GWU to support protest but not strike action

Concerted effort by industrial leaders and tourism industry to dissuade pilots from industrial action by Air Malta pilots.

The General Workers Union and the Union of Cabin Crew will support a protest by Air Malta pilots but have not decided to support any strike action.

ALPA have said they will ground aircraft on 16 July unless the finance ministry looks into contracts between the airline and the Malta International Airport.

ALPA president Dominic Azzopardi says Air Malta is negatively affected by contracts it has with the privately-owned MIA and low-cost carriers which benefit from millions in tax-funded ‘route support schemes’.

The unions today met with Finance Minister Tonio Fenech and Air Malta chief executive Peter Davies. They are protesting at the scale of redundancies and cuts to be made at the national airline, which employs 1,600.

ALPA’s threat of industrial action is unprecedented in its kind, especially since it represents the most vociferous form of industrial actions so far. ALPA is insisting that before dismissing any pilots, Air Malta must make substantial savings by renegotiating contracts, particularly with Malta International Airport. “The time has come and we are telling government that enough is enough, and unless drastic changes are made to the way things work at Air Malta, we are all going to lose,” Azzopardi said.

Today the Federation of English-language schools, the tour operators’ federation FATTA, and the Malta Employers Association joined the chorus of disapproval started yesterday by the Chamber of Commerce and the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association.

Their statements were similar in putting the blame at the feet of politicians, but warning ALPA that grounding aircraft would be economically disastrous for the island at the peak of its tourism season.

FELTOM said decision to strike during the busiest time of the year will only serve to further damage the airline and seriously impact Malta’s tourism sector. “Disruption to airline services will drive tourists elsewhere, threatening a number of jobs in the Maltese tourism sector.”

The English-language sector accounts for 10% of all tourism bed-nights, the federation said. “We appeal to ALPA to negotiate with the authorities to protect the employment of Air Malta employees as well as that of hundreds of Maltese workers who are dependent on the tourism sector.”

The Malta Employers Association said it was irresponsible of ALPA to ignore reality, but that it was clear that “unpopular decisions” had been postponed for years, leading to an unsustainable situation at Air Malta.

“Reducing the labour force, although inevitable, will not by itself remedy the condition facing the airline. Any decision to lay off people must be part of a wider strategy to revive the airline. It is imperative that this strategy has the input of all stakeholders and looks at all aspects of the airline’s operations.”

MEA said that ALPA’s actions would hurt the airline and thousands of other workers in the tourism industry. “This is definitely not in anyone’s interest.”

FATTA (the Federated Association of Travel & Tourism Agents) said that the agency community was fully sympathetic with the plight of Air Malta pilots, but that any strike action would compound the precarious situation the airline is in.

The Chamber of Commerce yesterday joined the hotels and restaurants’ lobby in appealing for an end to threats by Air Malta pilots of grounding aircraft. The Chamber said ALPA’s threats were ill-timed, disproportionate and “most irresponsible”. “They must not be short-sighted and resort to the negotiating table in an effort to unblock the situation through reason rather than destruction.”

Earlier, the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association said a strike by Air Malta pilots, scheduled for the 16 July, will put the national airline the employment of thousands in the tourism industry at risk.

“The MHRA is extremely concerned about the threat of industrial action by the Association of the Air Malta pilots (ALPA) which can have devastating results during what is considered to be a peak period for the tourism industry. The threat itself creates uncertainty amongst potential customers, who will think twice before booking with Air Malta,” MHRA president George Micallef said.

Fejn inhbew il-lejburisti?
@ Toninu Jiena nibki meta niftakar li nies bhalek, li m'humiex kapaci jaghmlu kumment bis-sens, ghandu vot li jista' jiddetermina l-futur ta' pajjiz shih. Iklteb car, jekk taf, u nghidlek jien jekk ghandekx tibki jew tidhaq
@ demartino Fuq l-ahhar kummenti tieghek hawwadtni, la naf ghandiex ninfaqa nidhaq jew inkella inhabbatx rasi mal hajt u nibki.
Naccertak Sur Josh li jien ma ghandi assolutament ebsa agenda la mohbija u anqas mikxufa. Jien ghedt, u hekk hu, li jekk l-Air Malta qeghda f'sirwazzjoni imwierghra, ANKI JEKK TORT TAL-PN, bl-istrajk is-sitwazzjoni ghall-aghar u mhux ghall-ahjar se tmur. Ir-raguni ma tridx forza Lil Mr Muscat: Kif inkunu ntaht il-labour ma nahsibx li ahna ghandna s-setgha tal-profezija. Jekk, imma, il-passat HU mera tal-futur, allaha res jitla' l-labour ghax jibghat eluf ta' nies Ta' Frankuni. Drajna biss gawduti, haw wisq gid li mhux biss tarah, imma tmissu b'idejk, u hafna mill-paroli ta' gholi tal-hajja, tad-dawl ecc ecc, waiting lists u problemi ohra zgur, zgur u zgur li ma jista' jsolvihom hadd. Il-prezzijiet QATT ma jistghu jorhsu, apparti eccezzjonijiet, iz-zejt ma ghandna ebda kontroll fuqu u l-waiting lists jonqsu jekk tfaqqa' subghajk u tohloq elf tabib. Ma nkunux boloh ghax ahjar milli ahna ftit nistghu nkunu. Harsu madwarkom u taraw.
@marco muscat inheggek tipprova timmagina u temmen ghax taht il-Labour se nkunu hafna ahjar. Importanti li temmen.
@malti kburi Ftit jonqsok biex tidhol fis-saltna tas-sewwa
Sur Demartino... min ghandu agenda politika mohbija jinsinwa li jrid. Sinjal li m'ghandux argumenti. Jien ma nitkellimx fuq politka, nitkellem fuq fatti. Ghax mhux sew li l-impieg tal-haddiem iz-zghir fl-Airmalta u fl-industrija kollha tat-turizmu jigi mhedded minn sezzjoni ta' haddiema li matul is-snin li l-Airmalta kellha l-monopolju qatt ma fethu halqhom hlief biex jiehdu z-zidiet. Pilota fl-Airmalta li jaqla' mad-€90,000-€100,000 jahdem medja ta' 4 sighat kuljum (14 il-pilota ghal kull ajruplan f'24 siegha), jigifieri 1460 siegha fis-sena, meta haddiem normali jahdem medja ta' 2000 siegha fis-sena. Mhux tajjeb jew? X'ma jigux jitmejlu minn haddiehor!
Aghsru l-kummenti kollha li nkitbu. Aghasruhom sewwa u araw tohrogx kelma wahda bis-sens. Araw tarawx qarra wahda sugu. U zgur li hadd ma jrid hara haddiema jitilfu xogholhom. (Barra regim socjalista li kien jitfa' 'l barra lil kulmin jistrajkja0-...imma jekk il-piloti jistrajkjaw tghid isalvawha is-sitwazzjoni/"li halaq gvern nazzjonalista"? Bl-istrajk is-sitywazzjoni titjieb? Sur Muscat biex nispjega Kif tridni int irrid inkun pruzuntuz bhal hafna kittieba li jifhmu assolutament f'kollox. U biex int tasal tipprova tipparaguna l-hajja bejn taht it-regim saocjalista u l-hajja issa, jiddispjacini, ma tantx tkun qed turi gherf.
Jien ex Nazzjonalist,ma nasalx nivvota Labour,ax daqshom gwappi,imma issa ghaffeg u seraq bizejjed l-gvern ta Gonzi u aktar ma jaghddi zmien qed niskopri bill-korruzzjoni li hawn,akkost li haddiema jaslu jitilfu xogholhom grazzi al erba klieb bil-guh. Li kieku kella ssir investigazzjoni fl-Airmalta,zgur li l gahan Malti jintebah u jghid...iii ara mela vera kellhom ragun jqumu l haddiema tal-Airmalta!!
Domenic should stand fast and continue putting pressure. Gonzi has to relent and press the MIA to cooperate. They gave MIA a monopoly and they milked Airmalta dry for political purposes. They should solve the muddle and not threaten workers who rightly so refuse to take the blame.
@ Demartino & Josh Li kien ghalikhom l-Air Malta QATT ma tweldet. Kontu titnejku biha bhala ghasafar tac-comb u sahansitra kontu tibbojkotjawa u tghidu li l-ajruplani taghha lanqas sa Sqallija ma jwasslu. U xi nghidu ghal li kontu tghidu ghal pilots Pakistani? U illum bil wicc tost kollu tridu tatuna lectures fuq l-Air Malta. L--istorja ta l-AirMalta hija semplici. Partit Laburista Wellidha u Partit Nazzjonalista qeridha u wasal biex jidfina.
Qisek naqra ippanikjat De Martino. Jaqaw ghandek x'titlef? Jien nazzjonalist u ma nistax nimmaginana taht il-Labour, imma ma nistax nimmaginana taht Gonzi u Tonio Fenech al aktar snin. Why don't you try explaining some of the items mentioned in this blog? Or perhaps you would like to talk about something you are more knowledgable about? Go on, don't be shy, tell us.....
sur Demartino, jiddispjacini imma m'intix kredibbli. Kull min isaqsik xi haga, dejjem tohrog bl-istess kantaliena ta x'kien jigri 30 sena ilu. Apparti l-fatt illi l-istorja ta dak iz-zmien ma hiex kif tghid int; jien saqsejtek hafna mistoqsijiet fuq x'qed jigri illum u fuq x'sa jigri minn 500 familja li ha jispiccaw minhajr dhul bla htija ta xejn. Tista twegibni ? u le, jien u dawn il-500, ma jinteressaniex x'gara terz ta seklu ilu !!
@de martino Mur ibqa dejjaq lil tal-gazzetta l-ohra bl'ingliz . Tinsiex timsah imniehrek.
DeMartino,"Huwa pajjiz denokratiku sakemm hemm gvern nazzjonalista bil provi Like giving himself and his clowns 500 euros extra a week behind every one's back, sure we have a democratic country gonzi style. Cant wait to see the back of this incompetent government.
Kif naghlqilkom halqkom mill-ewwel. Issa kulhadd iparla fil-vojt, sentenzi bla ebda sens u ebda sugu, hafna allegazzjonijiet, hafna nofs kliem li ma jifhmu hadd....JIEN FATTI konkreti nikteb ghalhekk indejjaqkom. Hafna ndejjaqkom. Trid tkun veru balalu biex tghid li llum tahbi ismek ghax l-gvern ipattihierlek! BALALU!
Sur Demartino... hallihom toqodx tahli l-hin twiegeb lil dawn in-nies intolleranti li mohhom hu li jwaqqghu il-gvern (minghalihom) u mhux li jsalvaw l-Airmalta. Ghax hlief kummenti politici ma jaghmlux. Insewh iz-zmien meta l-Airmalta kellha l-monopolju f'kollox hi u erhilhom jaghmlu l-azzjoniiet industrijali biex izidu l-pagi taghhom. Mhux ta' b'xejn ghandhom €100,000 fis-sena. Jien ghax ghaddejt kumment li kien 'l fuq mil-politka hargu jghajruni kliem dispreggattiv li ghadek tista' tarah hawn isfel. Jien li ghidt hu li fis-sitwazzjoni li qeghda l-Airmalta llum l-istrajk ikun l-ahhar musmar fit-tebut. U dan qalu l-istess Albert Mizzi li jgawdi rispett minn kulhadd. Irrispettivament minn kemm ghandhom ragun jew le, jistghu juzaw mezzi ohra bhalma kienu se jaghmlu biex jiccalingjaw l-issue tal-MIA mal-EU Commission. Imma mhux jistrajkjaw u jsawtu lill-Maltin shabhom li minnhom iridu l-appogg. Mela hallihom jaghmlu l-ingassa m'ghonqhom u jitghallqu. Il-hmerija hi li se jghallqu lill-hafna povri haddiema ohra u lill-familji taghhom. Imma mbaghad iridu jiehdu r-responsabilta' huma wkoll tal-konsegwenzi.
employee, Toninu, REFNER etc Giovann.DeMartino cannot answer you because you are telling the truth. He is only there to defend his indefensible GONEZI whatever he does at all costs apart from being stuck in the last millennium.
Giovann.DeMartino ħafna nies li jiktbu bi psewdonomu jagħmlu hekk għax appuntu m'hawnx libertà taħt ir-reġim Nazzjonalista u jekk ikunu jafu min int ipattuhielek. Għalhekk ħafna nies jiktbu taġt psewdonomu grazzi għall-Malta Today u gazzetti oħra.
Lil dawk il-hafna anonimi i bezziegha: Jien bl-ebda mod ma nidhol fil-mertu ta' kemm, ghandhom ragun u/jew tort il-piloti. Anqas jekk irrid ghax jien ma nafx, mhux bhal hafna professuri li jifhmu assolutament f'kollox. Jien ghedt, u hekk ghandu jkun, li l-gvern ma ghandux jinnegozja bit-tevolver ma mohhu. Jekk hemm it-tahdidiet ghadhom isiru bl-irgulija u mhux bit-theddid. L-Air Malta, milli jidher qeghda sewwa u strajk ikun jonqosha halli jigtilha bhalma gara fit-tarznari meta kien ikun hemm strajkijiet politici kull gimgha. Imbaghad meta Mintoff qallhom: Hekk bilfors irid isir, tnaqqis ta' salarji, tahdmu fejn ikun hemm bzonn, addio shift u jekk ikun hemm bzonn xi sahra DIN TRID ISSIR BLA HLAS. Jien "niddefendi l gvern kull meta jittewweb, intom takkuzaw lill-gvern anki jekk jaghmel terremot fil-Messiku. Tiftakru kemm gieli kien haw min kien izeblah lix-xufiera tal-linja? X'ma kontux tghidulhom? Illum kulhadd iridhom lura. Ma ghadhomx arroganti, injoranti u mahmugin. It-trakkijiet taghhom ma ghadhomx idahhnu i jcekcku, m'ghadhomx isuqu bl-addocc.....Din l-ipokrizija ddardarni jien. Ara jien dak li nghid nghidu car u kulhadd jaf min jien. Ghax nghid dak li nemmen fih. Tista' taqbel u tista' ma taqbilx. Haw pajjiz demokratiku....sakemm hemm gvern nazzjonalista. Bil-provi.
@Demartino.. tista tnehhi in-nuccali politiku tieghek ghal darba u tipprova tifhem il-punt kollu tal-kwistjoni ? Taf li iktar minn 500 haddiem, bil-familji taghhom kollha, ha jispiccaw bla job, mhux ghax ghamlu xi haga hazina huma, imma biex ipattu ghal-hnizjiriet li ghamel haddiehor U GHADU JGHAMEL .. nerga nghidlek .. U GHADU JAGHMEL ? Tista tghidli, dawn il-500 familja x'jimpurtahom x'kien jigri 25-30 sena ilu, jew minn hemm fil-gvern illum, meta l-esistenza taghhom hija mhedda ? Ghandhekk lista dettaljata hawn taht tal-hnizjiriet kollha. Wegibni fuqhom, u mbaghat nghamillek lista ohra biex forsi fl-ahhar int u l-ipokriti l-ohrajn kollha tal MTA, MHRA, FOI ul l-bqija tal-pappagalli iwiegbu wkoll ghaliha.
@ Demartino Waqt li semmejt il verzjoni tieghek ta x'gara fl-imghoddi ( ghax donnok ghadek imkahhal hemm ) konvenjentament ma merejt xejn milll argumenti li inkitbu hawn isfel rigward il-hnizrijiet tal kuntartti li nghataw. Ghalik kull min jittewweb taht dan il gvern, jaghmel hekk b'xi skop malinn jew biex ifixxkel lil dan il gvern.
Il-gvern ijlu jaf b'din is-sitwazzjoni , ijlu issiru ilmenti fuq kuntratti , ezempju tal-catering..kemm qed tonfoq l-Airmalta ghall catering??? Kif wara li issiru ilmenti min passigiri kullljum u anke min turisti dwar il-livell baxx ta catering , l-Airmalta qatt ma hadet passi ? probabli ghax meta ikun nies importanti fuq it-titjiriet l-ikel ikun specjali...forsi ..nahseb ic-chariman il-gdied ghandu jara ghala dan is-servizz inferjuri baqa dejjem ghaddej qisu ma qed jigri xejn...Airmalta thallas il-miljuni ta euros..x'ma tfalliex! Ic-chairmen is-Sur farrugia haga irrid jiccekja..kemm jinzel ikel lura ghax ma jittikilx....u jkun jaf q'qed nghid u kemm hi sitwazzjoni inkwetanti, ghandu wkoll iddur fuq min suppost jithallas biex dawn l-affarijiet ma jsirrux... x'ma tfalliex l-airmalta!!!!!
U zgur u zgur. All the Maltese are behind you...Basta kontra l-gvern jew kontra l-Knisja. Tiftakru meta fi zmien ir-regim xi hadd kien jissogra jaghmel strajk? Tiftakru? Dak iz-zmien All the Maltese ma kinux behind us. Miskin hu min kien jipprova. All the Maltese ma kinux wara t-tobba, wara tal-linja, wara l-furnara, wara tal-laham, wara l-ghalliema, wara tal-banek, wara tal-Enemalta, wara l-fitters afloat, wara l-periti, wara l-haddiema tal-garaxx tal-Marsa U zgur li jdardrukom il-kummenti tieghi ja qabda ipokriti. Jekk il-piloti ghandhom ragun ipoggi madwar mejda u jitkellmu. Strajkijiet jonqosha l-Air Malta. Hafna kittieba haw taht mhux ghax ghandhom xi grazzja mal-piloti, imma jisperaw li dawn ikomplu jaghymlu hsara lill-gvern forsi wara tletin sena fid-dezert jirbhu elezzjoni. About time. Imbaghad taraw kemm nigu sewwa!
Giovann.DeMartino You say the Gov should not give in to blackmail...well, I'd like to see the day when a gov minister says that he will not give in to blackmail, which is an admission of wrongdoing in the first place. That is what blackmail is. I assume you mean the Gov should not give in to a strike threat. Well, Giovann, if they don't, all parties will loose out as the Company will not recover with all the milking going on. Remember that this strike is NOT about their salaries or working times, but is to reduce the Company's expenditure where it matters by reducing abuse....much like the abuse with cargo prices where middleman get huge cuts on tarriffs.
Mario Sciberras What's so wrong with that statement? Its still not too late, and he has the honesty and will to push forward what he and all his fellow pilots want. So much so that 96% of them gave him a mandate for Withdrawal of Service. Now if you think this man should not be there, could you at least trust the 140 odd pilots who gave the go ahead? I hope you do, as I'd hate to state the that most Maltese have at some point in their existence trusted their lives or that of their loved ones in their hands!
2Briffy Being on a committee can have many meaning. All employees have a representative on the Works Council, but trust me, they don't have a say in what the Company decides to do. The days of the 'direttur haddiem' are truly over. In this case he is there to ensure that anything the Union needs to be aware of, is brought to their attention. I really wish I knew the stuff they get to know. 'employee' mentioned some interesting about you ask your mentor for information and illuminate us? Lets mention the cleaning contract shall we? The price the contractor promises is incredible. Air Malta employed cleaners are transfered to other sections. A few years later, employees discover that there are many hidden charges, for example, a charge is levied per chewing-gum removed from aircraft seats and seat pockets. Another interesting example was a charge for emptying the aircraft trash. Imagine that, a cleaning company quotes a price which does not include the physical removal of the rubbish! What cheek! Next contract, SITA.....Ahhhhhhh my favorite! Go on, anyone wanna take a wild guess? yep, charges for everthing to do with IT! Not to mention that they occupy space at Air Malta head office. How much are they paying? well, I'll leave that for someone else to point out. MIA, wanna see the level of corruption? I dare you to go tomorrow and have a pizza in the rooftop restaurant and have a look out the window. Try counting how many Ryanair and easyjet aircraft are parked facing the runway, ie requiring a bus to take the passengers to and from the aircraft. I'll spare you the hassle....ZERO. SO their handling agent saves money on coaches and drivers and passes the savings to the airline for its cut-throat prices. If you do go, try having a look as a Ryanair aircraft starts its engines and you will notice there is nobody plugged to the aircraft, meaning that if something goes wrong during engine start, comunication between ground staff and cockpit is limited to hand signals. Hows that for 'safety first'? Air Malta even managed to restrict itselve in the size of cargo items it carries with the excuse of Health and Safety concerns for Air Malta loaders. This resulted in our competitors gaining an advantage over us. Since some of our competitors such as Lufthansa use Air MAlta as its handling agent in Malta, guess who loaded the 'too big for Air Malta items of cargo'? Yep, Air Malta's loaders! No health and Safety issue there!! noooooo, of course not! And what does the Minister do in the meantime? What's his beloved Arsenal play footie? Actually fly there with Arriva's minority share holder? Think about how sorrowful Our Mother is feeling? Plan his next renovation works? Naaaaaaa, he tells us he's abstaining in the Divorce parlamentary vote! Capcpu boloh, capcpu. Hallejtek Celine, forsi narawk il-Gimgha!
“The time has come and we are telling government that enough is enough, and unless drastic changes are made to the way things work at Air Malta, we are all going to lose,” Azzopardi said. We should nominate this chap for Mastermind. How do people like him find themselves leading a trade union? Is this a repetition of the story about the boy who wore the long trousers for the first time and had an accident in it?
Go on ALPA!!! We are with you ALL THE WAY. If need be we will ground all operations not only the national airline. We will not let this government to take away everything we worked so hard for with our families!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just Ray and to WHOM they are given.
Hmmm......Demartino!!! KDM group of companies???
Where were those who are now voicing their opposition to the ALPA strike when Air Malta was being undermined by EFA and GONEZI? Your silence was DEAFENING then. So why are you speaking now?
Go on ALPA. You are the last breather to our national airline. We are 100% with you.
@ g demartino "I do hope that the government will not give in to blackmail. Whatever the consequences." Jaqaw int kont wiehed minn dawk li fl-imghoddi kont tifrah meta EFA kien jghajjat li l-Airmalta hija ghasafar tac-comb? Jaqaw ghandek xi commission minn dawk il-hnizrija ta kuntratti li qed jibilghu il-miljuni kbar mill Airmalta? Naqra il-posts tieghek niddardar, JAQQ!! Igri tasal l-elezzjoni li imiss halli persuni lijahsbu lihuma allat bhalek jiehdu tghalima darba ghall dejjem.
Briffy..why don't you shut up and stop making an idiot of yourself. What's the point if being invited to meetings when you cannot speak, but it is the CEO who does the dealings ? and what has been achieved so far ? I will tell you .. NOTHING..and nothing will be achieved as the contracts concerned are watertight. Do you think that who made these contracts to feed his stooges is an idiot who will leave a loophole somewhere ? Of course, we will be told that a few thousands of euros will be given back, but the millions will remain in the pockets of those who nourish the PN machine. And the MIA is the tip of the iceberg. How about investigating 1. the catering contract 2. the cleaning contract 3. the Sita contract 4. Holiday Malta 5. WAG. Let's stop there for the moment. And you think the workers should meekly submit to the slaughter, Think again, MHRA, FOI and the rest of the chorus
2Marco are you suggesting that the ALPA rep sits on the committee just to take notes? If this is the case then ALPA, that presumably chose him/her, should replace him/her. A committee member as distinct from an observer has a say in the proceedings.
@gs Exactly! ALPA keep it up!! DO NOT BE INTIMIDATED...the majority of the Maltese people have become a nation of softies who are scared of this and scared of that...spineless and fools. You make us proud! And strike is a RIGHT even in this pseudo-catholic rotten country!!! Yes, the world should know how we are being treated and are being taken for a ride and cheated by our anti-democratic government!
Ara il-GVERN jithajarx izzarma l-AIRMALTA u jithajar igib xi kumpanija bhal l-ARRIVA ha nirangaw ruhna b'hall ma gara fit-trasport il-gdid. Imbghad noqodu nighdu kemm konna ahjar meta konna ghar. He bilhaqq ghax ta' PURE' ma jistidinx il-GONZI, AUSTIN GATT u lill TONIO u is-suggett ikun minn minhom jghamel l-ahjar froga. Tghid minn jerbah? Excuse my Maltese. Keep it up PILOTS, all the MALTESE are behind you all the way
Oh dear, its briffy to the defence again! I wonder if the pilot on this committee has a say in what is actually is reviewed. Also, it would be interesting to actually know what the contract charges contain. Wouldn't you be interested in knowing how much the penalties amount to. I would hate to think Air Malta is charged anywhere in the region of €500 for ordering one special meal for a passenger who requested it at check-in! but you never know, it might actually happen. And why are the contracts being reviewed now? didn't the Prime Minister say he knew of Air Malta's problems seven years ago? what happened in the meantime apart from €€€ lost by employees since the 2004 moratorium? The audited accounts make for some interesting reading. In the last audited accounts, presumably under the blessing of the Company's Internal Audit section, actually list a few million € as miscellaneous. Can you imagine? millions which nobody can justify! hmmmm, and nobody is held to task? Why should anyone loose their job when the problem lies elsewhere? One should always bear in mind that if all the odd 1500 Air Malta employees worked for one whole year without a salary, the Company would still loose money. Yet the foreign guru's think it's a good idea to reduce staff!
Fejn kienu dawk kollha li qed inewwhu kemm ser issir hsara lil industrija tat-turizmu meta l-Air Malta kienet qed tizzarma naqra naqra u spiccat agunija? Jekk tispicca l-Air Malta ser jkunu ahjar milli huma illum? Ara veru kullhadd jigbed lejn xawwatu. Issa indunajtu kemm tiswa l-Air Malta? Issa stenbahtu wara li qerduha? F'pajjiz demokratiku l-istrajk huwa l-unika ghodda biex union tiddefendi lil haddiema taghha.
According to an article in today's The Times, AirMalta says in a memo sent to its mployees that the contracts of AirMalta with other bodies are already being examined to see whether they can be improved. Dominic Azzopardi says that the grounding of aircraft on 16 July is being proposed to pressure Air Malta to review these contracts. According to Air Malta the review is actually already in hand and furthermore a Pilots' representative sits on this committee. If AirMalta's statement is correct then it would follow that (1) ALPA is far from being in the dark as it has its own representative sitting on the committee and (2) ALPA's proposed action is uncalled for as what they are clamouring for - i.e the review of the contracts - is already being done. One can't imagine that ALPA's rep is not briefing Dominic Azzopardi. So one would be forgiven for asking why ALPA is threatening to ground the planes.
@ Giovann.DeMartino . Why? are you getting some commission from these contract?
Yes and let us know who did these contracts!
Joseph Sant
In Italy airline and public transport strikes are a very regular occurrence. Tourism in Italy still thrives. This is a do or die situation for ALPA members. Courage and don't give in.
This government must go. simple.
Isabelle Borg
At last a union with balls.
I do hope that the government will not give in to blackmail. Whatever the consequences.
Dawn l-ghaqdiet hekk jaghmlu ...l-ewwel ihallu lil gvern taghhom iharbat kumpaniji wara kumpaniji u meta il-haddiema jippruvaw jiehdu azzjoni malajr tarhom wiehed wara l-iehor johorgu stqarrijiet biex jikkundannawhom.....L-aqwa li jibzghu ghan-nicca taghhom..
Joseph MELI
Devasting results have already been inflicted upon all stakeholders by an irresponsible,reckless and incompetent government and onpassed to their stooges and lackeys on the Air Malta board.How can the GWU not approve or sanction the bringing over of replacement pilots as they have made an immoveable rod for their own back by allowing such action in the Arriva debacle-and please don't cite that was not an official industrial dispute as an excuse for thats just being pedantic ,as much more far-reaching issues are at stake .As according to a criterion in the contract Arriva(how could any self-respecting union agree to such a clause?) were allowed to perform such a get-out -of -jail policy to satisfy and fill such "temporary gaps" in manpower and "iimport" drivers from wherever to fill such gaps,irrespective of the situation.What nonsense which makes a mockery of member protectionism being demonstrated by the GWU.
MEA and la bella compania should complain not to ALPA but to our irresponsible Government. Full STOP.