After Europe, it will be yet another day... except for some
Saviour Balzan
We will wake up with an electoral result that will determine to what extent Abela will continue defending Joseph Muscat, and help Bernard Grech decide whether he will stay or go
From EU standards to Maltese rights
Peter Agius
Raising the level in Malta to EU standards was one of the reasons for joining the EU, and this is still valid today more than ever before when sewage is flowing in the sea,...
Oh, so you punched someone? It’s ok, everyone makes mistakes…
Josanne Cassar

Meanwhile, the actual victim has almost been forgotten because the new TV...

Meanwhile, the actual victim has almost been forgotten...

Can we stop pretending that this ‘New Migration and Asylum Policy’ actually exists?
Raphael Vassallo

I mean, come on. We’re not THAT backwards in this country, you know...

I mean, come on. We’re not THAT backwards in this...

‘This is how our political system works’, he said...
Raphael Vassallo

... I mean, what more I can even say? If they still can’t see anything...

... I mean, what more I can even say? If they still...

People and dance floors in Malta | Karen Mamo, Dr Giulia Zampini

While the law is becoming less punitive towards drug users, and particularly...

While the law is becoming less punitive towards drug users,...

Getting the future right | Glenn Micallef

“We have to make sure that the right decisions are taken at the right...

“We have to make sure that the right decisions are...

Is it a case of organised crime?
Michael Falzon

This also implies a structured organisation, nay a conspiracy, made of people familiar with a particular area in the south of Malta, including the electoral...

This also implies a structured organisation, nay a...

Literally, biting the hand that feeds them
Josanne Cassar

If you get peckish in Malta, you will not suffer from hunger pains for very...

If you get peckish in Malta, you will not suffer from...

Ursula’s Adventures in Wonderland...
Raphael Vassallo

Not-News | What did Ursula von der Leyen and Robert Abela REALLY get up to, on that romantic ferry-trip to Gozo? (I’ll give you a hint: it...

Not-News | What did Ursula von der Leyen and Robert...

Social security: minimising fraud risk | Mark Said

It may be that the department has limited administrative capacity to verify...

It may be that the department has limited administrative...

Malta’s abortion doula service
Isabel Stabile

We tell anyone who is considering an abortion they are not alone, they can call us at any time, and we will always help them, whatever happens... we provide...

We tell anyone who is considering an abortion they are not...

‘GonziPN’ might have worked in 2008. But not ‘RobertPL’ in 2027...
Raphael Vassallo

Simply put: he is going to have to address the root cause of all this anger, sooner or later (and it is debatable – to say the least – whether he...

Simply put: he is going to have to address the root cause...

Turning waste into wealth - Malta’s journey towards a cleaner, greener, future | Matthias Iannis Portelli

Traditional waste disposal methods are no longer adequate, leading to environmental pollution, health hazards, aesthetic depreciation, and an overall decline...

Traditional waste disposal methods are no longer adequate,...

Shaping Europe's high-value economic future
Alex Agius Saliba

With the promise of tomorrow beckoning, let’s shape it into one of...

With the promise of tomorrow beckoning, let’s shape...

Abortions can be prevented | Natalie Psaila

Studies have long shown that comprehensive sex education and easy access to...

Studies have long shown that comprehensive sex education...

Will the EU now impose sanctions on Azerbaijan, too?
Raphael Vassallo

Or is that something we only ever do, when the aggressor is Russia; and the...

Or is that something we only ever do, when the aggressor is...

The gravitas of the presidency
Michael Falzon

Bernard Grech’s way of doing things is completely the opposite of what he should do

Bernard Grech’s way of doing things is completely the...

It’s official, folks! Roberta Metsola has finally made up her mind
Raphael Vassallo

Not-News | She’s going for Bernard’s job, all right! And here are...

Not-News | She’s going for Bernard’s job, all...

Has ‘foreigner’ become a derogatory term?
Josanne Cassar

Ask them how it feels to adjust to a new country and whether they were made to...

Ask them how it feels to adjust to a new country and...