'Muscat's hands stained with remnants of old Labour politics' - PM

Prime minister Lawrence Gonzi continued to invoke memories of the 1996 Labour legislature, saying that the PL weren't even capable of organising their own government let alone the country.

 Prime minister Lawrence Gonzi this evening held a ‘meet the candidates’ session in St Paul’s bay, which forms part of the 12th district.

Gonzi said that the 1.1 billion in EU funds were obtained against a background of austerity in Europe. He said that he had a hard time explaining why Malta required more funds when it had weathered the economic and financial crises so well.

The PL claims that Malta is for all, yet it discriminates between Labourite and Nationalist police officers, Gonzi said in reference to the Toni Abela recording.

“Another portion of the recording emerged today. It looks like drugs were involved and the case was hushed up. This shows that the PL has not changed and it is still rotten on the inside despite cleaning up its outer appearance,” Gonzi said.

“The last time we trusted Labour, they weren’t even capable of organising their own government, let alone a whole country. The last time we trusted Labour it froze Malta’s application to the EU. Joseph Muscat was in the thick of it, writing articles and appearing on television in favour of the Labour Party.”

Gonzi said that Muscat’s hands are stained with the remnants of Labour’s bad politics, playing on Muscat’s own cry that this administration has “oil strained hands.”

The prime minister said that he will leave it up to people to judge who is better placed to manage the 1.1 billion in funds obtained by this government.

He proudly said that not even Joseph Muscat could undo the good work done by this government in building a new campus at MCAST and ICT faculty at UoM.

Finance minister Tonio Fenech warned that countries much bigger than our own were befallen by massive economic woes.

“It is the people that are now suffering the consequences, not the politicians that made the wrong decisions. If on the 9 March we make a wrong decision, the whole population will pay for it. If Muscat runs this country to ruin, we will all suffer,” Fenech said.

Old farts are the most pungent!
GonziPN is still looking at, and raking up the past, because it has nothing to offer for the future.
Gonzi said that Muscat's hands are stained with the remnants of Labour's bad politics:Lil Dr. Gonzi nghidlu li anke idejh huma imcapsin bil-htija tal-frame-up ta' missieri, Karm Grima, ghax hu qed jahbi l-kriminali li wettqu dan il-hazen politiku li kien orkestrat minn l-avukat taghana stess u nazzjonalista kbir, u bl-approvazzjoni tal-Kabinett tal-MLP tal-1980. Min-nahha tal-PL ghad hemm Dr. AST li lehnu ghadu jidwi minn meta xandarha ma l-erba' irjehat tad-dinja li ragel mar biex joqtol lil Dom Mintoff u ghalhekk hu kriminal inkallit li suppost li tkecca mill-PL u min-nahha tal-PN hemm Dr. Gonzi U Dr. Chris Said li ma jridux johorgu stqarrija qabel ma jitla gvern gdid u wara 34 sena li kien sar dan id-delitt fuq missieri, ghax kien intbaghat ghomru Monte Carmelis, u huma jafu kollox ghax l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi kienet kixfet kollox; Konsapevolezza tirrendik komplici, Dr Gonzi u Dr. Chris Said.
Gonzi was part of the team that gave a presidential pardon to drug barons such as Queroz and Zeppi l-Hafi not a small time alleged abuser of drugs. They did not go to a Party Club but under some bridge to do so. And who is calling the kettle black? As if GONZIPN was able to organise its own Government. Gonzi lies every step of the way and blatantly blames others for what his Government has been able to achieve in the ultimate of corruption.
GonziPN's hands are so stained with the soot of corruption that they are no longer recognisable as the hands of a Nationalist. Shut up Gonzi, and look around you if you want to find examples of bad politics.
Scaring people of the past - what a new strategy! Keep this up please Dr. Gonzi.
How abhorrant and negative can Gonzi get? We are a patriotic and positive people.
Of course he would have difficulties convincing the EU of our need for funds. After 7 years of telling them that he's miraculously saved our economy and that we're in a better state than Germany (!) how is he going to justify getting more funds? Does he think they have ambassadors here for nothing? As to who wasn't capable of organising his own government, does he consider the last year of practically no legislation, delaying tactics, record Parliamentary holidays and postponements a success? Enough said.
I recall Macbetth in this, only that Gonzi's hand is stained with corruption, while the average person bleeds. Tonio, we already paid dearly for allowing the nationalists in power