Local councils need a new lease of life
The relationship between councils and government should be premised on increased autonomy for local governments
Being naïve is not an option: Europe’s security is in Malta’s interest
The problem with the PL’s rhetoric is that it ignores the geopolitical developments in Europe over the past two years characterised by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
This is a time to uphold freedom of expression, not curtail it

It is not only freedom of the press that is at stake here, but also the...

It is not only freedom of the press that is at stake here,...

Hardened hearts inside the PN
A verdict that doesn’t resolve the impasse

Delia has no appreciation of his political ineffectiveness in facing up to...

Delia has no appreciation of his political ineffectiveness...

Delia should go: but at what cost for the Opposition?
The PN’s future hangs in the balance

Yet ironically, Adrian Delia is also the only person who can help resolve the PN’s crisis: by resigning and giving his full backing to a successor, in...

Yet ironically, Adrian Delia is also the only person who...

Secrets and lies

Malta has cooked itself up a maelstrom of explosive ingredients

Malta has cooked itself up a maelstrom of explosive...

Safeguarding both health and economy is possible, and doable

Recent experience suggests that it is perfectly possible – and indeed,...

Recent experience suggests that it is perfectly possible...

The bar has been raised, but not high enough

Prime Minister Robert Abela’s first priority must be to take the...

Prime Minister Robert Abela’s first priority must be...

Abela moves from words into action: Konrad Mizzi gets the boot

Mizzi flung down the gauntlet, and defied Abela’s explicit marching...

Mizzi flung down the gauntlet, and defied...

Full closure. From Panama onwards

Cleary, in the most silent of ways, other people must have profited along with Fenech. The question is, who?

Cleary, in the most silent of ways, other people must have...

Too little, but not too late

Naturally, one does not expect Abela to do the probing and investigating himself; but he should give a clear sign that what he expects from the police is a...

Naturally, one does not expect Abela to do the probing and...

Abela must act to restore Malta’s reputation

Robert Abela may have promised a degree of ‘continuity’ from...

Robert Abela may have promised a degree of...

Coronavirus economic recovery plan: achieving normality

Discipline and vigilance will remain important as we go forward to ensure the...

Discipline and vigilance will remain important as we go...

Confronting the skeletons of the recent past

Polls showing that Abela enjoys even greater support...

Polls showing that Abela enjoys even greater...

The crisis is over, but recovery is just beginning

That is the only way business will survive and come out of this situation in a...

That is the only way business will survive and come out of...

Malta must work towards a solution, too

The government must sooner or later start questioning whether its policy in holding migrants out at sea is really serving the national interest

The government must sooner or later start questioning...

A time for preparation, not celebration

We need to have a plan B which is firmly in place to cater for possible second wave: including a widespread campaign to encourage people to take the influenza...

We need to have a plan B which is firmly in place to cater...

No excuse for violating human rights