Peppa Pig bil-Malti: kids’ favourite piggy to be dubbed in Maltese language
The beloved animated series Peppa Pig, adored by children globally, is set to make its debut in Maltese homes, and in collaboration with Ċentru tal-Ilsien Malti, fully translated into Maltese
Get ready to oink and giggle: children’s favourite little piggy gets to grace Maltese TV screens, fully translated into Maltese.
The beloved animated series Peppa Pig, adored by children globally, is set to make its debut in Maltese homes, and in collaboration with Ċentru tal-Ilsien Malti, fully translated into Maltese.
Norma Saliba, the Executive Head of Ċentru tal-Ilsien Malti, said children needed more audiovisual resources in Maltese to be able to understand, speak, read and write in Maltese. “As a promoter of Maltese, the Centre for Maltese Language is committed to support projects like Peppa Pig in Maltese so that children enjoy learning the Maltese language.”
Producers Media Exclusive said they wre thrilled to introduce the captivating addition to their franchise programming line-up. Director Ben Camille expressed his personal attachment to this project, stressing the significance of promoting Maltese by providing children with enjoyable and entertaining avenues for learning.
Rachel Cachia, one of Media Exclusive's executive producers, said the scripts are currently being translated from English to Maltese. She emphasised the need for using the right Maltese words, along with modern terms, so that children can understand and connect with the language they hear from adults.