Divorce vote: Sliema based PN MPs shift to 'yes'

Sliema-based MPs Dolores Cristina, George Pullicino, and Francis Zammit Dimech shifted from a previous 'no's and abstentions in the second reading vote to a 'yes' vote in the third and final reading.

Education, Employment, and Culture Minister Dolores Cristina shifted from a ‘no’ vote in the second reading to a ‘yes’ vote in final vote during the third reading. This same shift was performed by PN MP Francis Zammit Dimech.

Resources and Rural Affairs George Pullicino shifted from an abstention during the second reading to a ‘yes’ vote during the final vote.

All three MPs contest on the 10th district, within which falls the contentious Sliema locality - previously considered a Nationalist stronghold. Following the divorce debate, and the distance that the PN put between itself and its liberal and moderate voters, the PN's deadlock on the locality is waning.

The shift could represent a bid by Sliema contenders to reaffirm thier liberal and moderate credentials among an electorate that is quickly losing faith in the PN being anything but a confessional party with oppressively Catholic overtones.

Throughout the debate, Cristina in particular held back from commenting directly on divorce and dodged questions by the media as to what her vote would be. Her resulting 'no' vote during the second reading vote surprised few.

Similarly, various other Nationalist MPs such as Charlo Bonnici, Jean-Pierre Farrugia, Stephen Spiteri, Ninu Zammit all shifted from an abstention during the second reading’s vote, to a ‘yes’ vote in the final divorce bill vote.

However PN MP Philip Mifsud also changed his vote, having shifted from an abstention in the second vote to a ‘no’ vote in the third and final vote.

Azzopardi, Jason Azzopardi, Tonio Borg, Giovanna Debono, Louis Deguara, Beppe Fenech Adami, Austin Gatt, Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici, and Edwin Vassallo, and Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi’s ‘no’ vote remained unchanged.

Labour MP Marie Louise Coleiro-Preca shifted from an abstention during the second reading to a ‘yes’ vote in the final vote – in line with the position she said she would take earlier this month.

PN MPs Francis Agius, Tonio Fenech, Mario Galea, Peter Micallef, and Clyde Pulis remained unchanged in their abstentions.

Conspicuously, Labour MP Adrian Vassallo, who had been warned of the consequences of his ‘no’ vote during the divorce bill’s second reading, did not show up for the final vote.

Paul Sammut
@ briffy u lil dak l-iehor de mattino : With compliments dear. Rock on.
Ghax m'ghandhomx sinsla u partit tal-opportunisti! Who was that blogger on MT that said that he sees Joseph as an opportunist? I hope that now he (or she) has the answer!
So much for kuxjenza!! what a farce how obvious are these three people who can change their kuxjenza by a flick of a finger so long they stay in power and hang on at all cost to their seat. what HYPOCRISY what a JOKE! its all about the big bucks which they don't deserve.
Paul Sammut
@ briffy u lil dak l-e17ihor de mattino : With compliments dear . Rock on.
What matters is that the Prime Minister’s vote against the people’s democratic choice is a disgrace to democracy. In essence the PM is no different than the dictators in Libya and Syria, his only interest is to hang on to power, his judgement on the fundamentals of democracy warped and his ability to govern nonexistent. . The shift by the Sliema MPs confirms that staying in power is the only thing that matters to this undeserving lot. What an insult!
Shift from 'Kuxjenza morali' to 'kuxjenza tal-voti' because of the Pullicino threat? Tal-biza x'ippokresija grassa dawn il fans a Milner Street gutter gal!
Jekk kien hemm bzonn prova li l-kwistjoni tal-"Kuxjenza" kienet biss skuza , din il-prova rajniha issa meta numru ta' ministri u deputati nazzjonalisti li ma kienux ivvutaw IVA, la fir-referendum u lanqas waqt il-vot fit-tieni qari tal-ligi, issa ivvutaw IVA ghal l-istess ligi tad-divorzju fit-tielet u l-ahhar vot fil-parlament !! X'se jghidilhom lil shabu fil-parlament Giovann De Martino ?? Issa wkoll qed nistenna biex nara Dr. Gonzi hux se jghid li fl- 1 ta' Ottubru, meta tidhol fis-sehh il-ligi tad-divorzju, hu u l-mara tieghu Kate, mhux se jkunu baqghu " mizzewwgin " ghax se jkunu saru " gharajjes " kif kien qal diversi drabi qabel ir-referendum, li jekk jidhol id-divorzju, il-mizzewwgin kollha se jsiru " GHARAJJES " ghax iz-zwieg ma jibqax dejjiemi !! Eddy Privitera
Il-kuxjenza ta' Dolores, Gorg u Francis jidher li qeghda bix-xhut-down tas-Sajf. Dawn x'jitnejjku mill-kuxjenza u mir-religjon li jipprattikaw. L-aqwa li jaghmlu minn kollox biex ma jnaqqsux ic-cans li jergghu jitilghu fil-Parlament biex joqfghodu jerdaw 5 snin ohra. Ezempju car iehor tal-Kristjanezmu tal-Ipokriti kif prattikat min-Nazzjonalisti.
Ara vera l-poter genninhom. Il praspar qed jaghmluhom fil berah u lanqas qed jipopruvaw jiskuzaw l-azzjonijiet li qed jiehdu. addio kuxjenza u morali l-aqwa l-vot.
@ Quo Vadis, Argument tieghek veru bis sens, naqbel perfettament ma kull kelma li ghedt, u inzid li tant kemm waqaw fil baxx... li jghaddu ligi importanti bhal dik,minghajr il kunsens u il firma ta l-akbar kariga li hemm fil parlament , jigifieri tal P.M. Nemmen li qatt fl-istorja politika tad dinja ma ghadiet ligi li 10 membri min naha tal gvern ma qablux u 5 ghamlu bhal pilatu.........Int tfajthom ghal gol hajt, jien nahseb li min fuq l-irdum ser nispiccaw....
Laqizmu sfrenat u fl'aqwa tieghu! Bir-rispett kollu lejn uhud mid-deputati taz-zewg nahat tal-kamra (specjalment fuq in-naha tal-gvern), tafu li l-poplu nduna li mohhkom biss biex toffendulu l'intelligenza, jew veru hsibtuna cwiec? L'anqas tifilhu taqghu aktar ghan-nejk minhabba l-voti! Possibli li ma ndunajtux li waqajtu hafna fil-baxx u qbistu kull limitu ta' xi tip ta' etika morali? U halluna! Ghal gol-hajt, ras!
Micheal Bonanno
Mid--dehra m'ghogbithomx li JPO se johrog fuq id-distrett taghhom! Niggzithom il-kuxjenza msieken.
Inthom taħsbu li n-nies ta' TAs-Sliema ċwieċ u se tgħadduhom biż-żmien? Issa taarw fl-elezzjoni.
Joseph Sant
I wonder what all the commentators here, who applauded these three members for their staunch belief in values, will say now. I'm sure their fertile imagination and servility will invent something for our amusement.
Dr francis Zammit Dimech ,Dolores Cristina u Dr Gorg Pullicino ma TANTX DAMITILKOM SAFJA il KUXJENZA ghax malajr DORTU u IVVOTAJTU favur id DIVORZJU qieskom PENNURI tghamlu kif JAQBEL LILKOM ghal VOTI Imma nisperaw li il poplu tal 10 Distrett ma jibqawx CWIEC bhal ma qalilna sehibkom il ministru Dr Tonio Fenech
ehhh dak il vot kemm jiswa, sahansitra nsejna l-kuxjenza warajna.