Fenech endorsed by Air Malta chairman and GRTU president

Finance minister endorsed by Air Malta chairman, GRTU President, ST. Microelectronics HR manager and former Playmobil Malta chief executive.

Finance minister Tonio Fenech
Finance minister Tonio Fenech

Air Malta chairman Louis Farrugia, GRTU President Paul Abela, ST. Microelectronics HR manager Tonio Portughese and former Playmobil Malta chief executive Helga Ellul, were among those who endorsed finance minister Tonio Fenech's bid for deputy leadership of the Nationalist Party.

In a video posted on Facebook and which was also shown to PN councillors over the four weeks of campaigning which ended on Friday, with the election of MEP Simon Busuttil as the new PN deputy leader, a number of established personalities put their face to Fenech's nomination, stressing that the finance minister was a "good listener."

While all claiming that Fenech was "always there to listen," Louis Farrugia said that as Air Malta chairman he has worked closely with Fenech especially now that the airline is undergoing a restructuring process.

GRTU president Paul Abela praised Fenech as "the minister who always listened to GRTU's concerns," while former Playmobil ceo Helga Ellul said that Fenech was always there for the local industry.

Perhaps the most surprising endorsement came from ST. Microelectronics HR manager Tonio Portughese, who hailed Fenech as "the man who convinced the company's principals to keep the Malta plant," when things were getting difficult for ST in Malta.

Meanwhile, Tonio Fenech thanked all his supporters for their efforts during his campaign on his Facebook page.

Mark Fenech
Dawn l-istess nies li kienu jgħajru lil GWU li hija l-forċina tal-gvern laburista. Ħalluna men.
Hon Fench, id delegati sfiduccjawk bil goff. L unika triq honorabli li ghandek hija li tbaxxi rasek u twarrab
Waqt li paul abela, tonio portughese u helga ellul ghandhom kull dritt - nirrepeti biex inkun carissmu - ghandhom KULL dritt li jappoggjaw fil-berah lil min iridu, ikun tonio fenech jew cikku jew peppu, MA NARAX LI HU SEW LI LOUIS FARRUGIA BHALA CHAIRMAN TAL-AIR MALTA, KUMPANIJA NAZZJONALI TAL-PAJJIZ KOLLU, JOHROG JAPPOGGJA FIL-BERAH LIL DAK JEW LILL-IEHOR. DAN MHUX SEW. Is-sur Farrugia missu ftakar li mhux qed imexxi kumpanija privata tieghu izda l-linja nazzjonali tal-ajru u x'jahseb u x'jidhirlu fuq Tonio Fenech kien ikun ferm ahjar li zammu ghalih. IMMA ISSA MID-DEHRA FIL-PAJJIZ SPICCAT IS-SERJETA U L-INTEGRITA U SIRNA FREE FOR ALL - min jaf jekk imbaghad tinqaleb il-folja min tant ixxala u ffanga u tkessah hux se jippretendi li jithalla jkompli jghix din il-hajja !!!!!!
Minn Louis Farrugia, Tonio Portughese u Paul Abela jekk nistenna kollox zgur ma kontx nistenna din il-pastazata. Dan x'pajjiz hu? Fejn hi l-imparzjalita` u s-serjeta`? Ara veru hawn min ma jafx jisthi. Dawn in-nies huma figuri pubblici u ma mhiex etika minn naha taghhom li johorgu jendorsjaw lill-Tonio Fenech.
This all shows the corruption we are in. But that is nothing new to Maltese politics. Everybody knew that Tonio Fenech did not have a chance of winning that contest and the reason he ran is because GonziPN had to make it a fair contest so it would not look like when he decided to run for that vote of confidence all by himself and being he was the only contestant, obviously, he won the confidence vote. A one man race has no competition and the one horse always wins. But all in all Simon Busuttil is an great asset for GonziPN.
Luke Camilleri
The chickens coming home to roost!
The fact that these people endorsed one candidate or another shows the utter and complete corruption of this country. It means that they owe their positions to political loyalties and not to their skills - as is so often evident. And its also clear that the implications are that they are occupying these positions to do the bidding of their political masters and not acting to the benefit of their shareholders, employees or clients - again as is abundantly clear. Talk about Malta and you talk about a failed democracy. No wonder there is a nostalgia for British rule, even the neglect of a foreign occupation is remembered more fondly that the current state of active, managed rape of this country.