Football supporters charged with injuring policeman

Two men released on bail following a brawl at the Sirens football pitch in St Paul's Bay, yesterday

Two football supporters have been released on bail this afternoon after being arraigned on charges of slightly injuring a police 


Matthew Borg, 35 from Siggiewi and Jonathan Urry, 27 from Paola, were arraigned before magistrate Josette Demicoli, charged with causing slight injuries to police sergeant Anthony Buttigieg, disobeying police orders and public order charges, following a brawl at the Sirens football pitch in St Paul's Bay, yesterday. The fracas occurred after the Marsaxlokk-Santa Lucija football match had ended. 

The police sergeant is understood to have been injured in the act of pulling the two men away.

The two men pleaded not guilty to the charges, the men's lawyers arguing that the accused had been the victims of an assault by rival supporters.
Lawyer Franco Galea, appearing for Mr Borg, requested bail, arguing that there was no risk of the accused tampering with evidence.

He had known Borg since their school days, he said, and his client had always been the one to take a step back when disagreements arose and demonstrate good sportsmanship.

The prosecution did not object to bail being granted.

Magistrate Josette Demicoli granted the two men bail against a personal guarantee of €5,000.

Police inspector Maurice Curmi prosecuted. Lawyers Franco Galea, Lucio Sciriha and David Mallia appeared for Mr Borg. Lawyer Victor Scerri is defence counsel for Mr Urry.