Gonzi makes plea to government MPs over voting for 'Labour's referendum question'

Prime Minister says "free vote released from political considerations tied with the confidence in government" [CORRECTED]

Updated at 8:54pm with clarification of PM's statement on free vote.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has hit out at the so called “no fault divorce” being proposed in the bill by Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Labour Evarist Bartolo, in a last-ditch attempt at securing a majority to defeat a Labour motion proposing the question for a referendum on divorce.

Gonzi said voters will be called to vote in a consultative referendum without a divorce law having been first passed by the House. “Why didn’t we discuss the law in parliament first and then go for the referendum later?”

The PN has already approved a party resolution declaring its opposition to divorce, affording MPs a free vote on legislation on divorce, and that any referendum should only take place if the divorce bill is passed.

The resolution was followed by a Labour motion to hold a referendum with a detailed question asking voters if they agree with divorce after a four-year separation.

“There was no reason why this process could have not allowed us to go for a referendum with a simple question once the law was approved in parliament,” Gonzi said.

Reading a speech during the debate on the Labour motion, Gonzi made an impassioned plea to MPs to consider their vote, claiming they would open the door to “irresponsible divorce”.

“I have left this decision to each and everybody’s conscience. I have allowed the liberty to everyone to vote according to their conscience.

"This is a free vote that has to be exercised by every one of us – especially on our [government] side – with the utmost responsibility. For me as head of the party in government, this is a decision of enormous importance because with this free vote I am releasing such vote from other political considerations tied with the confidence in this government," Gonzi said towards the end of his speech.

Gonzi said he had already asked the Opposition to simplify the question being proposed – which asks citizens whether they agree with divorce after a four-year separation – to one asking voters whether they agree with divorce or not. “I have always insisted the question should be clear, simply and reasonable,” Gonzi told MPs Tuesday evening.

Gonzi, who risks losing the vote against the motion because two of his MPs Jesmond Mugliett and divorce bill promoter Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando said they would vote for the motion, accused Muscat of not realising the risk of the way the referendum question had been formulated. “It confuses people’s minds, because it gives rises to numerous interpretations,” Gonzi said.

He insisted the question invited the introduction of a ‘no-fault’ divorce, allowing spouses to divorce instantly after four years of ‘separated’ marriage. “It is chilling to think that this will nullify the separation proceedings, without guarantees of child maintenance… who will choose the separation process now? People will be choosing divorce over separation.”

The divorce bill itself allows spouses not living together for four years, to file for divorce. “It allows wives who are abandoned to be divorced,” Gonzi claimed. “With what is being proposed, some ‘irresponsible’ person can use divorce to run away from the problems of their marriage without any obligations whatsoever.”

Gonzi even accused the law of being “worse than a Las Vegas divorce” claiming it will leave spouses without a remedy, that is otherwise provided in separation proceedings. “This divorce is grossly irresponsible and should impinge upon all 69 MPs’ conscience.”

The prime minister said the divorce being proposed would nullify the Family Court, social workers, and the social welfare agency Appogg. “We’re inviting people to introduce no-fault divorce… the ‘don’t-care’ divorce.”

Earlier, Gonzi reminded MPs that his government had no mandate to introduce divorce, and that a referendum should decide whether divorce should be introduced or not.

Gonzi reaffirmed his personal position against divorce. “I believe it undermines the common good and that there are no circumstances justifying its introduction.”

But he also told MPs that he believed there will be “a time when divorce will be introduced, but until now the statistics show what a strong institution marriage is in our country. So until the statistics prove otherwise, our role as MPs is to strengthen what we have and not weaken it.”

Gonzi also warned MPs of using the example of “so called liberal land and modern countries” that had also experienced problems from having introduced abortion and euthanasia.

He also called on MPs to “understand” that individual desires had to bow to the common good. “It’s not religious, even though I am myself proud of my values and religion… The common good is a matter intimate to any politician, atheist or otherwise.”

Dear PM, you could have avoided all this hassle, if only you accepted the fact that we are living in a secularist world, where Religion and State are to be kept seperate. Instead, you have done a countless number of mistakes, one after the other, simply because you were bullied by Eddie Fenech Adami and Austin Gatt. Are you really the PM? Needless to stay, the biggest mistake of them all was when you officially stated that PN was against divorce!! You cannot simply come out with a sweeping statement like that, and totally ignore PN supporters who are actually in favour of divorce.
Dan xi Prim Ministru hu ?. Tridu d-divorzju jew le?. Ghax meta int qed tammetti li d-divorzju ghad jidhol, allura qed twaqqa' kelmtek stess. Xi principji huma dawn?. Jekk veru int kontra d-divorzju lanqas ghandu jghaddilek minn mohhok li xi darba ghad jidhol . Mela bl-argumenti tieghek stes qed tammetti li int zbaljat u qed tammetti li d-divorzju tista' zzommu milli jidhol ghal xi zmien imma alla fine se jsib ruhu fost il-ligijiet ta' Malta. Nirringrazzjak li ghamilt din l-istqarrija ghax urejtni li m'intix konvint mill-argumenti tieghek stess. Mela jekk ammettejt li ghad jidhol id-divorzju, x'inhi d-differenza li jidhol illum flok hames jew kemm snin ohra ghandek f'mohhok ?. Trid tiddeciedi. Imma jidher li int stess m'intix temmen lilek innifsek u dak li qed taghmel qed taghmlu ghax ghandek l-ispag qed jingibed mis-soliti kwartieri. Iktar ikkonvincejtni li ghandi nivvota IVA illum u mhux snin ohra biex b'hekk naghti d-dritt lil min ghandu hajtu nfern biex jibda hajja gdida u jinsa l-passat, jinsa l-infern li kien qed jghix f'din id-dinja, ghax l-infern u l-genna hawn qeghdin. Grazzi mill-qalb.
Isabelle Borg
Jekk ghandek il flus gib divorzju min barra u l-qaddis prim ministru taghna jaccettah. Diskriminazzzjoni sfaccata kontra min ma jiflahx ihallas.
“We’re inviting people to introduce no-fault divorce… the ‘don’t-care’ divorce.”. “I believe it undermines the common good and that there are no circumstances justifying its introduction.” Pm Gonzi you are making a mockery of the Maltese people! your uncle was the dictator of the sixty's ! and now you are trying to use the same mentality of those days!! well the interdet is way gone with the middle ages don't try the same tactics again. act as a prime minster first and leave your religious beliefs to you and yours.
Priscilla Darmenia
Dear PM If your values against divorce are so strong, why don't you remove from our statue books the recognition of divorce given in foreign countries? Thus you will be acting fairly with all citizens.
Mario Said
tied with the confidence in government" X'ifesser dan il-vers li qieghed tibza li titlef il-pappa jew li tghaddi r-rizuluzjoni tal-PL? Kieku ghandek veru valuri Kattolici u int kburi bihom kont tikkunsidra ftit il-kliem li fih il-gurament tal-hatra tieghek bhala Prim u bhala membru parlamentari.
Pauline Moran
Imma kif dejjem tipprova tara kif ser tiggustifika ruhek Wenz!!! Issa taf li mhux ser jkollok maggoranza fil parlament fuq l-issue tad Divorzju. Int ma tistax toqghod taparsi tibki biex tipprova tikkonvinci lil dawk l-MP's li ma jaqblux mieghek...inkella mela mhux Free Vote trid taghti izda Forced Vote. Wenz int qieghed tipprova ddawwar l-arlogg lejn passat mdallam li Knisja ta' Zijuk kien gab fuq Malta..:FlashNews!!!...(Mhux ser jirnexxillek din id darba Wenz) Fl-2011 il poplu kiber, ghandu l-informazzjoni u jaf jaghzel wahdu ma hemmx bzonn tidderegih min idu inti w'shabek ta' mohhom maghluq. Irringrazzja l'Alla li il partit tieghek ghandu 2 jew 3 mil MP's li ghandhom mohhom miftuh bizzejjed biex ikun hawn semplici ligi f'dan il pajjiz ghax li kieku il partit tieghek ghal go recycle bin tajjeb!!!! Hallina Wenz bi kwietna u halli lil min jghix mhux tridu tiprojjettaw ruhkom ta' moderni u mbghad qed tintnu bil passat min raskhom sa saqajkom!!! IVA GHAD DIVORZJU...LE GHAL WENZU u ta' MOHHOM MAGHLUQ BHALU!!!
duncan abela
"free vote released from political considerations tied with the confidence in government" I am afraid that I cannot understand the gist or what the PM wants to say. The way I read it is that with his impassioned defence in parliament of the anti-divorce stance he is to an extent truning this issue into one of confidence in his government. In this case he is falling in the same trap which had befallen Alfred Sant in that the PM is foolishly turning a situation which should judged outside normal goverment business into an issue of loyalty to him and his party based on the antidivorce stance they have taken. There is I feel a sense of "lese majeste" in that while saying he is giving a free vote in the same breathe he expects on the divorce issue full loyalty to him and government by his party's MP's. Like the church he should have kept the divorce issue at arms length because by becoming so closely associated with the issue if he as expected loses the vote in parliament because of the "disloyalty" of JPO and JM he will indirectly be seen as having suffered a loss of confidence in his government or at best as having weakened his position as leader . The PM should also be wary and careful that the strong beliefs and determined actions of his reawakened predecessor do not sink him or give him a ducking in the way same way that Dom Mintoff sunk his successor in vittoriosa harbour.
James Grech I heard that one. If the only reason for this guy to stay married is because there is no divorce i think that his wife should take the hint and leave him. Perhaps he is laying the ground for a plea for annulment since his motivation in the marriage is really weird.
spread the word- and keept it in your memories- all those who declared they are against Divorce from the MPs. in the general election Give them last preference if it won't be themselves running for the general election, maybe his son- same give him last- let's kick out them from the parlament- spread it . be proud of yourselves and kick them out from parlament- wheer thye will have the power on our laws. Never forget what have been said and done- history teaches us, from it we learn. Fool me once not my fault, fool me twice shame on me! RESIST OR SERVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
who wants to confuse minds Lawrence gonzi? who have made the high water & electricity bills? who takes all opportunity to steal money from the ppl pocket's, ex, by all of a sudden fuel increase ,these last few days? who gave himself an exxaggerrated 500 euro weekly increase? who is rensponsable of letting the food prices explode? under whom these hundreds of social cases , whom water and elctricity have been cutted? who is letting a man after being lied to by his woman, to go with another man and you as the prime minister is against divorce????!!! letting that man or woman , still married to that part? I declare this to you, SHAME ON YOU! Curse On you! this divorce thing is disgusting , I have my doubts that it wil pass in the referendum- I doubt on the old generation- I hope thier minds are not full of web and still believe in Ghosts :)
Mr. Gonzi if lying, stealing and calling LP supporters sick is a good sign of having catholics values no wonder we have lost hope in it. The referendum is a must the people must decide not you.
How can Gonzi say........people will be choosing divorce over separation"??? when you have to be separated for four years before you get divorced???? I think he should change his name to Michael!!!!! It's about the same mentality!!
chris caruana turner
The irony is that Dr. Gonzi poses as a gentleman and as a capable man in front of the international community, especially in this Libyan crises. Albeit we still have to see how this will evolve, cause if Ghaddafi regains his power, as recent news are stating, Dr. Gonzi and subsequently all of us, will be in very deep s**t, to say the least. It is however always the case, when it comes to domestic issues, that Gonzi seems to be incapable of making the right decisions at the right time. He is always bragging and pleaing for people to come to there senses, as if he is the right hand of the all mighty and he is always right, even if no one actually knows where he stands. Cause believe it or not he said that some time in the future, Malta will be needing divorce, only now is not the right time. He's trying to play Nostradamus now as well, only the future is already here Dr. Gonzi, and as usual you cannot see, hear nor smell this. A modern version of the three monkeys. FAIL!!!!
chris caruana turner
@Kelinu The only person, from those trying to give us the pros and cons of divorce, I only heard this from one who is against divorce. He said that if there is divorce he will be nagging all the time about whether to continue with his 3 year old marriage or find someone else. Very gross, coming from an anti-divorce campaigner. What a farce!!
Jekk hu ragel u ta l-affari tieghu Gonzi ghandu jirrezenja min Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista, jekk il-vot tal-Parament ma jghaddix! Imma zgur li l-karriera politika tigu qabel il-principji solenni ghal hafna nies,li l-lastiku issibu kenn fih!
Mauro Miceli
if one ever needed proof that this man is not fit for purpose this is it. If he and those who believe so strongly that divorce is such a bad thing are honest with themselves they should have removed the option to recognise divorce obtained abroad. And then tell us how VIPs can get a quick annulment.
Christopher Briffa
Hija haga impressjonanti kif bniedem daqshekk medjokri jista jispicca jmexxi pajjiz.
Joseph Sant
Gosh this man lies and spins with every word he says. He has really lost it now - completely!
“It’s not religious, even though I am myself proud of my values and religion… The common good is a matter intimate to any politician, atheist or otherwise.” Where does lying fit in your values Mr gonzi?
L'allat igennuk qabel jiehduk.
@james grech You are 100% right, after trying all sorts of tricks to sweep the Divorce issue under the carpet he came up with the referendum ploy only to back fire in his face. Yesterday on Bondi+ we also had Beppe Fenech Adami exclaiming that even if the referendum did go through he would still vote against the bill, that is democracy for you treating the referndum as a piece of paper he uses to wipe clean his back side.
Gonzi reaffirmed his personal position against divorce. “I believe it undermines the common good and that there are no circumstances justifying its introduction.” Seems he is divorced from common sense and reality
It's unbelievable how many contradictions and flaws can be packed into one speech, but phrases like "instantly after four years" deserve special mention.
Dear Dr. Gonzi I have yet to hear of a couple seeking a divorce from a happy marriage!!!
chris caruana turner
Gonzi is reported as having said: "Why didn’t we discuss the law in parliament first and then go for the referendum later?" Most probably age is getting at Dr. Gonzi's memory, and with a vengeance, too. It was he who complicated things, when he made it next to impossible for the referendum to actually be held. This guy is either ready to move into an old people's home or else he has the habit of attempting, at all cost, to take the people for a ride. Hmmm...food for thought?
A speech from an Archbigot aimed at the gullible, the stupid and the tame. If proof was ever needed of the stranglehold that the local Church has on the Maltese population...this is it. Sleep tight tonight, Lawrence Gonzi, your great-uncle would be justifiably proud of you.
Jesus, is this the guy who is running my country ? is this all he could come up with ? no wonder we are in the mess we are in..and I thought that the middle ages have been passed and buried ! Only one word can describe your speech mr PM - PATHETIC
Lino Camilleri
Gonzi, you should go to gaddafi and convince him to stop killing rather then wasting your time debating on divorce. Who want divorce let him have it and that's all.
Jista' jhawwad u jithawwad aktar minn hekk il-bravu Prim Ministru li ghandna? Nahseb anke ras ir-residenti tal-Bidnija hawwad. Issa dawk ghorrief kbar, bozoz tal-elf. Ahseb u ara l-bdiewa u l-hamalli li jghajruhom il-hin kollu x'se jaghmlu! Veru ghandna poplu miskin biex ghandna kapijiet tal-gvern bhal dawn!
"allowing spouses to divorce instantly after four years of ‘separated’ marriage." I like this...