Saviour Balzan

Saviour Balzan

Founder and co-owner of MaltaToday, Saviour Balzan has reported on Maltese politics and society for over three decades.

In his early days he was actively involved in the environmental lobby and later the Green Party, Alternattiva Demokratika. He later immersed himself in journalism, working to set up newspapers such as il-Fehma, l-Alternattiva, The People and The Independent daily. .

MaltaToday was launched in 1999 to become a leading English-language newspaper. Balzan extended the Mediatoday stable with Maltese-language newspaper Illum, as well as TV programmes Xtra and Reporter. His memoirs are published in Saying It As It Is.

Articles by this author
Take from Peter to pay Paul
Saviour Balzan
Caruana knows that the €100 million shortfall has to come from somewhere. He also knows that there are indications that the economy does not have the same tempo as previous...
If it is not a wakeup call, then what is it?
Saviour Balzan
Unless the party renews itself, radically changes its constitution and more importantly detaches itself from its former leader Joseph Muscat, it will continue to struggle. Muscat...
God Bless
A government designed to fail
Here we go again
The game of self-preservation
Putting a problem on pause
How to lose an election without trying
Muscat should be banished from PL after revelation of plot against Chris Fearne
Stewardgate: The cabal behind the Fearne smear campaign
That white elephant in the room
Everything goes, nothing really matters
The writing is on the bloody wall
Once upon a time there was a super majority