Hoteliers warn pilots, ‘we will sue you if Air Malta strike goes ahead’

The Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) has threatened Air Malta pilots that they will be sued for damages, if they ground flights this Saturday.

MHRA said that it would sue the Airline Pilots' Association (ALPA), its representatives and its members in their personal capacity to recover any losses incurred by hotels and restaurants should planes be grounded.

"The proposed strike is totally irresponsible and will not only risk crippling the national airline but will also cause untold damage to Malta’s image, the tourism industry and to the Maltese economy as a whole," MHRA said.

It described the strike as "against the nation" it lacked support, including Air Malta staff.

"ALPA and its representatives are being extremely simplistic in their approach and analysis of the situation and have refused to discuss the real problems of the airline in a responsible fashion,” the hoteliers said, adding that "ALPA has not come clean on the real situation of many aspects pertaining to its members including the number of members it has on long term leave, the amount of hours worked per week and the number of pilots in the employment of the national airline working with other airlines, including low cost airlines."

MHRA ended its statement by expressing hope that pilots would see sense and call off the strike threat.


Oh My MHRA are in a quandry. So first you welcomed the low cost low tourist airlines now you depend on KM just the same. Perhaps KM ought to sue you for the shoddy service you give to tourists the largely out of date hotel plant that you boast is up to EU standards and the shabby look of the tourist zone s with your kitch. Mi fate pena
MHRA, Qeghdin thallsuhom regolari l-kontijiet tad-dawl u ilma?
Ta l- MHRA kienu jafu qabel li l -affarijiet se jittrangaw, allura hargu b'din l-ideja (li jfittxu lil ALPA) qabel biex jidhru li ghamlu xi pressjoni u li rebhu xi haga mentri li rebhu hija it-tazza tal-medjokrita ghal din il-gimgha Issa, l-azzjoni ta strike ma tistax michuda jew imfittxa bil-qorti taht il-ligi indusrtijali ghax tmur konra l-kovenzjoni internazzjonali.... jigiieri sur Gorg Micallef u membri ta L-MHRA, nispera li din kienet ta l-ahhar li qed taqaw ghac-cajt daqshekk lokalment kif ukoll barra minn Malta. Jiddispcajini ghal dawk il -membri ta L-MHRA, li huma favur li fl-Airmalta jista jsir hafna ahjar u j'alla jkun hekk. Dawn il membri qed jaraw l-interess tal-partijiet kollha u mhux ta l- MHRA biss Nispera li almenu ta l- MHRA jirtiraw dak li qalu ghax huwa ta hsara u ta ezempju hazin ghal pajjizna!!! Ghax ma tistax lil -haddiem tnehhilu d-dritt ta l-isrtajk
MHRA your greediness and self centering,is so loud that every cuc Malti knows an understands this.Why don`t you start by doing something and employing the Maltese workers,instead of a bunch of illegal immigrants at low cost,and most of time without permits.Should all Maltese workers sue you for forcing Mazltese workers to go and register because you pay peanuts and your only excuse is that you don`t` find enough Maltese workers.If you pay the maltese workers peanuts,for sure you will niot find. The same thing happening in Airmalta.They give subsidies to low cost carriers operating from Birmingham,Stansted,Dublin,Ediburgh...all Airmalta destinations until a few months ago.So Airmalta pulls out of one Airport and next day Ryanair start operating from the same airport with a subsidy.Do you call this fair?Do you call this a level playing field?
HMRA should read HMAR, how stupid can one get. . Booooooooooooooooooo here comes the booooogey man. How pathetic.
L-MHRA għax ma' ħarrkitx lil min farrak l-AirMalta?! Il-veru ma' jisthux dawn in-nies!!
Breaking news: strike called off.
Will they be suing Ryanair for grounding it's fleet in winter ?
whilst I do not agree with the strike, I find it totally absurd that MHRA is threatening to sue ALPA. After all, how can MHRA do this? On what basis? MHRA can only sue Airmalta (Airmalta brings passengers not ALPA) and if it did so, the case would be thrown out of the court in an blink of an eye.
Isabelle Borg
We should boycott all those hotels and restaurants who are members of the MHRA.
Next flight Air Malta operates at a loss to serve a route that MHRA cried for us to operate, we will sue. Next time a tourist vows never to come to Malta again after being charged 4 euro for a 500ml bottle of water by an MHRA member, we will sue.
Veru l-Haddiem Malti ma baqalu l-ebda drittijiet? Ghaliex min ma jaqbilx li issir strajk jaghmel xi marathona orha "ohloq tijira" halli nighnu lil shabna il-haddiema. Bicca vicca il-haddiem qed jigi imfarrak u hadd ma jiftah halqu. Pajjiz tad-diskriminazzjoni, korruzzjoni, serq, intimidazzjoni u Dittatorjat. Ergajna morna ghas-snin sittin, fejn riedu jitfaw il-habs lil minn jistrajkja
MHRA shit in your pants. You were part of this foul blood sucking regime. Bla bajd!! How come none of you tough guys spoke up about the pouring away of millions to MIA and private businesses. Is this the EU we joined? Sounds more like plantation owner telling slaves they will be flogged if they put down their tools. Is this Malta or Mississippi. I wonder?
Another important thing is that people have a right to strike, otherwise the governments will b stepping over them. Everybody wants to sue everyone, except sueing the govt himself !!!!!! Wake up people. The govt. wants everything how he wants...irrelevant how people think about it.
Before, MHRA wanted the low-cost airlines and not Airmalta. Issa q@milhom. Here my friends, the Govt. is sitting on his @ss waiting for the rest to fight amongst them. Then he would say...its not the Govt who turned down Airmalta, he will blame the 'strikers'. The people who care about Airmalta, SHOULD and MUST take it against the Govt. I think that next Friday, there should be a Demonstartion in saving Airmalta where all Airmalta workers are participating in it (except for the Engineers), and so should the rest of Malta. Support Airmalta, and join in saving Airmalta just by being present in Valletta Friday coming. This is saving Airmalta and the whole country. Just one thing, its not only Airmalta who will go down, so participate, I recommend it, I will be present for the demonstration.
Paul Sammut
If AirMalta will go bust if the strike goes ahead and if MHRA would sue ALPA because they deem the strike as being illegal, then if it were so, the pilots should resign and block. That would be legal, would it not?
If I'm a pilot, I would not take this warning lightly, unless ofcourse I dont mind loosing my home and all my assets. I suggest they should take a second legal opinion before jumping blind.
Paul Sammut
MHRA should be trying to get some sense out of Air Malta and the government if they are worried so much. They owe it to the Maltese taxpayers off whom they reap benefits, free land and beach concessions. They were only ever so meek during the last twenty years as Air Malta was being bled.
Not if there is a hidden agenda which will eventually come out in a law suit. Besides this is the action of a maverick union while all the others are slowly but surely distancing themselves from this action. ALPA's reasoning is completely distorted since they are insisting that legally drawn up contracts made over several years are made redundant. One may dispute the contents but these cannot be voided and redone without a consensual agreement. Striking on these grounds make absolutely no legal sense whatsoever Let's make it clear, Tourism is one of Malta's backbone industries and not Air Malta. Air Malta is a very important mean to an end which is why it has been successively baled out with tax payers money over and over again. But we cannot continue to see it as a irreplacable asset whatever the price. Of course our politicians set up the scenario and are at fault but to maintain a status quo or having others foot the bill is totally irresponsible. A point has been made and now it's time to go to the negotiationg table - with all the other union representatives - for a long long dialogue.
This is sheer intimidation. It is probably also illegal. Not hard to work out who is behind it.
CRAP!!! CRAP!!! CRAP!!! It would take years to go through court and the hotels would have gone under by then.
This is now going to extremes. Do these people know that trade unions, their officials and members are immune from liability for damages arising out or consequent to an industrial action.Do they know that such immunity is protected by law. Aren't there their much beloved low cost carriers to carry the tourists to their esteemed hotels. Come on and lets be serious, industrial strikes are a fundumental right period. You have the right to disagree, to voice your concern, but to stifle the freedom of association and to make such illegal threats, sorry mates that's not on. If I were the unions I would ask for MHRA to reverse the statement pending which MHRA would be considered as a non grata institution. But it seems only ALPA has balls these days. So shut your big mouths and concentrate your barrage to the real perpetrators of this national crime - the PN and their cronies
I guess MHRA will be kissing their flying @ss
Isabelle Borg
Since when strikes has become illegal?