‘What if PN leader chosen by members?’ – Clyde Puli

Nationalist MP Clyde Puli asks whether it is time for PN leader to be ’democratically’ chosen by congress of party members

Former Parliamentary Secretary Clyde Puli, who has managed to hang onto his parliamentary seat in the 6th District, has openly questioned whether it is time that all Nationalist Party members have a say in who gets to lead the party.

Puli took to Facebook - an increasingly popular platform for politicians seeking to cause waves - to float the idea that such a move would broaden the party and make the process truly democratic.

The PN leader is currently elected by a General Council composed of roughly 800 people, dubbed 'councillors', that are nominated from the various party committees.

In a comment uploaded on Wednesday evening, Puli said "the Nationalist Party does not only need to be close to the people, but needs also to be a people's party: a party that is wide open to all those who wish to contribute towards a common goal."

He said that "one of the first important decisions that the party is facing is the choice of a new leader."

"What if this important decision were taken by a Congress of Members composed of thousands instead of simply a General Council composed of only a few hundred councillors?" Puli posited.

"In this way we would be making a truly democratic decisions because we would be broadening the participation", he said, adding it would also "open up the party and making it a truly popular one.

The statement was a considerably well-received one, racking up almost 600 likes, 25 shares, and numerous positive responses from other Facebook users.

Puli's comment comes as more and more PN exponents seem to be making moves towards the PN leadership, which current PN leader Lawrence Gonzi has confirmed that he would vacating.

Among them are former minister Mario de Marco, Beppe Fenech Adami, and current deputy leader Simon Busuttil.



Priscilla Darmenia
Yes Mr Puli, the leader should be chosen by all the members. It is the first sensible thing I heard from you in years.
Emmanuel Mallia
Now you are talking of real democracy and dialogue ?? First thing first. First expel those two dictators, no one is mentioning !!! Its no use talk of reform, if those two remain at the back scene !
Dawk li hemm bilqieghed fuq kull naha ta' Puli qishom kandelabri min huma? Mhux il-klikka biss trid titnehha minn nofs izda anke dawk it-tnejn.
Bloody hopeless, Puli, like the rest of them. Coming up with this idea shows how deeply the PN is in disarray. Or does Puli have ulterior motives?
Never! The choice will still be controlled by the OLIGA RCHY from within! Old habits die hard !
Sur Puli, nissugerixxi li qabel ma tittihed xi decizjoni l-partit ghandu l-ewwel jissaffa, jigi ppublikat rapport dwar x’wassal biex partit kbir bhal PN jidobba l-akbar telfa flis-storja u wara li jigu ndirizzati x’wassal ghal din it-telfa ikun hemm zmien moritorju biex kulhadd isib il-kuxjenza u dawk li ghandom iwarbu jwarbu ghax fl-2013 m’hemx lok biex tigi rrepetuta dak li kien gara fi Strada Federiku l-Belt meta gie mwarrab Gorg Boirg Olivier. Veru li kien hemm bzonn ta’ bidla u hekk hemm bzonn issa u mil-aktar fis possibli. Illum is-sezzjonijiet kwazi kollha minghajr entuzjazmu u b’hafna minnhom ma jiffunzjonawx, ohrajn mghaluqa u thallew ghar-rihom ghal snin twal u nahseb li ghalek is-Sur Puli qed isaqsi jekk il-Kap tal-Partit ghandux jigi mghazul mit-tesserati!!! Ma narax li l-kunsilliera prezenti jwasslu biex jelliggu Kap gdid li jwassal biex jerga jibda jibni l-Partit. Ftit huma minn dawk li fadal li jistaw jokkupaw din il-kariga u nahseb li ghandu jkun xi hadd minn barra l-ezekuttiv li jigi nnominat li jkollu l-fiducja ta’ hafna. Il-partitarji tal-PN m’ghandomx jinsew meta Dr. Gonzi kien qalilom : ‘Go to the electorate and regain their trust', also announcing two initiatives to keep the party close to the people. Simon Busuttil as his special envoy to organize meetings within AZAD and PN secretary general Paul Borg Olivier to organize meetings in different localities. U x’gara….. xejn xejn u xejn ghax il Prime Ministru kien 4 snin tard. Kemm hija sabiha lis-storja li dejjem tirrepeti lila nnifisa lis-stess kien gara fi zmien il-Prim Ministru Gorg Borg Olivier li izjed kien mohhu fuq l-Indipendenza u halla lil-Ministri u l-Gvern jaghmlu li jridu u meta ntebah ipprova jirranga s-sitwazzoni izda xorta wahda tilef l-elezzjoni tal-1971. Hekk rega gara f’din l-elezzjoni ried li l-kandidati u l-Ministri biex imorru ghand in-nies?????????? Kien tard wisq………x’differenza minn meta l-PN kien imexxi l-magna tal-partit blis-street leaders, area leaders, safe houses, sezzjonijiet organizzati b’laqghat kontinwi u lill-membri tal-kumitati (il-vera kunsilliri) lanqas kienu jtuhom nifs u l-hin kollu f’kuntatt dirett mahhom u rispettati. Il-magna tal-PN marret lura fi-zmien l-ahhar tas-sittinijiet u ghalhekk il-PN qala t-tkaxkira li difficli biex titfejjaq . Hemm bzonn li l-Partit jirrikorri l-ewwel ghal dawk il-genwini li thallew ghal snin twal barra.
First get rid of the clique, the evil web and the oligarchy. Once purified then implore the Party members to choose your PN leader. By the way, try to find a young aspirant, you're good at copying the PL!
Finally Puli` is talking straight! PNisti go for it! Hold an open election without sinister undertones! Now your vote will be really free, as a great loss has been suffered, and your vote will not be under pressure as in a general election. Therefore no need to vote for the "in-house" product.
Wise words indeed. I just hope, and really hope that you Mr. Puli have no intention of putting your name forward for any post. I've seen you work in the Sports ministry and believe me you where better suited as a DJ on 101, together with your colleague Angelito. The White Rocks screw up was enough reason to be removed from your post .
Nestor, These people seem to never learn,it is useless that those inside the party leave, useless parliamentarians of their party left. These are the few that took the party and made it theirs. I strongly believe they think that they know best. I followed this campaign from day one, for weeks the same characters were seen almost daily doing nothing but talk to us cwiec. I submit they convinced us not to vote for their P.N. and if they continue to hang to power more people will leave this party. I for one did not vote but each day that pass I feel sorry I did not vote for labour. What reason is there to go back Nationalist?
Oh! we have it from the horse's mouth the PN up to now was an insular party which verged on being undemocratic when choosing the party leader
Clyde is very right to propose this. The Party belongs to the people, not to this or that clique. At this difficult and delicate stage,electing the new leadrship through a congress of party members will remove any shadow of doubt as to the legitimacy and popularity of the new leadership, and it will also allow people from civil society to participate, present their programmes, ideas, visions for the future of this great Party. I believe that this is far better than suggesting this or that former cabinet member, as has been done so far in the press. The Party needs to open its doors wide open to those people of goodwill who truly love the Party and who have a passion for modern and secular Christian Democracy (which should not be confused with religion or anything even remotely so). This is actually a truly historic opportuntiy that the Party should not miss.