Gonzi, Muscat reach stalemate over divorce referendum question to electorate

UPDATE 2 | Prime Minister and Opposition Leader trade correspondence on referendum question impasse, as agreement reached on referendum date and parliamentary debate. 

In a letter sent to Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi this evening, Labour Leader Joseph Muscat said that following consultations with each and every member of Labour’s Parliamentary Group, there is agreement for the parliamentary debate on the introduction of divorce to start this Wednesday.

Regarding the referendum date, Muscat reiterated his position during a meeting he had with the Prime Minister, that it would not be opportune for a referendum to be held during Lent, mainly the religious festivities leading to Easter.

“Therefore the proposed date for Saturday May 28, eliminates this possibility and is acceptable,” Muscat said, while adding that if the Prime Minister will be moving to propose this date, then he was prepared to second him.

 “Should you not wish to do so, I am prepared to propose it to the House,” Muscat said.

When referring to the Prime Minister’s proposal for a referendum question that should be ‘simple and straightforward’ on whether or not they agreed on the introduction of divorce, Joseph Muscat stressed the following:

“Labour Parliamentary Group and myself are of the opinion that the question to be presented to the electorate must not lead to different interpretations. We believe that – through a specific question - the electorate may be able to give a definite reply over legislation that introduces responsible divorce.”

He added that Labour’s proposal – as defined in a motion presented last Thursday – would give legislators clear boundaries on the legal principles to legislate on responsible divorce.

Muscat explained that through Labour’s proposal, the electorate would be asked to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to the introduction of divorce in Malta should the couple:

(i)                 Be separated, or living apart for a minimum of four years

(ii)               That all avenues for reconciliation have been exhausted

(iii)             Adequate maintenance for dependents is guaranteed, and children’s interests are protected.

“I believe that without these guiding principles, a divorce law would not be acceptable to our country,” Joseph Muscat said.

He stressed that a such a specific question would bind today’s and tomorrow’s legislators, and added that should future legislators decide to change any one of the listed principles, they would be morally and politically bound to re-consult with the electorate.

“Unfortunately your proposal does not ensure this safeguard, and with all due respect towards you and your opinion, the question you are proposing is not just ‘simple’ but ‘simplistic’, because it ignores today’s realities and complexities.”

In closing, Joseph Muscat said that he would be more than willing to meet the Prime Minister and “personally explain” the reasoning behind such arguments, and to clarify other pending matters, including electoral procedure.

PM replies to Muscat

Replying to Muscat’s letter, Lawrence Gonzi said he was disappointed that Joseph Muscat  had not accepted the methodology he had proposed. 

He felt that such a sensitive and ‘intimate’ matter as the family required consensus. 

Reacting to the Prime Minister's reply, Labour said that Gonzi was stubbornly refusing to recognise that a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in the referendum would leave the whole matter open to interpretation.

Well, regarding my comment below I would hasten to add by way of addressing JPO, the latest victim to the Witch's endless bile: "Re: an unpleasant encounter with a kitchen knife. An embarrassing stumble during your daily constitutional. A too-close shave with a razor blade. All manner of everyday activities can leave you with the unkindest cut or scrape of all. No matter how thick-skinned you are, these minor injuries hurt. Their small size often belies the pain they can cause. Still, you probably won't win much sympathy for your agony when what you are sure is a mortal wound turns out to be nothing more than a paper cut." You can take this prescriptive medical advice as a metaphorical suggestion as to how best to deal with Gonzi's swoop on your Attard base today. Surely your constituents ain't so fickle and frail as to be overly affected by the Coming of the Gonz! Good luck, JPO, may the gods be with you during the coming storm at the polls.
While the two party leaders greet each other in a civilized manner, this is how the Bidnija Witch views JPO's current position: "Has Pullicino Orlando been using his head at all recently, instead of just rushing around like some barnyard fowl after a close encounter with a kitchen knife? In the unlikely event of a Yes vote in this referendum, the person who will have to bring a divorce bill before the House is nobody else but the Prime Minister." So, the Witch seems intent on heralding the introduction of divorce during Gonzi's watch. Witches are known to be reliable soothsayers, just consult the Bard's opinion on the subject amply expressed in "Macbeth". Incidentally the local Witch never came round to peruse the famous tragedy intent as she was on fooling around at school simply to show her classmates that she, a born genius, had no need to study like her more normal peers.
Priscilla Darmenia
Ah! Our dear Prime Minister is disappointed that Joseph Muscat did not accept his proposal of a simple yes or no if we want to introduce divorce. Mr Prime Minister I am disappointed with you myself. You insult my intelligence. We have a bill proposed by 2 members that states exactly the conditions when divorce can be granted and you want us to vote for a “carte blanche”. Consensus is reached not when the opposition just agrees to what you say and rubber stamp it. Dr Muscat showed his willingness to a consensus when he accepted the date you proposed. Show your goodwill and accept the referendum question as proposed by the PL which has the support of the majority of the parliament members. For once in your political life – STOP IMPOSING YOUR WILL.
Hahaha! Lawrence Gonzi is going bonkers because divorce WILL be introduced under his watch! It's only fair that a Gonzi closes the same chapter that zio Gonzi opened in the 60's. Karma
Zack Depasquale
Consensus Gonzi Style just agree with everything he says. Hallina nghixu Gonz l-anqas il-grupp Parlamentari tieghu ma qieghed jaqbel mieghu.
Michael Gauci
Laurel and Hardy in action, trying to take the piano up the stairs.
Replying to Muscat’s letter, Lawrence Gonzi said he was disappointed that Joseph Muscat had not accepted the methodology he had proposed. He felt that such a sensitive and ‘intimate’ matter as the family required consensus. ********************* ***************** Mr.Joseph Muscat as Leader of the Opposition which is the biggest political party at the moment, All depends on you now. You have the power with allMOPs who will vote for A YES in the Parlament. I say to you, "you will give the pople what they need from the parlament"! and I say "than the people will give your PL the help to continue to leadership our Country. we need each other. The people needs The MPs to make laws for them- and the MPs needs people to elect them- I say this to all who are in favour of a divorce law. wether you are PL , PN or alternattiva demokratika , We MUst ONLY VOTE TO THOSE WHO DID NOT SPEAK OPENLY ,THAT THEY ARE AGAINST DIVORCE LAW- WHO SAID THAT HE/SHE IS AGAINST DIVORCE LAW- GIVE HIM/HER LAST NUMBER /PREFERENCE- SO THEY WILL NOT BE ELECTED IN THE PARLAMENT AGAIN. dON'T forget WHAT THEY SAID, REMEMBER IT WHEN YOU WILL BE VOTING IN THE NEXT GENERAL ELECTION- DR.LAWRENCE GONZI THE PRIME MINISTER OF MALTA USES THE GULLOTINA WITH JUST A YES OR NO, IN A DIVORCE REFERENDUM. TO MAKE IT SOUNDS VERY BAD WITH JUST A YES OR NO. you know that, what you do to others ,will be done to you???:) so yes the people who are all in favour of a divorce law will than uses your GUILLOTINA style when they wil vote in the next general election- you think people will forget? Time Will tell! RESIST OR SERVE!
@ Bertu Dimech. With all due respect PL is behaving anomalously in all referenda political parties take a stand.... In the 1974 referendum in Italy all the progressive parties were against the repeal of the Divorce bill... In both the referenda in Ireland all the progressive parties were in favour of the removal of the article banning divorce. In addition this is not just an issue of conscience this is an issue of individual liberties i.e. Labour is either championing individual liberties (by taking a clearcut stand) or cowardly shirking responsibility... As far as the labourites are concerned, the fact that the party takes a stand in favour of divorce does not mean that each an every labourite will be forced to vote yes! E.g. All the political parties in Ireland were in favour of the introduction of divorce in Ireland (in the second referendum) but the yes front won by around 8000 votes ....
Pauline Moran
Wenz, ma tarax ser naccettawlek li nies jivvutaw IVA jew LE fuq il ligi tad DIVORZJU. Mela hsibtna C BIT-TIKKA bhal ta madwarek. Bhal MISTOQSIJA tar Referendum tal EU din. L-ewwel weghdtuhom LIL POPLU il GENNA jekk jghidu IVA meta issa l-verita hi li L-EU iffurmata min pajjizi kwazi kollha f'ricessjoni u ahna ninsabu ruhna f'qih DISASTRU EKONOMIKU U SOCJALI! Prosit ghalik Wenz kemm int bravu. U isma minni mur ghand il President u ghidli li ser ixxolji il Parlament u tghajjat ELEZZJONI GENERALI ghax b'hekk biss ser jistrieh mohhok int. Mela din is sitwazzjoni li int qieghed fija mhux kulhadd jaf li tal biki. Int qed izzomm l-poter fuq demm kulhadd ghax tafu li dejjaqtuhom lin nies kollha, anke lil takhom stess, u kif jkollom l-ewwel chance iffajrukom minn hemm fuq! SPICCAJTU WENZ...READ THE SIGN OF TIMES.
the PM is acting like a child and being irresponsible on a matter so important. He should just admitted that he is inventing all kind of schemes not to have divorce. I believe the PM should call it a day. the matter has now become highly politicized - a very unfortunate outcome to the bi-partisan approach intended by Muscat by granting the free vote.
This is what generally happens in Australia. There is a period of separation. In our case 12 months. The magistrate or judge has to be satisfied that there was a marriage (otherwise they apply for an annulment). The court has to be satisfied that the breakdown is irretrievable and in some cases the parties had an opportunity to seek professional help. And, finally, that adequate provision has been made for the children. While I think 4 years is far too long, I believe this is not unreasonable in Malta given the confusion created by fundamentalists.
Siehbi MarkS, il-pozizzjoni tal-PL hi cara, cioe li KULHADD hu liberu li jiddeciedi kif ihoss, ghax din hi kustjoni ta' kuxjenza. Ma taghmilx sens li partit jghid li hu favur jew kontra u fl-istess hin jghid lin-nies jivvotaw kif iridu, jew taghti direzzjoni jew thalli lin-nies jaghmlu li jidhrilhom. Il-PN u l-akkolti tieghu qed jipprovaw ihawwdu meta jghidu li l-PL ma hax pozizzjoni. Il-pozizzjoni hi li kulhadd jivvota kif ihoss minghajr pressjoni u b'hekk ic-cittadin ma jkunx meqjuz vavu bla mohh. Jew nemmnu li l-poplu hu matur u ntelligenti u allura kapaci jiddeciedi jew le.
Il-punt essenzjali li n-nies qed jinsew huwa dan. Id-divorzju Malta huwa possibbli pero trid tkun residenti f'pajjiz iehor u jrid ikollok hafna flus biex takkwista divorzju. Ovvjament darba li taghmel hekk, jigi recognised hawn Malta ...bhala recognition of foreign judgments tan-1975. mela jekk dan id-dritt huwa hemmhekk ghal ftit maltin, hemm maltin li ma jaffordjawx dan id-dritt u ghalhekk m'hemmx ghalfejn ta referendum izda l gvern missu juri l-bajd u sempliciment jintroduci d-divorzju ghal dawk li ma jistghux isiefru u jghixu f'pajjiz iehor. B'referendum ser ikun hemm iktar LE milli IVA JEK TKUN MISTOQSIJA KIF JRIDA DR GONZI!
prosit Joseph.... ma waqajtx għall-ingann ta' Gonzi. Issa jmiss li il-PL jieħu posizzjoni skjetta favur u almenu għati vot ħieles lill-min hu bħall-Carmelo Abela u Marie Louise Coleiro..