Grech blasts Abela for knowing fraudulent nature of hospitals concession while doing nothing

The 1,200-page inquiry features a long list of players believed to have been involved in masterminding the fraudulent concession, including top government officials such as Joseph Muscat, Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi

Opposition Leader Bernard Grech has stated that Prime Minister Robert Abela knew since at least 2021 that the hospitals concession was fraudulent, yet his government continued to spend millions while defending the deal.

Grech said this in a Facebook post on Sunday as he was reacting to the publication of the Vitals inquiry by MaltaToday.

The 1,200-page inquiry features a long list of players believed to have been involved in masterminding the fraudulent concession, including top government officials such as Joseph Muscat, Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi. 

On Facebook Grech wrote, “Today we found out why Robert Abela did not want to publish the inquiry.”

Grech further accused Abela of being complicit in the fraudulent deal as he knew the nature of the concession, yet never stopped the deal.