PN to publish costings to electoral proposals on Monday

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi says PN to publish all costings related to 125 'sustainable and doable' electoral proposals on Monday.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi holding the PN's electoral programme
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi holding the PN's electoral programme

Speaking on Radio 101 this morning, Prime Minister and PN leader Lawrence Gonzi outlined the main aspects of his party's 125 electoral proposals, which were approved last night by the PN's general council.

He said that for the first time in Malta's political history, the country is being presented with a detailed and costed electoral programme.

"We will be presenting all our costings during a press conference next Monday," Gonzi said, adding that the theme chosen for the electoral programme - 'A Further Leap in Quality' - has been built on a fundamental principle: solid finances.

Gonzi stressed that unless the country had sound finances, no proposals of this sort could have ever been made.

"We just cannot be irresponsible and shoot from our hip, make wild promises, which are unaffordable or worse, made when there is no money to pay it," Gonzi said.

He said that the press conference on Monday will demonstrate that the PN's proposals are "reliable and doable."

Explaining some of the major points which emerge from the electoral proposals, Gonzi said that when a voter will attend the polling station on March 9, he will have an important choice before him on whom to trust with the best vision and policy for the country in the next five years.


Gonzi made it clear that contrary to Muscat's frivolous tablet give-away, a PN government was aiming to give all students and teachers, in public and private schools, a tablet which will be loaded with their curriculum.

"We are not handing games, but a real study tool," Gonzi said.

Property transfer

The Prime Minister said that the PN was proposing to keep the Budget measure that no stamp duty is to be paid on transfers of residences as inheritance or donation to children, and another proposal actually widens that measure to all properties.


Gonzi said that workers who opt to work only part-time can pay an adjusted pro-rata national insurance contribution to improve their pension. Secondly, those who work full time and part time can opt to raise their contribution and have a higher pension.

Those under 25 and the long-term unemployed who open a business will not pay a single cent in tax  for two years and their national insurance will be credited to them. These benefits will be extended to three years for Gozitans and all women.

Gozitans who open a business and employ at least two people can also have additional incentives.


On pensions, the Prime Minister said a PN government has been cautiously but gradually addressing the injustice caused to those who had their overseas services pension deducted because of the two-thirds pension scheme. "Such deductions would stop," he stressed.

Gonzi said that the PN was now proposing that pensioners who paid for a private pension would now receive a full pension, along with the state pension. 

With regard to those who commuted their Treasury Pension, the party which was commuted would no longer be deducted from the social security pension.

The PN was also promising improvement to a range of other allowances, such as the Widows Pension. Widows/widowers who lost their pension on remarriage would again be eligible for it.




Dr Lawrence Gonzi, int u shabek b’min tridu titmejlu ? Jien hdimt ghal 43 sena u dejjem hallast il-bolla u taxxa u dak kollu li suppost hallast. Issa gejt ghal penzjoni u kull ma ha niehu huwa il-massimu meta haddiehor ha il-massimu daqsi u ma hallasx daqsi. Mhux qed nghid li haddiehor ma ghandux jghix ta nies ghaliex jien dejjem ghidt li il-bnidem huwa min huwa ghandu jghix u mhux jesisti. Meta xi hadd ma ihallasx bolli bizzejjed dan il-povru jitnaqsulu mill-penzjoni imma meta xi hadd ihallas aktar bhali u naf li hawn ohrajn bhali ahna ma niehdu xejn aktar. Jekk din hija il gustizzja li l-Partiti jghajtu biha ma nafx? Naf zgur li ghalihom dejjem hasbu u hasbu sewwa. Haga ohra li urtat fuqha bhal dawk li hadmu irsistew u studjaw, meta tasal ghal penzjoni min mhux xi alla f’dan il-pajjiz hemm massimu (capping), imma ghal certi nies li jahsbu u huma allat dawn jiehdu iz-zewgt terzi tal-paga taghhom bhala penzjoni. Jien sa issa naqla 30,000 ewro fis-sena, allura ghaliex jien ma ghandiex niehu veru iz-zewgt terzi u niehu 20,000 ewri fis-sena, imma xi alla ikollu 80,000 u jiehu iz-zewgt terzi tal-paga tieghu? Mela jien ghandi xi haga inqas min dan alla u kulhadd jaf ghal min qieghed nghid? Nispera li xi alla politiku jahseb dwar din l-INGUSTIZZJA li qed issir mal haddiema. Issa waslet l-elezzjoni imma jien irrida mhux bil-paroli BISS bhal ma taghmel int Dr Lawrence Gonzi.
Priscilla Darmenia
"Gonzi says PN to publish all costings related to 125 'sustainable and doable' electoral proposals on Monday." This confirms to me that the PN did not prepare any serious studies and made the electoral proposals in a hurry. Unlike the PL whenever they announce a new proposal they attach the price tag to it and the time frame.
Hekk sew, l-ewwel titfu l-proposti kif gie gie, u mbaghad tivvintaw l-figuri biex iggibhom qrib il-likk. U halluna, ja salt giddiebin, qed tweidedu hafna affarijiet li kontu wedthuhom hames snin ilu u li qatt ma wettaqtuhom. Min jista jemminkhom din id-darba, ja giddiebin? Sew qalilkhom Joseph, qed taghmlu rkant tal-weghdiet.
Lawrence Covin
Costings are given to show that an idea is financially feasible -affordable, if you like. Why are PN's proposals affordable NOW, all of a sudden? What happened between last year and to-day to make PN such a Father Christmas of a party when it has been a Scrooge for five years? Believing Gonzi is mental suicide.
Secondly, those who work full time and part time can opt to raise their contribution and have a higher pension.--- Only to find that when they retire, the pension is capped. Pull the other one Gonz.
No wonder there isn't going to be a mass meeting tomorrow! In Pieta' they are working round the clock to come up with "costings" in time for Monday. Great - no shooting from the hip! First they make 125 promises and then work out the costings!
Proposals: Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi says PN to publish all costings related to 125 'sustainable and doable' electoral proposals on Monday Facts: Have a look at the PN programm 2008 - 2013 Bilanç pozittiv fil-Bagit sal-2010! Il-waiting lists iridu jispiççaw! Aktar accountability! Il-kaçça u l-insib g˙andhom ikunu prattikati b’tali mod li jkunu sostenibbli! ETC ETC ETC.
David Bongailas
Why the wait ? Could it be that the proposals were made without factoring in the implementation costs ?
Hekk sew sur gonzipn/600euros bil mohbi.Ilna kwazi xaghar nistennew sabiex naraw biex hiereg u issa sirna nafu li insejt taghmel il costings,l anqas int imhawwad ukoll. Insomma ittina il costings u le hawn hafna b hali ga iddegitu lil min ha jaghtu il vot.AMEN sur gonzipn.