Bernard Grech’s long road ahead
The Opposition leader should be credited with bringing about a sense of normality to a party that witnessed a rebellion by some of its MPs in 2020 and friction among its rank and...
‘Genuine mistake’ shows just how worryingly easy it is to dismiss the media
It is refreshing that the Chief Justice apologised for the mistake and we take his word for it that this was the fruit of miscommunication. It’s not very often that...
Let’s not allow greed and cynicism to destroy Malta

The Archbishop is right to sound to sound the alarm on this issue; for there...

The Archbishop is right to sound to sound the alarm on this...

Anything but an overhaul of the 2006 local plan

The Nationalist Party seems to be avoiding any commitment which puts it into...

The Nationalist Party seems to be avoiding any commitment...

National healing, by definition, must involve everybody

To be truly effective, this admission must also come from other leaders within...

To be truly effective, this admission must also come from...

Twenty years after 9-11: a world turned upside down

Editorial | The so-called “war on terror” became a flimsy...

Editorial | The so-called “war on terror”...

Impunity extends to party financing, too

Malta’s entire culture of political party financing – including, but not limited to, the impunity with which political parties evade tax – is...

Malta’s entire culture of political party financing...

Hubris: Labour’s downfall

All of which raises a question that cannot be ignored forever. Why is Labour intent on ignoring the common citizen’s voice?

All of which raises a question that cannot be ignored...

Government’s hands are not ‘tied’ by the 2006 local plans

Either way, it seems that government does have the power to revise the local...

Either way, it seems that government does have the power to...

Press ‘registration’: a red herring for control

Editorial | The idea of a professional warrant for journalists is at minimum a...

Editorial | The idea of a professional warrant for...

Marsaskala: government cannot ride roughshod over people

When will government finally realise that it cannot continue to ride...

When will government finally realise that it...

The minister’s silence on prison deaths

Government’s own failure to publicly address the issue surrounding prison...

Government’s own failure to publicly address the...

Overdevelopment: the elephant in the room

It is hard to shake off the notion that a public garden in Mosta, much needed...

It is hard to shake off the notion that a public garden in...

Prison needs an Ombudsman, not just an inquiry

Nonetheless, there is a lot more to investigate, within Malta’s punitive...

Nonetheless, there is a lot more to investigate, within...

Strong with the weak. Weak with the strong

Local authorities often come down with disproportionate force on minor...

Local authorities often come down with disproportionate...

A gaffe of truly ‘Gahan’ proportions

It is vital, at this stage, to revamp the code of ethics for Ministers and MPs: to ensure that meetings, lunches and gifts with lobbyists are all declared and...

It is vital, at this stage, to revamp the code of ethics...

To be effective, the inquiry must have consequences

If Abela truly intends implementing the reforms demanded by the...

If Abela truly intends implementing the...

There’s only one enemy: Covid-19

But if we all really do want an exit from the present crisis: we must also – as we did 70 years ago – learn to put aside our personal interests, in...

But if we all really do want an exit from the present...

There is more than just ‘productivity’ at stake here

If the health authorities expect us to continue relying on the vaccine for our...

If the health authorities expect us to continue relying on...

Greylisting is also an opportunity for compromise

This may be the only silver lining of Malta’s...

This may be the only silver lining of Malta’s...