John Dalli hits out at political rumour campaign

European Commissioner says he has been targeted in rumour campaign against Franco Debono.

John Dalli said he has been the target of lies and rumours for years now.
John Dalli said he has been the target of lies and rumours for years now.

European Commissioner John Dalli today denounced the "campaign of lies and rumours" which were alleging he had links with Nationalist backbencher Franco Debono.

The former foreign minister, once a leadership rival to Lawrence Gonzi, said he had never spoke to Franco Debono by phone or in person since having been appointed Commissioner. Dalli was addressing a European Commission press conference in Malta.

He also denied rumours floated on the social media that he had met Debono in Rome last December when the backbencher was threatening to withdraw his support from the government.

"These rumours have been on going on since the very beginning," Dalli said in a reference to his 2004 leadership bid for the Nationalist Party. "I have yet to speak, in good time, on these rumours," the Commissioner said.

Dalli's comments follow those made by Gonzi yesterday at the PN club in Balzan, where he called on his supporters to be calm and to stop personal attacks being made against those who disagreed with the PN.

"I urge you to be calm and serene. One can take wrong decisions if such decisions are taken in moments of anger, disappointment and passion," he told his supporters.

In an obvious reference to recent attacks on Franco Debono, Gonzi strongly urged everybody to stop personal attacks against anybody in disagreement with the party. "Personal attacks have to stop, even in regards to anybody who does not agree with us and wants to do things differently. We have to respect the dignity of persons."

In recent days Franco Debono has been the target of nasty personal attacks on social networks and blogs. During the PN's parliamentary meeting held on Tuesday, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi took a stand on the matter, saying he disagreed with Malta Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia's posts on her blog and that the personal attacks on Franco Debono and his family "are not on". 

"We do not need the attacks because we should never forget that we are a party that believes in values. We won the people's confidence because we showed our worth. During this moment of truth we have to show that we continue to respect a person's dignity, even when that person does not agree with us."

Qed nisma' id-dibattitu tal-House Business Committee minn fuq l-internet u qed nitqazzez u niddardar nisma' l-interventi vojta, superficjali ta' min b'lehen imdejjaq ghandu biss interess li jtawwal .... imma possibbli wasalna f'dan l-istat li anki kumitat tal-parlament jahseb li l-maltin imbecilli? Lanqas li mhux ovvju li l-uniku interess hu li l-gvern itawwal kemm jiflah l-agunija tieghu? U ghaliex qed jaghmel hekk? Ghax ihobb il-pajjiz jew ghax ihobb lilu nnifsu? Lanqas li ma hux car li f'dan il-perjodu se jkomplu jippruvaw jimmansaw lil frnaco debono - minghalihom li se jsikktuh u jaghlqulu halqu !!!! Kemm ghadhom b'kilba u b'rebgha ghall-poter !!! -- tinhass ma' kull pass li jiehu u ma' kull kelma li jghidu, l-aqwa li jkomplu jerdghu u jergghu jerdghu u juzaw dan iz-zmien biex ikomplu jqassmu l-pjaciri u l-favuri. F'hix irnexxilhom jirrendu l-parlament u l-pajjiz dan il-gvern miskin !!!!!!
Lejliet il-vot dwar il-mozzjoni ta' sfiducja fil-gvern, Gonzi hareg jappella biex jieqfu l-attakki personali meta hu stess kien wiehed minn dawk li attakkaw lil Franco Debono b'mod peronali ! U halla il-hmieg kollu li wiehed jista jimmagina jigi mitfugh lejn Franco ! Kif qallu tajjeb Franco lil Gonzi:"INT MHUX LILI LI JIEN IL-VITTMA QED TIDDEFENDI, IZD BIEX TIDDEFENDI LILEK INNIFSEK " !!!
If the prime minister wants us to believe him in condemning 'personal attacks', he should seek advice from the Police Commissioner, if there is a place to issue charges for inciting hatred, like they have done to Norman Lowell. All people on the internet knows exactly what disgusting comments have been written in the last few weeks. But I have many doubts that the police will take action, and maybe if there's a new administration running the country, we might have this kind of justice.
PN = Partit tat-tradimenti u l-konguri kontra l-membri tieghu stess.
Jien il john dalli nafu sewwa,ma ghandux x'jaqsam ma gonzi.xejn xejn dalli joghbod il klikkek ,klikkek li farku il partit nazzjonalista.xi darba tasal il gurnata u dalli ikun fi tmun fejn jixraqlu.
The context of this story is a Press Conference, scheduled since early December, intended to inform the Maltese Public about the work done at European Level by Commissioner Dalli and the institution he works within. The issues dealt with were health and consumer issues that are of great importance to all European citizens. At no moment was any reference made during the presentation to any other non-European issue. Keeping the public informed about the Commission's initiatives and work is a priority for EU Commissioners. The comment on which the above story is based, only came about after a question on these (non-related to the topic of the Press Conference) matters was placed by one of the journalists present. Angelo Chetcuti Press Officer European Commission Representation in Malta
John Dalli Ghadu mughuh min xiex ghadda,U meta kellu il glieda ghall poter kien haqqu jkun hu leader imma min rid lil Gonzi ghazlu ghax jafu lu B'Gonzi kullhadd seta jaghmel li jrid bih,,,Imma b'John dalli Le..ghax bniedem rett u ta l' affari tieghu u fuq kollox Politiku ta Integrita ....
Ma tridx tkun xi gharef jew xi filosfu kbir biex tinduna x'messagg irid iwassal John DAlli. Il-messagg, fl-opinjoni tieghi huwa wiehed: IROXX IL-MELH FIL-FERITA!
Skalda zghira tista twassal ghal kankru u qtuh ta' xi sieq jew id.
What hypocracy, after calling on supporters to stop personal attcks gonzi was reported on another emdia that he had some enlightening emails and sms's between him and Franco Debono which he would divulge.Of course this is a veiled threat . As regrads the stop of personal attacks it does not seem to made headway with DCG who seems doesn't give a hoot of what gonzi says, with her there are others who are well connected.On the other hnd saint peter darmanin said that Franco will end up on the "MIZBLA" of politics. You sure have a tight grip on both your MPs and supporters mr gonzi
To really clear the air, Commissioner Dalli should also take the opportunity to clarify that he had no involvement in the Daewoo story, the sale of Mid-Med Bank, the Iranian Shipping line, the ticketing scandal or the permission to BASF to produce GMO crops. Forgive me if I forgot some issues - there are so many.
Anke wara li raw kif ghamlu u helsu minnu halli jevitaw li jerga jikkontesta ghall-kap tal-partit , u dan fi zmien mhux wisq fil-boghod , xorta ghadhom iridu jimplikaw li hu ghandu xi agenda mohbija. Tahsbu li il-poplu ma jafx min qed jaqla dawn il-qlajjiet u min liema sors hergin . Kif ma jafux jisthu mill-poplu dawk l-qabda korrotti li ghandu madwaru il-Prim Ministru. Isthu jekk tafu x'inhi misthija .
Joseph Sant
"We do not care whether you spoke to Franco Debono or not Commissioner Dalli. Your agenda, and that of Debono, Mugliiette and Pullicno Orlando is all he same. " Meaning ousting Lawrence Gonzi from the leadership of the PN? So what's new? Eddie Fenech Adami et al did the same to George Borg Olivier in the 70s. Absolutely nothing new under the sun.
@ I Fenech Kieku kellkom lil John Dalli bhala kap, kieku dan l-inwiet kollu li ghandkom ma kienx jigri. Dalli bhala politikant u anke bhala bniedem rett u onest, idahhal lil Gonzi fil-but u johorgu min-naha l-ohra. Gonzi ghandu biss ilsienu taz-zokkor (jew ahjar valenuz) - dak li l-Inglizi jsejhulu "gift of the gab" mill-bqija huwa politikant medjokru ghall-ahhar li jhalli erba' min-nies jigbduh l-hawn u l-hinn minn imniehru.
Wow! Johnny Dalli will "speak, in good time, on these rumours". And should we all await with bated breath for his oracles? No actually. We do not care whether you spoke to Franco Debono or not Commissioner Dalli. Your agenda, and that of Debono, Mugliiette and Pullicno Orlando is all he same. Shame on you Johnny Dalli - what a sour LOSER.
Inkwiet? U le kull ma em skalda zghira.
inthom tahsu li n-Nazzjonalisti se jitlfu l-gvern? Nhar il hamis wara l-vot li GONZIPN jitlef naraw lill Gonzi jirrezenja min Prim Ministru u l-President jahtar Prim Ministru gdid u allura Franco jkun kuntent (ghal issa) u Gonzi jmur il Pieta jipprepara ghal elezzjoni.
Mhux hekk ISSA .ilhom ix xhur jaqlawlu ,Induna li mhux sew li iddahal il familja tieghu ,kul min jafu ihhoss ghalih ghax jaf x persuna taghmilx gieh lil partit li issawwat familja min taghha.