In the Press: Government has no plans to cut benefits, plans to tackle dependency

Stories from today's national press

Finance Minister Edward Scicluna
Finance Minister Edward Scicluna

The Times of Malta

Planning parliamentary secretary Michael Falzon said that 14 new development policies had been implemented since last year's election. The policies will be introduced prior to the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Environment and Development, which aims to regulate land and sea management until 2020.


The mother of a teen with scoliosis has made an appeal to authorities on her son's behalf in an effort to get him the surgery that has been postponed for three years. The youth has had to seek medical attention overseas in the mean time, as his condition remains untreated and continues to cause him much suffering.


Minister Edward Scicluna said yesterday that there was no intention of removing social benefits but dependence on them will be tackled. He also said that last year's budget aims have been met, ahead of this year's budget.

The Malta Independent

Parents taking their children to appointments at the Child Develop Assessment Unit face the problem of illegal parking by inconsiderate motorists, who leave their cars - and in one case, a hot dog stand - in spaces allocated for children with disabilities. They are then forced to park far away, making it difficult for children with limited or no mobility to get to the Unit.