Labour questions piecemeal disclosure on Air Malta appointments

The Labour Party has raised doubts over finance minister Tonio Fenech’s late disclosure that a consultancy company is temporarily filling in Air Malta management posts.

The Australian firm Catalise has a six-month contract to temporarily fill key management posts currently vacant, such as chief financial officer, human resources manager, and train Maltese staff who will eventually take over. One of its managing partners, Ray Hart, was appointed as the national airline’s chief restructuring officer, but no mention was made at the time of this announcement that it was actually his company which had been engaged to handle the restructuring. 

Additionally, Hart appears to have appointed his other partner Neale Anderson as human resources manager. Labour said it was Air Malta chief executive Peter Davies who chose Hart from Catalise, whose website shows a testimonial from Davies when he was CEO of SN Brussels Airlines.

Australian-born Ray Hart, who has worked with Peter Davies before, has vast experience in business restructuring and implementation. A chartered accountant by profession, he has previously been involved in several airline projects.

“Now that the truth has emerged about these appointments, Air Malta employees and taxpayers should know who much Catalise will be paid, or if it is Hart and Anderson who are being paid individually,” the PL said in a statement. “This lack of transparency just worries Air Malta workers who are being asked to make sacrifices.”

Fenech has said it is important that Air Malta has the right people to manage the restructuring process, which had to start immediately and not await the EC’s final approval of the plan.

According to the original Air Malta announcement, no mention is made of Catalise. “Ray Hart brings with him the in-depth and hands-on knowledge of similar processes,” Peter Davies says in the statement. “His leadership qualities are well known. I am sure that together with the senior management team that will be appointed in the coming weeks he will lead the process in a seamless transition”.

Further changes at Air Malta included an overhaul of its board of directors, with Air Malta chairman Sonny Portelli not being reappointed and being replaced by former tourism authority chairman and Farsons managing director Louis Farrugia.

The other board members are Alison Attard, Andrew Calascione, Alan Caruana, Roderick Chalmers, Adrian Coppini, Helga Ellul and Mark Micallef Eynaud. All are new except Alison Attard and Adrian Coppini.

Alan Caruana, the man who negotiated the advent in Malta of low cost carriers Ryanair and Easyjet, has been appointed to the board by Tonio Fenech. Roderick Chalmers, the BOV chairman, is currently weathering the BOV property fund fiasco.

Fenech has said that the ball is now in the European Commission’s court with respect to Air Malta’s restructuring plan. The plan will now be subjected to scrutiny by a team of experts in Brussels who may ask for clarifications or even disagree with the contents and ask for changes.

Should the Commission continue to register disagreement, then Air Malta may be forced to dissolve all of its assets and immediately pay back the loan and ground all operations. “Air Malta is not a lone case. Throughout these years we have seen many airlines go through a similar process, and we shouldn’t be over-dramatic,” Fenech said.

The finance minister would not go into the content of the restructuring plan, which so far has been a main bone of contention between the airline and ALPA, the Airline Pilots Association. With a 1,500 workforce and 12 leased aircraft, the plan reportedly suggests the slashing of 600 jobs, prompting concerns from the General Workers Union.

Minister Fenech says that the restructuring process has to start immediately and not wait for the EC's final approval of the plan. Later on he states also that Brussels may ask for clarifications and may even disagree with the plan and ask for changes. What happens if Brussels will not agree with those parts of the restructuring plan already being implemented? Aren't we putting the cart before the horse? Things more even more confusing.
lets keep this memory for the election so we see them in the oppstion. maybe if we have avidence we take them to court for weast public money.
Mr Fenech you must be the most ridiculous, incapable finance minister that ever walked on the face of the earth. What are your plans after the next election? I suggest you go back to kinder garden.
Why does.nt Fenech go to the Madonna statue and ask( the chalk) statue, what he ought to do about Air Malta?
Fit-2003 Fenech Adami kien wieghed li fl-EU hemm suq ta' 500 miljun ruh ghall-prodotti Maitin. Mhux talli ma misna xejn minn dan is-suq, izda tlifna kull azjenda u impjig li kellna
Luke Camilleri
Nahseb wasal ghal test ta' widnejh Dr Tonio Fenech, ghax jekk mhux qieghed jisma' il-bikli issa, kemm tal-Maltin, cwiec u anqas cwiec u kemm ta' min kien qieghed jghid li kien jisma il-biki tieghu, VERU ITTARRAX! HU QIEGHED IBIKKI IL-KULLHADD, B'DAWN L-APPPOINTMENTS TAL-HBIEB TAL-HBIEB!
Meta jara wiehed mill ftit gawar li baqalna taghna , u tara kif qed jittiehdu id-decizjonijiet zbaljati kompletament , ftit tara speranzi ta salvazjoni tal -linja tal -ajru taghna. Vera hasra ghax meta riedna nitehfu bl-airmalta ricentament meta gibna hafna maltin lura bil-libya il-prim ministru tghidx kemm ftahar . Issa dak ghada u wisq nibza li shabna il -haddiema se ighaddu minn kalvarju bhal dawk ta tarzna. Gvern inkapaci u li ghandu iwarrab u ihalli triq li minn iried imexxi lil pajjiz ta vera.
Isabelle Borg
X'ma tibqix il- Madonna.
Xi Cuc Malti kien qal Lol !! Issa meta tara lilu ...qisek qed tara torta tal-gbejniet nejjien , ghax hu mhux cuc, kemm qedin sew f'dal pajjiz! Dawn il-bararin se jiehdu kemxa liri, bhall ma gara MDD....
L-istess storja ta kif *exa l-PBS Agostino ha jaghmel fenek!!! Stuffat.....
Matrix, Jien dejjem hekk hsibt u ghidt li tal-AirMalta hija kopja tal-MDD. Taf x'hemm komuni bejn Fenech u Austin Gatt? It-tnejn ikissru kull fejn ikunu!! Kos. Min jaf jekk ghadx naraw l-AirMalta ghand dawk is-sidien li hadu lill Tonio jara lill Arsenal b'xejn hux?!
Zack Depasquale
Qieghed nara li l-istorja tat-Tarzna qieghda tirrepeti ruhha ghax l-istess bhat-Tarzna l-ewwel dahlu CEO mhux cuc Malti li umbghad dahal iktar bravi barranin u mhux cwiec Maltin u meta fallew Tarzna wahlu f'kulhadd barra fil-bravi baranin ghax Alla m'ghamilhom u hadd ma jaf x'sar minnhom.
“Air Malta is not a lone case. Throughout these years we have seen many airlines go through a similar process, and we shouldn’t be over-dramatic,” Fenech said. I Fully disagree. YES AIRMALTA is a lone case as no other airline had a government trying to destroy it throughout the years and placing a final financial bomb upon it during restructuring. Millions of Euros are going into Davies, Hart and Co (wondering and doubtful if there is some going into some maltese cuc MP.) The airline needs no such money waste at the moment and never. The workers must Stop now not when the CUC government (calling him cuc since no foreigners are involved) with a family consciouse taking 500 euro a week wage increase and giving us 1 euro will tell you it's over. As that s the bottom result of this restructuring due to a maltese cuc government.
The Australian firm Catalise has a six-month contract to temporarily fill key management posts currently vacant, such as chief financial officer, human resources manager, and train Maltese staff who will eventually take over. One of its managing partners, Ray Hart, was appointed as the national airline’s chief restructuring officer, but no mention was made at the time of this announcement that it was actually his company which had been engaged to handle the restructuring. Maltese persons have been running AirMalta since its inception. We do not need any foreigners to teach us how to do it, but only appoint competent persons instead of ĊWIEĊ incompetents appointed solely on a political basis. AirMalta never had any problems when it operated durign PL Governments and when we were not in the eu with its crap one-size-fits-all policies. All we need are competent people instead of ĊWIEĊ political appointees and to get out of the crap eu to do whatever is necessary to save AirMalta without the eu petty colonialist dictators interference.