A civil society-led movement for human-centered drug policy reforms | Karen Mamo
So it’s OK to buy gas from Qatar… but not to play football there?
Pride in our profession | Antoine Zammit
Cheap energy politics: why Malta falls behind on renewables
And for its next trick, the PA will make ODZ disappear… forever!
A different World Cup
Michael Falzon
‘Recognising the problem’ isn’t enough: you also have to try and solve it
Abortion is termination of pregnancy
Another electoral pledge kept
Julia Farrugia Portelli
Too hot for comfort
Michael Falzon
Abortion, by any other name…
Raphael Vassallo
Open letter to animal welfare secretary | Katerina Younes
Abela has excluded ALL politicians as President: not just Gonzi
Beyond the budget: we must move from growth at all costs, to prosperity | Steve Ellul
L’Uomo Del Monte ha detto ‘No’…
Under pressure at the PA? Funny, were it no so tragic
The importance of organic fertilisers in an ever-changing circular economy | Henning Lyngsø Foged
There is nothing ‘pagan’ (still less, ‘satanic’) about Halloween
Road rage rules OK
Michael Falzon
What happened to that Public Domain Act, by the way?
Glaciers in the Alps melting faster than ever – 2022 was their worst summer yet | Neil Entwistle
Abela: come clean on media freedom
A Mosque too far?
Raphael Vassallo
A social budget nonetheless | Michael Falzon
It’s Budget day again
Michael Falzon
Oh look: another ‘European Parliament resolution’, for us to ignore…
Daphne and our ‘dark underbelly’
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
Water is too precious, and too scarce, to be ‘free’
‘We’re all human’ (but some of us are more human than others)
The end of the PL-PN duopoly?
Michael Falzon
The word is action
Julia Farrugia Portelli
Have I become lazy? | Rebekah Borg
Living in Malta (the cost of…) | Jerome Caruana Cilia
‘Disgusting, disappointing, infuriating’… but not ‘surprising’
Navigating through the sudden increase in interest rates | Gordon Cordina, Kenneth Farrugia
Agricultural land reform
Michael Falzon
‘Bongu, Ministru’…
Raphael Vassallo
Delivering the promise of media reform | Jonathan Attard
Now is the time to empower girls
Renee Laiviera