Televangelist angers gay community with conversion claims

The Malta Gay Rights Movement expresses concern at attempts to "mischaracterise" homosexuality by attributing it to a lack of religious faith by local TV evangelist Gordon John Manche.

The organisers of a protest against Smash TV’s evangelical charismatic pastor, Gordon-John Manché, have cancelled their protest after they were informed by the Zebbug police station "that anyone attending the event will be arrested because the necessary permits have not been issued."

Manché's Facebook event ‘Gay no more – Made new by the power of Christ’ was met with rage by hundreds of Facebook users which responded with plans for a protest outside the River of Love Christian Fellowship in Zebbug.

The organisers said that Sliema local councillor Cyrus Engerer, a gay activist, was helping them put the necessary permits together but when he contacted the police headquarters was told that "necessary permits must be applied for 48 hours before the protest is held".

"Soon after, the Zebbug police contacted Cyrus and informed him that any person protesting would face 'legal action'. For this reason, we have had to cancel the protest."

Manché was to present three men who claimed they were gay and then converted out of their homosexuality, something that angered the gay community and many others.

Speaking to MaltaToday, Manché said the activity had been “hijacked by people incited by others” and said his critics were being intolerant.

“It’s not therapy. It was going to be testimonials from three men who were homosexuals before giving their life to Christ. It’s got nothing to do with hating homosexuals,” Manché said.

He also denied claims that his wife Mariella Blackman, a psychologist who is known amongst TV audiences, does ‘reparative treatment’ for gay men and women. “This is untrue. We work different jobs and we’re professional about it. I’m a pastor, she’s a psychologist.”


The Malta Gay Rights Movement has expressed concern at “the emergence of ongoing efforts" by a televangelist to "mischaracterise homosexuality" with claims that sexual orientation can be changed.

The National Youth Council (KNZ) condemned the event for indicating that members of the gay community "can somehow be 'healed' from their sexual orientation."

"KNZ recognizes the challenges members of the LGBTQ community face on a daily basis, and believes that implying that they can or should change their sexual orientation to lead a moral life contributes to the spread of homophobia and an 'us and them' mentality," the council said in a statement.

Manché runs the Nations for Christ ministries, which he founded in 2001 after claiming to have received a vision from Jesus Christ, who appeared on a cloud, while praying. He also presents Habbejtek on Smash TV.

“I have no phobia about homosexuals, I have no problem with them living in the same street or having a coffee with them. I don’t approve of their lifestyle but nobody else is expected to approve of my lifestyle,” Manché told MaltaToday.

When asked why gay people should be converted by Christ, Manché said that Christians believed that homosexuality was a sin, quoting 1 Corinthians 6.

The passage states: ‘Do you not know that the iniquitous will not possess the kingdom of God? Do not choose to wander astray. For neither fornicators, nor servants of idolatry, nor adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor males who sleep with males, nor thieves, nor the avaricious, nor the inebriated, nor slanderers, nor the rapacious shall possess the kingdom of God. And some of you were like this. But you have been absolved, but you have been sanctified, but you have been justified: all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.’

“All these people have different lifestyles which were converted by Jesus,” Manché said. “We’re not saying homosexuality is any worse a sin. God loves homosexuals so much that he changed them.”

The organisers of the protest against Manché’s activity, Jonathan Muscat and Pia Micallef, say on Facebook that they will “stand outside [Manché’s] house and protest against this filth.”

Micallef said Manché's claims that they were being intolerant was "hypocritical". "He claims to have a spiritual cure for homosexuality as though it is a disease of some sort. In his posts yesterday he referred to homosexuality as a 'sin' and 'perversion'. We simply believe  this is wrong, and it is the type of attitude that leads hundreds of young men and women all over the world to commit suicide every year."

Micallef also claimed Manché is "notorious" for visiting the families of gay teens with his message of conversion. "We aren't doing anything wrong, except taking a stand on behalf of people who need all the help they can get because they are a minority in a society that often neglects their rights."

One day when the world is enlightened it will recognize the four types of sexual orientations – all intended by the creator and all equally valid. 1. Heterosexual 2. Homosexual 3. Bisexual 4. Asexual In the ideal Sex Education class, children will be informed about and to accept their orientation and how to respect others who have a different orientation. . Human diversity is a wonderful thing and ought to be celebrated.
We either believe man or God. That is the question. God gave us His Word....the Bible....Now people discount the Bible and create all sorts of excuses to dismiss it as being outdated, harsh and what not. I believe not only in God but believe in what He says. If the Bible says homosexuality is a sin that's it...period. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, "Don't you know that those doing such things have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don't fool yourselves. Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshipers, adulterers or homosexuals-will have no share in his Kingdom. Neither will thieves or greedy people, drunkards, slanderers, or robbers. There was a time when some of you were just like that but now your sins are washed away, and you are set apart for God; and he has accepted you because of what the Lord Jesus Christ and the Spirit of our God have done for you" TLB We should love homosexuals and respect their lifestyle but as Pastors, Priests and people who truly believe God we must point out that a lifestle can be changed. Miracles still happen. God has not changed. There are geniune priests and pastors who through the power of Jesus Christ change people. NO offence in that!
Jurgen Cachia
To those who claim the protesters are disrespecting freedom of speech I say this: are they saying that those who disagree with Manchè do not have the right to express their own views, this time in the form of a protest? Or is freedom of speech a one-way street? How bloody convenient! Just like the anti-divorce movement claiming the pro-divorce movement is bullying them, when the retards have mustered church, state and on on their side.
duncan abela
What an intolerant nation we all are right across the board. I certainly find Gordon's evangelical zeal amusing at best however he has as much right to promote his ideals with rthose naive enough to listen to him as anybody else. I am a strong supporter of gay rights but I regret to say that like many other minorities they expect us and tightly so to be liberal in our attitude towards them and yet they themselves become totally intolerant when others carry out actions which they perceive to be against their movement. One either believes in freedom of expression or else is just a bigot in opposing actions in which participants are free to join in or not. No one is being forced to attend Gordon's so called sexual orientation reassignment meetings in the same way that certainly nothing will convince me to attend his evangelical zealot meetings.
I bet Gordon was viewing the Lavazza advert on RAI when he saw the Lord on the clouds. Gordon is no fool. Those that give him hefty donations are.
Christopher Briffa
I have a suggestion to Gordon; why not concentrate your sexual orientation change efforts towards converting paedophile priests ... just a thought!
An ex-professional ballet dancer..Jesus appears to him on clouds..he healed a lady and she walked off her crutches..and now he converts homosexuals. Single-handedly ! Would Malta not be a boring place without all these freaks and weirdos?
The mugs actually queue up to be touched by this guy? May the Gods help the human race- it needs it.
Manché runs the Nations for Christ ministries, which he founded in 2001 after claiming to have received a vision from Jesus Christ, who appeared on a cloud,----- When one is full of junk, one sees all sorts of hallucinations.
a permit? hahahahaa, try with M.E.P.A. cannot imagine a crowd of 1000 being taken to court for such :) I am sure, or maybe , will be a world record :)
I can. t understand why the gay community took Gordon to task; he is a Christian and like the many Christians, he believes so homosexuality is a sin and a perversion. DR Lawrence Gonzi is a Christian, a Catholic one at that, and the Catholic Church believes that homosexuality is a sin. So the question: why don't the gay community take it against DR Gonzi too? How can we take the gay community seriously, when many gays, including PN's MEPs are militate in the PN- a Confessional Party that adheres strictly to medieval dogma? When foreign gays- friends of mine -ask me about the gay and lesbian rightsd and freedom in Malta, and tell them that many of thegays and lesbians militate in the very Party that ostricise them; they go berserk; they cry :only in Malta! I am not gay, I could have been one, but if I were one I would not expect other people to fight for my own rights rights, whilst I militate in the very Party that is against gays! A a Labourite, I really feel a lot of pain and anger,because of the local gay community, considering that the Labour party decriminilised homosexuality in 1973-decades before Calafornia, years before 'liberal' countries in Europe! And the result is 'cuore ingrato'! This note is meant to open the door for a discussion on gay political rights in Malta and Gozo; any offers?
Probably he is loved by the nationalists
last comment should read.... 'Christ's nights with a naked youth'. Gay wasn't part of the vocabulary at that time.
I wonder if these 'converted ' gays were ever told about Christ's nights with a gay naked youth? Check it out.The truth is always surprising and at times enlightening.
Free speech seems to be at a premium..except for some.
vincent carbonaro
Strange, I don't recall Libians being arrested en masse when they organised their protest. Some were but most were allowed to cause their disturbance.
the real issue here is Religion and the way it has been twarthed by some high and low. The most daring journey that one can embark on is towards inside himself. once one gets there,then real Enlightenment occurs. the rest is all relative.
Abdi D
And we thought we had no democracy in the 80s. In those days many a spontanous protest was held by students and housewives. Now we have the police refusing to issue permits and spying on us on facebook. Whilst letting others trample on our rights. Viva l-Gustizja u l-Liberta.
My advice to gay men and lesbians and our supporters is this - turn up in droves and let the police book you. The defence of gay men and lesbians is more important than some silly law. This can only generate adverse publicity for Malta and show up the hypocrisy of this PN government.
So he had a vision of Christ on a cloud. How camp! I wonder what Christ looked like? Was he wearing anything? Or was he naked? Not such a scandalous suggestion when one reads the Gospel of St Thomas. Yes, the Gospel of St Thomas - not Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. You see, there are 17 other gospels. Thank 'God' I am an agnostioc.
Instead of making gay men and lesbians straight, why does he not he start moving mountains or, perhaps, even one of the three hills of gozo! What proof is there that gay men and lesbians can turn on and off their sexual orientation? Perhaps the self-deception of those gay men and lesbians who have to face up the stigma of Maltese society and who convince themselves that they are now straight. Time will tell but my advice to those thinking they can change their sexuality is this: do not waste your time. Even so, the attempt to change a person's sexual orientation is an admission of its existence.
The Police are either ignorant of the fact that YOU DON'T need a police permit to hold a protest, you just have to inform the police about it or else they deliberately come out with this crap about permits in order to avert anything they don't agree with or don't like. I would have staged the protest just the same. Another question, why are people so afraid of getting arrested????? Jeeeezzzz what a country!
Peter Cassar
Why did the organizers apply for a police permit in the first place?
Ma nafx Matthew Vella minn fejn ha l-impressjoni li dan il-bniedem hu karizmatiku. Ghalija huwa bniedem antipatiku ghall-ahhar u kull meta narah fuq it-televiszjoni jaqbadli dardir kbir u jsabbatni ma l-art. Dan taliban iehor li l-udjenza tieghu huma nies b'mohhhom gwejjef u nies anzjani li jimpressjonaw ruhom mix-xejn. Nies bhal dan jaghmlu deni lir-religjon hafna aktar milli jaghmlu gid u jmisshom jigu mrazzna.
Mr Manche seems to be quite effeminate. Maybe he should resolve his own sexuality before trying to convert others. That explains why his wife tries to convert gays so desperately. And we do know that his wife has performed reparative therapy. Dr. Ing. Patrick Attard
Maybe Gordon can tell the public the amount of money that derenged female that normally sits next to him saying Halleluliah and her husband fork out of their earnings (it's a fixed percentage and giving in voluntarily does not mean they are not being conned - the amounts have been clearly expressed by her husband to his work mates) or he may possibly tell those that listen to him whether he is ready to suggest his followers follow Jacob's and Abraham's decision to satisfy their sexual lust with their maids Bilah, Zilpah and Hagar because their wives were frigid (which the men then guised as could not have children). What a twat..river of love my foot.
In a true democracy no permits are required for protests.
"The passage states .... nor the effeminate, nor males who sleep with males, nor ....." . No, it does not. That was a deliberate mistranslation, although commonplace. The Greek words malakos and arsenokoites have different meanings. Malakos, literally meaning "soft", can be applied to someone who refuses to take part in military activity, someone who is "soft" in a similar sense. Arsenokoites first appears in this very passage, and translates to "man+bed". This passage gives no context to determine its meaning, but in other writings, it referred to male prostitutes. . Yet another way in which those who profess to "follow" the teachings of the Bible actually change it to say what they want it to say.
BTW - what is happening to this paper? Times of Malta is carrying a story on an extra 6,000 euroes the ministers had awarded themselves over and above more recent increases and maltatoday is carrying a story on some wacko job. Did Maltatoday sell out in the end or just had their intelligence neutered and turned pro-PN?
Maybe his cure works against corruption as well? in that case - lock him in a room with Gonzi and his foul-mouth friend Austin. Leave them there for a few days - with those two one session would not work anyways.
Abdullah alhrbi
Why not just attend the meeting where best to challenge this? After all most protesters will be his target clients for conversion he can't refuse entry, he would be betraying his ministry. It is regrettable that an event promoting such harmful ideas is advertised in the name of Christianity. Gay teens need understanding and support not an assault on their mental health. Christian Reparative Therapy is dangerous as sexual orientation is unchangeable. One sincerely hopes that no psychologist practicing in Malta subscribes to it. Sexual orientation is an issue on which Faith has to be guided by Reason not bigotry and misinformation.
Evangelist? Why don't these people just call themsilves "loonies"- it's easier to spell.
Gays do not need help as this charlatan is suggesting. They need understanding ans compassion and be allowed to live their life. Afterall gays are God's creations as well. I am not gay but have better understanding than to be judgemental or condescending as Mr manche appears to be doing. The the God I believe in is not the judgmental and punitve god that he preaches on his TV show. Everyone desreve dignity.
He must consult his wife about HIS condition. It is better if he converts to some other religion. Not that I am a practicing catholic but he is using his good standing to his own benefit. Making money out of Idiots.
tal-misthija kif Smash ihalli lil bniedem bhal dan jaghmel programm - amen!
The term Media Whoredom springs to mind. It's still whoredom but usually practiced on TV.
what is he doing there? I don't think he is greater than david copperfield .lollllllllllllllllll Well so many people believe everything.... they find oppressed people...... as I say , "everybody believes in what he/she wants".
This man is lying. Mariella Blackman uses Christian reparative therapy during her sessions. I posted it on his wall, and I'm repeating the same statement here. I was old enough not to accept such a treatment, but young gay teenagers do not have a choice. Just in case he forgot, the case happened in September 2007!