No vacancy, no real contest

European Commissioner John Dalli says no vacancy exists for PN leader.

European Commissioner John Dalli: 'There is no vacancy. I do not think anyone except the incumbent will take part in this event. I surely will not'.
European Commissioner John Dalli: 'There is no vacancy. I do not think anyone except the incumbent will take part in this event. I surely will not'.

European Commissioner John Dalli has ruled out any prospect of contesting Lawrence Gonzi for the leadership of the Nationalist Party, after the prime minister submitted the party leadership to a secret ballot in a bid to consolidate his embattled position.

Dalli, once a leadership contender who lost out to Gonzi, said that without any vacancy created, there was no contest.

"There is no vacancy. I do not think anyone except the incumbent will take part in this event. I surely will not," Dalli, 63, told MaltaToday.

The former finance, foreign and social policy minister was referring to claims by Lawrence Gonzi that he had not resigned: which in turn suggests that Gonzi is de facto still party leader and that no vacancy therefore exists.

The PN's statute says that a leadership contest is held when a "vacancy is created".

But Gonzi has all along insisted he has not resigned: "I have not resigned. I will still carry out my duties as Prime Minister. As party leader I have asked the party councillors to scrutinise my leadership. It will be an open contest and whoever was critical of my leadership can freely contest the leadership contest."

Gonzi's decision to submit his leadership to a secret ballot was announced at the end of last Sunday's general council. On Thursday, his government faced a vote of no-confidence moved by the Opposition, in which Nationalist MP Franco Debono abstained, and which was only defeated through the Speaker's vote.

The Prime Minister, who yesterday was taking part in the EU summit for a new fiscal treaty, said that he would swear loyalty to any leader elected by the PN's general council.

Formerly a PN leadership contender in 2004, John Dalli has faced mixed fortunes ever since. Within a few months of unsuccessfully challenging Gonzi for the throne, he found himself at the centre of allegations surrounding irregular procurement of medical equipment for Mater Dei hospital, as well as similar allegations concerning airline ticket procurement.

Following Gonzi's statement that he "could not have a Cabinet minister under investigation", Dalli resigned in July 2004. In his resignation letter he hinted at forces working against him from within the party.

He was later rehabilitated after the result of inquiries into both allegations led nowhere. The airline procurement allegations turned out to be unfounded; in the case of alleged kick-backs in the Mater Dei tender, the incriminating document which had implicated the former minister turned out to be a forgery.

But with the Nationalist Party crippled by internal strife, Dalli's exile in the political wilderness proved to be short. He was first re-absorbed into the Cabinet as a personal adviser to Gonzi on the eve of the 2008 election, and later appointed European Commissioner in 2010, in a move widely interpreted as a kick upstairs to remove any threat of a possible challenge by the former leadership rival.

Other possible contenders like MEP Simon Busuttil, Tourism Minister Mario de Marco and MP Beppe Fenech Adami have all clearly said they will support Gonzi.

Franco Debono, who ignited the crisis in Gonzi's government by calling for the prime minister's resignation, also said he would "definitely not" join the leadership contest.

As a result, barring any unforeseen 'surprise' decision to contest by an outside candidate, Lawrence Gonzi is almost certain to contest the leadership race unchallenged.


I think I know why Dr.Lawrence Gonzi did't resign . The reason is because if a vacancy is available , every citizen in the european union would have every right to apply for the post . And I wouldn't be surprised if the ETC send someone from those that are registering for a job . Ohh my god x'tahwid .
Nirringrazzja sincerament lis-Sur Matthew Vella ta' l-intrigu kbir li ha bija biex dawn il-kummenti jkunu jistghu jidhru. Grazzi. Qed nisma' hafna vucijiet jghidu Welcome Back jew ben tornato. Grazzi intom ukoll.
Whatever happens and whatever result, the result will not be acceptable before the allegations made by Godfrey Grima on Affari Taghna that the previous Leadership Contest was rigged are cleared. I am sure we will be having more of the same. It really hurts when you are treated like an imbecile.
Jeffrey Vella
This is nothing more than a 'messa in scena'.Who does Gonzi think he is fooling ? Like anyone in his /her right mind will contest Gonzi for party leadership. If anyone dares contest Gonzi,then he/she can be sure that their political aspirations will be thrown out the window. If anyone dares challenge the almighty Gonzi,then it will be a real turnout for the books.
Ma nistax ghax m'ghandi ebda ccess ghal din is-site. Jekk jidher dan ikun eccezzjoni.
dal- pajjiz isem wiehed baqali ghalih MONTE CARMELI ghax bil mod ta kif certi nies qed jagixxu u jitkelmu hekk jkolli nispicca nghid.
possibli hadd minn dawk il pampaluni li soltu jiktbu fuq din il pagna ma hu kapaci ilissen kelma wahda fuq din il farsa. FEJNHOM?
Gonzi is a coward that shies away from facing a real challenge, on a level playing field. He is a bad loser, and will not allow contenders an equal opportunity to contest him. If he has thrown in the glove, it means he already knows for sure that the GonziPN-controlled Kunsill Generali will vote him in, perhaps even unanimously. But if he really wants to pass the litmus test, why not ask for a vote of confidence where it matters, in the House of Representatives? Coward!
Steve Sant
Posted by Thinker The way Lawrence Gonzi is contesting himself for the leadership of the Nationalist Party,reminds me of those totalitarian presidents who while remaining presidents call for an election of a president without any contestants.
De. Gonzi qal li jerfa r-risponsabilita ta kollox fuq spallejh, mela jekk jerfa r-risponsabilita tal BWSC, Tal -falliment ta l-arriva, tal falliment tal fairmount u tat-tarzna, tal falliment ta l-AirMalta fejn wieghed li l-ebda haddiem ma jigi bla xoghol, u hafna ohrajn l-anqas nispicca kieku, mela meta inti titikjara li terfa ir-responsabilita allura inti tigi taht skrutinju ta dawn il fallimenti u korruzjoni,bhal insemmu entite bhal EneMalta ilhom ma jghamlu accounts tal kumpanija snin, il-Gvern il gdid issa ghandu id-dmir li jara li jfittex lil Gonzi b'dan in-nuqasijiet u korruzzjoni li ghamel tul dawn l-ahhar snin, dejn ma jafux fejn intefqu il-flus, dan akkontibli skont Gonzi u nispera li min ghamel dawn il hnizrijiet cari il quddiem irid ihallas ta ghemielu ghax la dejjem jerfa ir-responsabilita ghal kull intopp issa jrid jghati kont ta l-ghemiel u decizjonijiet hziena li wettaq mhux ghal gid ta Malta imma biex fliemkien kollox possibli ghal ulied il blue eyed boys u issa nispera li meta jinbidel il -Gvern mhux jitfa taxxi fuq il poplu imma jhallas min qieghed jghid li jerfa ir-responsabilita ta kollox u jittiehdu proceduri.
What I wish will be the outcome of this 'mock' election for the confirmation of Lawrence Gonzi as leader of the Nationalist Party, along the role of Prime Minister, is a step further than the Labour Party. I am a Labourite and campaigned about the changes in the MLP (then) statue to allow all paid up members to vote for the election of the new leader, following the resignation of Dr. Alfred Sant. But all was done, that this system would not be introduced in 2008/9 when three persons step forward for the post: Dr. Joseph Muscat, Dr. George Abela and Dr. Michael Frendo. There was clique within the MLP that somehow convinced the delegates that shall a move will come in use next time the LP will need a new leader. Certainly I would have departed by then. But at least something was done. What is not know is when it will come into effect, and I do not wish any ill-harm to my friend Joseph Muscat, though I preferred Dr. George Abela as MLP leader. Here where lies the challenge to Dr. Lawrence Gonzi. Once it looks Dr. Gonzi will be the only contender, why don't the PN be avante garde the LP and give a chance to all paid up members to confirm Gonzi. They have enough time, after all Gonzi has not yet resigned from leader of the NP, and nomintions would to contest the leadership would still be met up to two months. Come on Gonzi, show your credibility, test whether there are 85% of the paid up NP members behind you. Yes, go I step better than the PL and show that the PN real believe in accountable and transparent democracy.Put yourself to the test of all the paid up PN members and not only the delegates of the General Council. And then good luck to you to face the waves reaching our shores as a result of the unstable financial and economic situation in EU and eurozone. it is hard to believe that this suggestion is coming from a 66 year old Labourite, but once it is a step forward, i endorse it.
This is just going to be a mock election which can only be believed by blinkered GonziPn diehards ! I was bemused when I heard Dr. Franco Debono yesterday say that Dr. Gonzi's decision to " put his leadership on the line " was something which could not be taken lightly ! I thought that Franco Debono is more intelligent than that ! Did he think that Lawrence Gonzi, surrounded as he is by that " clique of evil " who are coaching him what to say and do ( didn't we all see him consulting his notes when making his speech to the PN councillors ?), would not know that no one is that stupid to contest him when he is not resigning and after both the parliamentary group - less Franco Debono - and the Executive Council, had given him a vote of confidence ? That one can find quite a few " cwiec" in GonziPN is true, but not to this extent !
Imma kif mhux kapaci jgib wahda zewg gonzipn? Anki l-"habib" li kien ikkompeta mieghu fit-tellieqa ghall-leadership tal-PN qed juri bic-car il-falsita ta' din l-elezzjoni ghal mexxej tal-partit. Wara kollox jekk il-partit hu GONZIPN, mhux bilfors gonzi se jirbah!!!! Bilhaqq - x'qalulu Sarkozy u Merkel nhar it-Tnejn waqt is-summit ta' Brussell meta wriehom l-iskalda li xi hadd kien dahhallu ftit ilu? Stghagbu xejn? Jew ma kellux cans jurihielhom ghax kien imhabbat isalva l-impiegi fl-ewropa !!!!!
Dr.Gonzi is one hell of an opportunistic, shrewd individual. The way in which he sprung this party leadership election, took many people that were aspiring to get into the driving seat of the PN, by surprise. It is crystal clear that none of them would come forward to contest Gonzi's seat, no matter how disappointed they might be. The PN is all about keeping up appearances. The party has never been as fragmented as it is now. Creating more friction is not on, since they know that this would impinge on their future as politicians. So they have to stay mum and bite their tongues. At least those that have seemingly always toed the party's line. With this election, Gonzi is trying to gain time so that the rift with would hopefully resolve itself, but he is also thinking ahead and trying to forcefully impose his leadership on the party. There is no doubt that he will be re-elected as party leader, and this would make it even more difficult to oust him out of that seat. Even if the PN were to lose the next general elections.
Pajjizna jixraqlu ahjar mit-tejatrini ta Dr Gonzi; irrezenja imma ma irrezenjax, se jikkontesta mill-gdid ghal Kap, imma wahdu! Laqatni it-tejatrin tal-bierah ta Bondi+ fejn kellna li Borg Olivier (dejjem l-istess familji) jippridka ghat-taparsi mistoqsijiet tas-sitt habbiet (minghajr sugu) u Pawlu jghid il-panegirku tieghu dwar kif Franco Debono ma jezistix hlief f'mohh Joseoh Muscat! Ibuslu idu kien jonqos jaghmel Mr Bondi; tejatrin tar-rahal!
Igor P. Shuvalov
A good strategy to win the general councillors overwhelming approval. But what about the rest of the population?
Ian George Walker
Just when you thought that the Panto Season was over ....
Dalli's comments, especially when referring to the PN's Constitution, makes the situation clearer - a PN farce. To try to pull the wool over the electorate's eyes! And prolong the event!!
Luke Camilleri
Contest for the post of PN leader AT THIS TIME ,will just turn out be like a boxing match with one boxer doing some shadow boxing and when he finishes jumping around will tell the Referee / Speaker to declare him the Overall Winner !
No doubt that after the one man race is won by the one man taking part, the PN afficionados will give him a standing ovation for coming first!!! Then the PN General Council will inform the House of Represenatives that THEY have decided that Gonzi rules! If this is not an exercise in self- fooling by the PN ,I do not know what is! Someone should tell them that the country is not being duped by these buzulotti!..although the clique manipulating Dr Gonzi like a puppet on string, is hoping that we are.
"No vacancy, no real contest". Maqluba ghal-Malti "Din farsa mill-bidu sal-ahhar". Dik hi l-verita'. Dr Franco hu nota ta' min garrab. Min jghid ta' veru li qed jerfa r-responsabilta' jrid iwarrab.
Priscilla Darmenia
Another confirmation from a high exponent of the PN party that without a vacancy there is no contest. However Gonzi and the party machinery want to take us for the usual ride to show how democratic the PN is within itself. I appeal to Dr Gonzi as leader of the PN to remain prime minister but resign from leader of the party (if he has the courage) so it will be a contest open to all in accordance with the PN statute. I am sure Gonzi will not take up this proposal. I pity the PN delegates who will repeat the same mistake the MLP delegates did and rubber stamp their leader’s confirmation to power.
Ma nafx kif xi hadd jista immagina li Dr. Debono u John Dalli setghu qatt xi darba jisfidaw ghal leadership tal-PN f'din il-farsa ta' konferma li ser issir fi hdan il-PN. Dalli qal sewwa la ma hemmx rizenji ma jistax ikun hemm kontestazzjoni. Allura tigi wehida li ser ikun hemm konferma u min jista jikkontestah lil Gonzi bhaliss? Hadd, imma la tghaddi l-elezzjoni li gejja, tigi meta tigi mbaghad naraw il-kanuni, l-generali hergin minn wara l-kwinti biex lil Gonzi jaghtuh l-ahhar daqqa biex jehilsu minnu. U bil-famuza manuvra li ghamel Gonzi ma lahaqs il-livell mixtieq minn Dr. Debono fit-talbiet tieghu ghad Dr. Debono qal CAR U TOND LI JRIDU JTIRU L-IRJUS biex hu jerga jikkonsidra li jerga jibda jppogga lil PN fil-Parlament. Issa nibdew naraw x'ha jigri mil-llum ghax Dr. Gonzi ser ihabbrilna x'gara fl-EU. Kull min segwa l-ahbarijiet fuq Sky diga jaf x'gara f'din l-imbierka laqgha ghax skond il-Prim Ministru Ingliz ma sar xejn tajjeb. U issa jigi Dr. Gonzi u kemm kemm ma jibdiex jiftahar li hu mexxa il-kruccjat f'din il-laqgha ghax indunaw li fosthom hemm wiehed li ghandu par idejn sodi. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
This is a simple farce in One Act. Nobody in his right senses will contest Gonzi at this moment in time. Who will want to wear DIRTY shoes for about 15 months. The PN is certainly on the road for an electoral defeat. Only a miracle (or something not possible to mention here) will make them survive. I feel that now we are seeing the reverse of the 80s epic. As another newspaper pointed out, Gonzi's action reflects that of John Major ex-Conservative Prime Minister who sought a re-election 10 months before elections. He was confirmed but lost the elections for his party.
This is a simple farce in One Act. Nobody in his right senses will contest Gonzi at this moment in time. Who will want to wear DIRTY shoes for about 15 months. The PN is certainly on the road for an electoral defeat. Only a miracle (or something not possible to mention here) will make them survive. I feel that now we are seeing the reverse of the 80s epic. As another newspaper pointed out, Gonzi's action reflects that of John Major ex-Conservative Prime Minister who sought a re-election 10 months before elections. He was confirmed but lost the elections for his party.