'No need' for PN star candidates, former European Commissioner argues

Joe Borg says loyalty to the party and integrity were key criteria candidates had to fulfill.

Former EU commissioner Joe Borg headed the PN's commission that recommended PN MEP candidates
Former EU commissioner Joe Borg headed the PN's commission that recommended PN MEP candidates

The chairman of the PN’s commission that chose the MEP candidates, Joe Borg, said that he felt there was no need of presenting star candidates on the PN ticket for the European Parliament elections next year.

Speaking to Sunday newspaper ‘Illum’, the former European Commissioner said star candidates could attract a large number of votes, but the most important thing was for the voter to vote to all the PN candidates.

Nonetheless, he did not exclude that the PN could present some star candidates in the months prior to the election.

Borg also speaks out on how the eight MEP candidates were chosen.

“Honesty, integrity and loyalty to the party were the main criteria. In this regard we adopted a strict approach. Then we took other considerations, such as how the candidates presented themselves in the European Parliament, their public speaking, whether they were convincing in their arguments… all these things are important because in the European Parliament you only have a small slot and you need to be totally effective and convincing,” the former EU commissioner said.

Asked whether Ingrid Brownrigg and Jean Claude Micallef were not loyal or honest enough, Borg said “With 20 candidates, it is always a difficult decision to just choose eight and leave the others out. I remember Ingrid fared very well in her interview, but unfortunately others performed slightly better. In the case of Jean Claude, he himself admitted he was facing criminal procedures and we felt we had to temporarily suspend his candidature in this context."

In the interview, Borg also speaks about how his relationship with Lawrence Gonzi deteriorated and his 'discovery' of Simon Busuttil as a politician.

Read more in today’s issue of ‘Illum’.

Now we have it from the horses mouth. PN do not need star candidates for the European Parliament Elections. So those eight chosen are now officially being labeled as common candidates. With all due respect, to what category those not chosen belong? From where the PN can present a star candidate, from those Ex-Ministers that ruined Malta with their numerous fiascos during the last legislation? Or are they going to get one from the sky?
“Honesty, integrity and loyalty to the party were the main criteria. So was loyalty to the PN was the priority of her duties when she was president of the chamber of commerce? She was not the first and last presidents whoes prioroity was the PN
Of course there's no need for star candidates. PN doesn't have any. Remember that it was Gonzi himself who confided in the American Ambassador that he had very limited choices to set up his Cabinet. With the newcomers he has still lesser choice.
“Honesty, integrity and loyalty to the party were the main criteria. So was loyalty to the PN was the priority of her duties when she was president of the chamber of commerce? She was not the first and last presidents whoes prioroity was the PN
I thought a MEP's loyalty was towards the country before that of the party.
"'No need' for PN star candidates,........" of course cause you couldn't find any the likes of Vince Farrugia .
WOW what a discovery you have found Dr Borg. Please just treasure Busuttil for your own goodself.
Onesta', integrita' u lejalta' mhux lejn il-partit ghandha tkun, immam lejn il-gid kommuni tan-nazzjon Malti kollu. Billi tkun onest, integru u lejali lejn partit li mohhu biss f'dawk tal-qalba u fil-klikek interni, x'jiswa' Dr Borg?
Of course there is no need for PN STAR candidates. The only one to fulfil all the criteria mentioned is Daphne Caruana Galizia. She is definitely "honest",and loyal to the PN, even though these attributes are only for the PN. Integrity to the PN is also guaranteed. All the other mortals are dwarfed by her aura. That is why the PN has been guaranteed relegation to the back bench for years and years to come. The PN never renews itself when the CLIKKA are still in control.
"loyalty to the party were the main criteria" Are you serious Joe Borg?? tkaxkira bhal dik ad you've learned nothing PN?? LOYALTY TO THE COUNTRY SHOULD BE THE MAIN CRITERIA!!!!