Cartoon: 25 August 2024
Cartoon by Mikiel Galea
Cartoon by Mikiel Galea
Identitàgate is not about a few isolated incidents
If Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri’s silence is the result of...
If Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri’s...
[WATCH] I can’t go on – there is no ray of light | Humanists Malta
When someone is told they have no hope of recovery, that they are losing the life they knew and enjoyed, their physical suffering is worsened by the emotional...
When someone is told they have no hope of recovery, that...
[WATCH] There is no hope left for me – let me decide what is best for myself | Humanists Malta
Those who are terminally ill cannot ask for a choice between living and dying, but they could be allowed to choose between two different deaths: one, peaceful...
Those who are terminally ill cannot ask for a choice...
Cartoon: 18 August 2024
Cartoon by Mikiel Galea
Cartoon by Mikiel Galea
Femicide, a macho culture and the need for a changed mind set
Femicides will continue to happen. But having the right legal, social and...
Femicides will continue to happen. But having the right...
Menopause in the workplace: Breaking the silence | Daniela Magro
The increasing vocalisation of women’s needs and the growing openness...
The increasing vocalisation of women’s needs and the...
Exposed: The hidden cost of hailing a cab | Aron Gatt
By establishing a regulated minimum fare, the regulator can prevent...
By establishing a regulated minimum fare, the regulator can...
[WATCH] I’m suffering - why can’t I choose to leave this life? | Humanists Malta
Should those who want it have the right to make their own choices, to be in control of their own lives, and particularly their final moments?
Should those who want it have the right to make their own...
Where was ‘Bobby’ when Rome was burning? l Frank Camilleri
Let us start from the beginning when the now famous scum bag Ram Tumuluri was...
Let us start from the beginning when the now famous scum...