PN’s former financial controller Antoine Borg is elected MP

Surprise candidate Antoine Borg wins casual election held to fill seat vacated by former Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi.

Antoine Borg
Antoine Borg

Former PN financial controller Antoine Borg was today elected to parliament after gaining 2,253 votes in the casual election held to fill the seat vacated by former Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi.

Borg was elected in the sixth count after leading the race for most counts. Although Borg lagged behind his closest rival, former MP Peter Micallef, in the fifth count, Borg banked on his alphabetical advantage and took the seat. 

Speaking to MaltaToday at the counting hall in Naxxar, Borg expressed his surprise at being elected, adding that he was "proud" of his election.

Pointing out that together with Nationalist MP Ryan Callus he was one of the youngest MPs, Borg said: "I am looking forward to work in Parliament."

Asked whether he shouldered any responsibility for the PN's financial woes, Borg answered in the negative and said: 'there is no link whatsoever. I always gave my all in the job."

He added that could not reveal whether he knew of the party's precarious financial state before of after the election, given that such information was confidential.

Seven candidates, four of them former MPs, were vying for Lawrence Gonzi's vacant seat on the seventh district this morning. The counting process started slightly before 9am.

Candidate Rudolph Grima was the first to be eliminated with 186 votes, followed by David Vassallo (491 votes), former MPs Philip Mifsud with 661 votes and Edwin Vassallo with 685 votes.

Former MP and parliamentary secretary Tony Abela was the last candidate to be eliminated after garnering 1,136 votes.

In the sixth count, Borg garnered 2,253 votes, while Peter Micallef bowed out with 1,529 votes.


Although the atmosphere was typically staid with candidates patiently watching the tedious counting process, at one point tension escalated between a counting agent representing former MP Peter Micallef, and former MP Philip Mifsud.

Micallef's agent claimed several ballot papers had been inadvertently placed in Mifsud's ballot box. A representative from the Electoral Commission later confirmed the error.

At this point, Micallef's agent demanded a recount of the votes, but Mifsud objected to this request.

Minutes later, Mifsud's votes started being removed from his box, to which the former MP swiftly moved to halt the process, saying that he would demand a recount from the Commission for the entire casual election.

Mifsud asked that a sorting of the votes be carried out before the recount of the contested ballot sheets.

Ikolli nifrah lis-sur Borg u naqbel mieghu perfettament li kien sorpriz li ha dan is-siggu hu mhux ghax nemmen li haqqu izda minhabba l-kunjom ghax inhoss li dan m'ghandu l-ebda karizma politika. Dan juri kemm is-sistema elettorali tghana ghanda tinbidel kemm jista jkun malajr.
What really concerns me in this article is the fact that, YET AGAIN, another mistake has been found in the counting process, after what is claimed to have happened in the Birkirkara and Gozo districts last March. What is the matter with our counting staff?
Honestly, I am beginning to pity the PN. After Simon Busuttil's abysmal performance as Leader of the Opposition, the election of two deputy leaders who are an extension of their respective fathers' conservatism, now they have the person under whose watch the PN went bankrupt elected to Parliament. God help the PN
Some "Financial Controller".... He sure knows how to "Control" finances with the state he left the Finances at the Dar Centrali!
Thank G-d he will just be a back bencher in the opposition, and not some minister of Finance. Otherwise, Standards and Poor would have probably down graded us again.
surprise candidate.....ha ha ha the new PN, indeed,....ha ha ha..... the man who was involved with the financial mess, the PN is in!!!!!!!The PN keeps on moving in a vicious circle, by keeping steady in attracting the useless.
Dan Borg diga se jibda bil-baggage tqil tal-falliment tal-PN LI HU KIEN IL-FINACIAL CONTROLLER TIEGHU! Nispera ma jibdiex jippridkalna kif Malta se tnaqqas id-dejn li ghabbilna Gonzi+Simon! Biex tkun kredibli l-ewwel kemm messu irranga il-finanzi tal-partit. Ara tal-klikka u konsulenti u bloggers li iffangaw tahtGonzi/SimonPN....dawk ma fallewx!
The PN got rid of the dinosaurs and came up with a financial failure. Flok mit-tajjeb għall aħjar, sejrin mil-ħazin għall-agħar.
Simon Busuttil mhux se jerfa r-reponsabilita ghat-tahwida magna li kien hemm fix-xiri taz-zejt u s-Sur Borg lanqas hu responsabbli ghall-falliment finanzjaru tal-PN. Il-PN ghandhom qaddis gdid jiproteggihom : SAN FARFAR
stenn x succes kellhom il FINANZI tal PN taht dal "financial controller" ???
All anxious to get their seats and none of them raised a finger during the Gonzi PN years to speak about..the massive mismanagement at Mater Dei......AG questionable handling of massive public funds....the murder of Eritreans,....massive mismanagment of nearly every aspect of public life, etc etc etc...a new PN indeed