghhom...dan pajjiz tal-paroli u tal gageg maghmula b'legendi.
Prosit..Prosit. Fl-ahhar hareg xi hadd b’noti kostruttivi. Tista’ taqbel u tista ma taqbelx : pero l-punti ta dawn huma: a. ma hux soluzzjoni ghal-separazzjoni anzi jkun aghar ; b. ser jinghata anke jekk naha wahda trid jigifieri naha tmur tajjeb meta n-naha l-ohra ma tridux.. c. tista tiehu divorzji kemm issa wiehed kull erba snin.. d. il-manteniment ma ser ikun xejn garantit iktar minn tas-separazzjoni. Jidher li kulhadd jaqbel (barra l-media laburista) li il-familja flimkien hi l-ahjar ghazla ghal poplu u kull ma qeghdin infittxu soluzzjoni ghat-tkissir…L-unika soluzzjoni li tezisti hi biss dik tar-rikonciljazzjoni u meta tirnexxi din tajba ghal ghanhom bzonn dejjem familja maghquda u kieku konna nies konna nuzaw din l-energija biex insahhu lil familja u mhux biex inkomlu inkissru fejn u mkisser.
Why we Maltese get so involve with politics and the church. Just go and vote,that is your choice who to vote. The priest are sending the people further away from the catholic faith by interfering. It is all the politicians fault for not settling this in parlament.Malta is looking like a charade with all the world watching.
Hamsin sena ilu ma kienx hawn iz-zwieg civili Malta. Il-knisja kella l-monopolju li lil min trid izzewgu fil-knisja u lil min trid izzewgu fis-sakristija. Dahal iz-zwieg civili. Fl-ewwel erba xhur ta' din is-sena 92 izzewgu bil-knisja filwaqt li numru akbar ta 97 izzewgu biss bic-civil. X'iffiser dan? Apparti telf ta' flus ghal knisja ifisser li l-influwenza tal-knisja fuq il-Maltin majnat sew.
After looking at the Facebook pages of these two youngsters, it is clear where are their loyalties. Which pops the question to mind, Was this formed and financed by the no movement to target young adults? it seems logical as the no movement is failing miserably at targeting these demographics.
Impressjonajtuni bl-injoranza grassa taghkom. Imsomma min hlief in-net ma jarax ......... kif jista' jifforma opinjoni sana?
Patricia Marsh
Angelo Micallef what? A very bright student but talk non sense especially when politics are involved. He is a PN propogandista and will be soon one of the youngest PN candidates. Angelo does not miss an opportunity to feature infront of a camera!!
Nahseb kollha vergni dawn , tarax. Nahseb hadd minnhom ma kellu x'jaqsam ma' xi xebba jew guvni !!. U ddahqux nies bikom,ja ipokriti .
Seeing that Angelo Micallef is involved one can easily see how impartial this movement is!
Kieku tbiddlu l-isem tal-grupp u ssejhulu l-Ghaqda favur il-Pogguti u Ngarzati ma jkunx aktar jirrifletti l-hsibijiet taghkom?
Tafu kemm idumu kontra d-divorzju dawn iz-zaghzagh manipulati mill-Moviment Zwieg Bla Divorzju - U BLA RAGUNI - sakemm , Alla hares qatt - jitkisser iz-zwieg taghhom. Aqta kemm jibdlu fehmthom imbaghad !
Uninformed, unaware and totally manipulated. What an unconvincing lot (although thoroughly outdone by the Kristu Iva Divorzju Le lunacy) .
Society will not be better off with the introduction of divorce?...and not be better off without divorce. Marriage based on permanence? One cannot force a couple to stick together..with or without the introduction of divorce. The whole campaign is getting ridiculous with never ending Mantras
Jidher li hafna minn dawn iz-zghazagh (16-il sena) ghadhom fuq il-bank tal-iskola u ghadhom ma fehmux il-kuncett kollu. Min se jkollu bzonn id-divorzju jfisser li z-zwieg ikun falla, spicca, mitmum. Ma tistax tirranga xi haga li tkun intemmet. Hija daqshekk difficli li tifhmu dan? Imma probabbli ghal dawn iz-zghazagh din hija xi ftit difficli meta tara li lanqas jau li huma u jien meta rrid nista' mmur nghix f'pajjiz iehor fl-UE minghajr problemi. Lanqas jafu wkoll li l-Qorti Maltija ma tistax ma taccettax decizjoni ta' Qorti ohra. Ghalhekk nissugerixxi li qabel ma jibdew jigru u jilbsu T-shirt ikkuluriti u jtikellmu qishom adulti imma mhumiex, jaraw x'inhuma l-fatti reali jekk xejn "bir-rispett ghall-gejjieni".
Jareth Grima
ahjar jghidu min fejn iddubbaw l-emails biex idejqu lil hafna nies