In the Press: Maghtab park 'unfeasible' | Deadline for powerstation 'optimistic'

Stories from today's national press

A 2007 proposal to have the Maghtab landfill repurposed into a recreational park has proved unfeasible. (Photo:
A 2007 proposal to have the Maghtab landfill repurposed into a recreational park has proved unfeasible. (Photo:

The Times of Malta

A former Enemalta chairman said that he always felt the deadlines for the completion of the gas-fired power station and associated failicities were 'optimistic'. Robert Ghirlando said that an eight-month deadline was 'tight' but how the project is structured will also factor in to the project's duration.


PM Joseph Musat said, after months of silence on the issue, that the process by which Malta's envoy to Asia Sai Mizzi was appointed could have been handled better by the government. The PN is calling for the publication of Mizzi's contract.


A 2007 promise from a PN government to turn the Maghtab landfill into a recreational area has been deemed unfeasible and impossible by Wasteserv's CEO Tonio Montebello. He said that the landfill, which has been out of use for a decade, is still emitting gases and would probably continue to do so for another 25 years.

The Malta Independent

Pickpockets have turned their attention to bus commuters, if the recent spate of police reports is anything to go by. Four reports of thefts occurred in just two hours last Friday. A number of Eastern European pickpockets have been apprehended by the police in the past and patrols have been increased in an effort to curb the crimes.