Clarification: Multiple distribution points for cannabis associations
The Authority for the Responsible Use of Cannabis insists the rules permitting multiple distribution points for single associations cannot be compared to chain-stores in a...
Mediterraneo Marine Park is a licensed zoo
Reacting to Raphael Vassallo's opinion piece on Malta's circus legislation, the Mediterraneo Marine Park writes to us about its operations
More police needed in fight against poaching

Poachers don’t just shoot at protected birds, but they also gleefully...

Poachers don’t just shoot at protected birds, but...

Stooges for PN propaganda

The feeble PN uses the English-language dailies in Malta to unremittingly firing salvos of often vitriolic invective against the Labour government

The feeble PN uses the English-language dailies in Malta to...

Conviction or convenience?

It goes without saying that it would have made more sense for the Nationalist Party to discuss issues such as full-time MPs when in government rather than...

It goes without saying that it would have made more sense...

The right to belong

Louise Chircop • The request for Islamic Studies is legitimate, not only because the students are Maltese citizens but the State should not...

Louise Chircop • The request for Islamic Studies is...

Ethics surely deserves higher place in curriculum

As a basis, ethics and social studies should represent the civic values bedrock...

As a basis, ethics and social studies should represent the...

PPP: The healthcare con

Make no mistake: this is private profit at public expense. It is unaffordable, unaccountable and unjust

Make no mistake: this is private profit at public expense....

Wake up or lose your healthcare

Serious concerns have been raised by unions, doctors, other healthcare professionals, healthcare students, and most recently by 6th form students about the...

Serious concerns have been raised by unions, doctors, other...

Mourning the Azure Window

Perhaps the silver lining of this national disaster could be a renewed effort to preserve and treasure the unspoiled nature that still remains, and making it...

Perhaps the silver lining of this national disaster could...

Legal redress to be sought on yachting awards

We have every right to enjoy a level playing ground where such processes are...

We have every right to enjoy a level playing ground where...

Consequences of garnishee orders

I believe that everything in life has its limitations, but once an individual decides to abuse these limitations or doesn’t know where or what its...

I believe that everything in life has its...

Brexit will prove a costly mistake

It is my belief that the EU is in good shape, united, and making good progress, economically, socially, and financially

It is my belief that the EU is in good shape, united, and...

Brexit is no fascist coup

Your point is poorly put to say the least on the view that a minority are deciding what happens to Britain

Your point is poorly put to say the least on the view that...

Letters, MaltaToday, 29 January 2016
Timely article on deceased estates

I was completely dumbfounded by the replies I received from the Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services and operational procedures purported to be...

I was completely dumbfounded by the replies I received from...

The importance of reading fiction

The easiest way to make sure that we raise literate children, is by showing them that reading is a pleasurable activity

The easiest way to make sure that we raise literate...

Right of reply on Foundation for Tomorrow’s Schools

Saviour Balzan reported in his defamatory article information had been...

Saviour Balzan reported in his defamatory article...

Pope has every right to investigate Knights of Malta

Pope Francis has every right to investigate the termination of Albrecht von...

Pope Francis has every right to investigate the termination...

ODZ home for the elderly should not be built in Birgu

The Vittoriosa Historcal & Cultural Society encourages the developers to...

The Vittoriosa Historcal & Cultural Society encourages...