Labour’s plan will cost you your job, PN tells Enemalta workers

Nationalist Party mailshot warns Enemalta workers their jobs are at risk with Labour plan for privately-owned power station.

The Nationalist Party information office has mailed employees of state energy utility Enemalta warning them their jobs are in imperilled by Labour's proposal for a new gas power station.

Labour says it can build a new 200MW power station powered by liquefied natural gas, which will be constructed and operated by the same private company that will also supply natural gas to a terminal - all part of its €360 million plan.

While Labour leader Joseph Muscat has denied this will mean a loss of jobs at Enemalta, the PN has mailed workers at the company saying that the LNG power station will not be the property of the state energy company.

"Muscat and Konrad Mizzi have already said they want to send Enemalta employees to work with the private sector in the new power station they want to build.

"Muscat's plan puts your job at Enemalta at risk. You don't need this hassle."

The PN made the same thing to the solar energy project with the Austrians which was operating in Malta in the 1980s. They had so much foresight that they instantly closed it down. If they supported it, we could have been the forerunners of solar energy in the Mediterranean. Poor decisions.
Mark Fenech
Ma naħsibx li hemm bżonn tkun xi ġenju biex tkun taf min kissiera l-Enemalta, li minn Korporazzjoni tagħmel il-qliegħ, ġabha f'organizzazzjoni falluta.
Zack Depasquale
@Fenea So according to you and your GonziPN, Enemalta workers will loose their job if Labour wins the election and goes ahead with Labour's energy plan.So what would happen if GonziPN wins the election and goes ahead with his energy plan. Wait a minute their is no GonziPN plan.Fenea take off your blue blinkers and stop trying to defend the indefensible.
And may I ask from where did they get the Enemalta employees addresses? This is a crystal clear breach of the E.U. data protection directive.
DeJaVu! This reminds me of a letter sent from the same GonziPN to the workers of GO, SeaMalta, DryDocks. This clique will try its utmost till the last breathe! But this time the citizens & workers are not going to trust you dear prime minister & clique! Malta needs to be given back to the Maltese! No more highjacks from the same old faces!
vincent carbonaro
Qas nahseb tista' tkun iddisprat iktar minn hekk. Kemm waqa' fil-baxx il-PN.
"fenea Tkellem l-oraklu! Dan kif tifhem f'kollox fenea? Pero' jekk xejn taf iddahhaq mhux hazin. Ghad hemm futur ghalik: bhala purcinell go cirklu jew kummidjant fuq Bla Kondixion!
In the letter sent by the PN, Gonzi should have told Enemalta employees that his GonziPN Government had increased this Corporation's debt to 700 million euros - a sure sign of bankruptcy. The letter should also have explained to them that if Enemalta continues to operate in this manner, Standard and Poor's have warned Malta the Corporation will go bankrupt. The PL has offered a plan of continued employment and a transformation of Enemalta to pay off its debt, restore credibility and enabling it to continue to function. It is up to them to decide who has the greater credibility. ALBERT FENECH Qawra
Now let's remind ourselves of GonziPN's promise to other workers on how safe THEIR jobs were. NEVER trust a hypocrite.
Fuljett ta disperazzjoni mil PN. Qalulhom lil haddiema li kemm ilhom huma fil poter l-enemalta ghanda dejn ta kwazi biljun euro, tant li sahansitra issemmiet min S&P fid down grading ta pajjizna? L-ahhar u l-unika arma li fadallu il PN hija l-biza. Isthu jekk tafu.
Il-periklu ghal haddiema ta' l-Enemalta hu jekk jerga jitla GonziPN. Dan falla lil Enemalta bi 800 miljun ewro dejn li mhemmx min fejn jithallas. Ta' GonziPN ilhom jghidu li hemm 800 haddiem zejjed fl-enemalta. Dawn iridu jgibu l-interconnecter biex ikeccu dawn il-haddiema. Il-pjan tal-PL hu garanzija ghal haddiema tal-Enemalta, ghal-haddiema fl-industrija u t-turizmu u ghal-familji. LI KIEKU TONIO FENECH KIEN CERT F'LI QED JIPPROVA JBEZZA KIEN JACCETTA LI JIRRIZENJA JEKK IL-PROGETT ISEHH. LA MA ACCETTAX LI JIRRIZENJA QED JURINA LI L-PROGETT HU VIJABBLI U QED JARA L-GHENEB QARES GHAX MA KELLUN IL-HILA JAGHMEL DAN IL-PROGETT HU. FENEC TEFA IL-GEBLA FUQ SAQAJH.
Coming from someone who lost all credibility....might I remind all employees at Enemalta that if the status quo is kept,Enemalta is going to end up bankrupt.It is already in 850 million in the red and we all know who is responsible for this situation at Enemalta.
Zack Depasquale
It would be in everyone’s interest to know how GonziPN came to have a list of Enemalta workers and what data GonziPN have stored in their computers on private citizens. It is high time that the Commissioner of Data Protection wakes up from hibernation and investigates how this list was leaked. As for promises to workers, Enemalta workers should talk to the Ex Ship-yards, Ex Sea Malta and Ex Airmalta employees. The Emphasis being on the Ex, as all these workers were promised job security from GonziPN before an election. The only job security GonziPN wants is for Dr Gonzi and his acolytes to get in Government for the next five years to benefit from another 600Eur wage increase.
Lies, more lies and indeed more lies. It is a known fact that the PN produces lies more than we bat our eyelids in a day, especially during electoral campaigns. I just hope that all Enemalta employees are much aware who is really telling the truth about their future. Up to now, Enemalta is burdened with over 800m euros of debt and we all know who was responsible for this.
"Muscat's plan puts your job at Enemalta at risk". GonziPN's no plan puts your job at Enemalta redundant.
Lill-ħaddiema ta' l-Ememalta ngħidlhom ħaġa waħda biss . Zommu f'moħħkhom dak kollu li Dr.Gonzi kien qal lill-ħaddiema tat-Tarzna ,ta' l-Airmalta ,tat-Telemalta ,tal-karozzi tal-linja ,lill-Kaċċaturi ,lin-nassaba ,u lill-diversi setturi oħra li kollha kienu aċċertati mil-post tax-xogħol tagħhom . Zommu dan f'moħħkhom u araw x'kien ġralhom u tinsewħ qatt , QATT u QATT .
Propaganda ibbazata fuq .... BIZA. L-istess bhar-referendum tad-divorzju.
Meta wiehed ma jkollux argumenti sodi haga wahda jibqghalu - li jbezza bil-BABAW. Ghandna konferma ohra (jekk qatt kellna bzonn) li GonziPN tilef it-taqtigha ta' l-argumenti u ssa mess il-qiegh! Partit skadut immexxi minn persuna ghajjiena u sfiducjata minn shaba stess. Ir_Rebbiegha Maltija fi trieqtha!
No wonder we are in this deep financial s**t!!! No wonder that the wider public sector accounts for 40% of the small island's total working population. No wonder that the percentage for Gozo stands at 65%. Thanks Gonz and Tonju! Please leave and fast. Do not even bother to close the doors. TIME UP! GAME OVER!
Rita Pizzuto
Imma dawn in-nies kredibbli? Ara very konsistenti ghax dejjem giddibin. Il-Labour zgur li mhux se jaghmel bhal Gonzi li l-ewwel tant ftahar li se jsalva l-impiegi u li n-nies tad-drydocks, tal-Air Malta, tal-karozzi tal-linja, is-Sea Malta, u ma nafx kemm il-kumpannija ohra kellhom xogholhom garantit, imbaghad meta tqanzah biex tela' fil-gvern irmihom. Ghad hawn haddiem daqshekk boloh li jemmnu lill-Gonzi PN li ftahar bis-slogan ta' Fluesek fis-dos imbaghad sab lill-agenzija internazzjonali ttih certifikat ta' falliment? Tassew li mhumiex kredibbli. Iridu jwahhlu fl-=oppozizzjoni ghal kollox. U Tonio Fenech li qatt ma kellu hila bhala ministru tal-finanzi li jimxi mal-linji li fassal u kell sena falla l-miri, irid ibellalna li Standard&Poor's irrelegaw lil Malta minhabba li l-PL ma vvutalhomx il-bagit. Ara ma jsemmux li ma kellhomx isibu lill-partit taghhom stss warajhom biex isalvahom. Ghad hawn imzazen li lesti jibilghu il-gidem u jafdawhom?
Jiena nistghageb kif dawn ta gonzipn ma jisthux!! Issa qed jiddejqu ghall haddiema ta l- enemalta ghax ikollhom jahdmu mal privat, mhux l- istess ghamlu ghall haddiema tal GO, ta l-MIA, tal MID MED u bosta kumpaniji parastatali ohra li ipprivatizzaw huma stess!!! U dawn x` wicc ghandhom jitkellmu fuq l-enemalta u il-haddiema taghha meta huma stess dahhlu lill din il- kumpanija go hajt u ghabewha bi 800miljun ewro dejn!! Dak l- inkwiet li ghandu ikollhom il- haddiema ta l- enemalta, li qed jahdmu ma kumpanija falluta u meta l- ebda bank ma jibqa isellifha il- flus kullhadd jispicca bla impieg!!!
It is obvious that the oligarchy is drowning. Gonzipn has become the agent of terror.
It is obvious that the oligarchy is drowning. Gonzipn has become the agent of terror.
Do you mean that the same will happen to Ene Malta employees, like what happend to the employees of Sea Malta, Malta Dry Docks, Malta Shipbuilding, Public Transport,etc etc. Gonzi is in a PANIC STATE!
1st; yes Muscat will build it in the said time so that we all will benefit from the new plant and will get rid if the killer fuel you PN invested in!! 2nd; yes Joseph already made it clear that the new plant will be constructed and operated by the capable Enemalta workers. Joseph also said that the workers will be responsible for the dismantling of the Marsa plant and the PH1 at delimara. Apart from new line of jobs that will be created by the gas terminal. 3rd; No jobs will be in danger under the PL because all workers are needed to implement the PL energy plan !! All this while ensuring that we all will be enjoying cleaner air and lower energy bills!! So dear scaremongers from the PN, you can take this an shove it up .....
imbghad dejjem jeqirdu fuq il haddiema tat tarzna li hadet dawk il miljuni mit taxxi ghal xejn. ipokriti
Luke Camilleri
Nemmnuhom? Il tal-PN zgur ma nammnuhomx! Garrabnihom! Kemm jifilhu jkunu IPOKRITI, KEMM JAHSBU LI L-POPU JINSA'!