Malta’s harm reduction hiccups: A love story in the making | Karen Mamo
Most importantly, the renewed ethos of promoting a safer dance culture in Malta is slowly, but surely creating a positive momentum in advancing the human rights and welfare of...
From heartache to happiness: our journey through adoption
Mark Camilleri Gambin
Adoption is one of those instances where your decision has a massive impact on yourself, your family, and the child whose trajectory in life you will radically change
‘Why vote for others to be cheated? Vote for us instead!’
Raphael Vassallo

Elsewhere, both the Socialists and Liberals are equally keen to appease...

Elsewhere, both the Socialists and Liberals are equally...

What the latest statistics tell us about a changing Malta
Josanne Cassar

The fact that the previous barriers which used to divide Malta into two...

The fact that the previous barriers which used to divide...

When Mark Camilleri asked me for a €100,000 interest-free loan
Saviour Balzan

To purposely take one set of privileged chats, intentionally leaving all the...

To purposely take one set of privileged chats,...

Virginity testing law: pre-empting legal loopholes
Mark Said

Admittedly, a law that bans virginity testing strengthens the physician’s...

Admittedly, a law that bans virginity testing strengthens...

The secret weapon to boost employee performance | Alexiei Dingli

Unlike the ‘one-size-fits-all’ model, AI-driven platforms analyse...

Unlike the ‘one-size-fits-all’ model, AI-driven...

Disincentivising whistleblowing
Mark Said

Our legislation has not always been matched with effective measures for the management of whistleblowing or adequate measures to protect individuals who decide...

Our legislation has not always been matched with effective...

‘Exempt’ to pollute? No thanks
Ralph Cassar

Spreading misinformation and outright lies is irresponsible and dangerous. It would mean that our ports become a magnet for the dirtiest, most polluting ships...

Spreading misinformation and outright lies is irresponsible...

Staying vibrant and relevant for the next five years | Charles Deguara

The NAO’s strategic goals are structured around the need to strengthen its institutional capacity, enhancing audit impact, improving stakeholder...

The NAO’s strategic goals are structured around the...

Ten green bottles
Michael Falzon

So, the mystery behind Farrugia’s dismissal will not be easily solved

So, the mystery behind Farrugia’s dismissal will not...

What's really happening in the education sector?
Josanne Cassar

Devaluating and diminishing the role of teachers will only have a domino effect...

Devaluating and diminishing the role of teachers will only...

Lifting a middle finger to Steward
Saviour Balzan

Then and now MaltaToday was highly critical of the deal with Steward and before that Vitals, where Ernst also had the role of CEO

Then and now MaltaToday was highly critical of the deal...

Pope Francis steering AI towards a more humane future | Alexiei Dingli

As we journey through the challenges of the digital age, Pope Francis's insights offer a moral compass, reminding us to use technology not merely for...

As we journey through the challenges of the digital age,...

Regulating temping agencies
Mark Said

Even before introducing new legislation governing the operation of private employment agencies, the government should be required to develop a monitoring and...

Even before introducing new legislation governing the...

Dual-language books as a tool to disseminate information
Laura Calleja

Despite English being commonly spoken by Maltese, there is still deep-rooted...

Despite English being commonly spoken by Maltese, there is...

Prying into public-private lives
Mark Said

The democratic function of the press falters when trivial details about the lives of politicians consume all the resources of our finite attention economy

The democratic function of the press falters when trivial...

Paceville bouncers were supposed to have been ‘regulated’. What happened?
Raphael Vassallo

Clearly, there has been an intensification of the street-crime associated with Paceville, over the years: both in terms of numbers, and also the severity of...

Clearly, there has been an intensification of the...

Restoring Selmun Palace
Michael Falzon

If the Palace needs a hotel or some other commercial venture to be maintained, it should be designed with taste and with the full awareness of the status of...

If the Palace needs a hotel or some other commercial...

People beg for donations while public money is squandered
Josanne Cassar

When one is hit like a bolt of lightning out of the blue by a health issue...

When one is hit like a bolt of lightning out of the blue by...