It's what we've come to expect from this particular government on any issue that inspires even a modicum of queasiness

The Skinny - No. 197 - Aborting Progress

The Skinny - No. 197 - Aborting Progress

This censorship thing sure delivers quite the nostalgic kick, huh?

No. 196 - Preparing Potatoes

No. 196 - Preparing Potatoes

Underdog Consultancy does have a nice ring to it

No. 195 - Underdog Whistles

No. 195 - Underdog Whistles

Bit boring, all of this. Call me up when we're doing the altered states of the nation

No. 194 - State of the Obvious

No. 194 - State of the Obvious

Dogs getting high and coke in banana crates. This isn't the apocalypse I signed up for

No. 193 - Deepest Desire for Smoke

No. 193 - Deepest Desire for Smoke

It's easier to love the callow kids among the cast of Love Island than it is to love Malta, at this point
Those Busker sweaters seems to have been the linchpin of their entire vibe. Won’t work in summer...
Malta should get into the habit of thinking about itself as part of a global village more often

No. 190 - Bye Covid, Hello Charles

No. 190 - Bye Covid, Hello Charles

Abolish political parties and let us decide which of the construction magnates to elect as Supreme Leader of the Archipelago
This is basically all about Ian Borg’s swimming pool, right?

No. 188 - The Encroachment Reward

No. 188 - The Encroachment Reward

Guys, it’s called Merchants Street. M-E-R-C-H-A-N-T-S Street

No. 187 - The Saints Ain't Marching In

No. 187 - The Saints Ain't Marching In

Lobbing them lobs with the same energy of the Polidano-Portelli bricks at the GO junction

No. 186 - Stivala the Storyteller

No. 186 - Stivala the Storyteller

The fact that Ħelsien coincides with Duluri should be an irony lost on exactly nobody
The chats must have bumped up the average reading rate of the Maltese public something fierce
Abela certainly activated that very same knee-jerk antagonism by choosing to list the GOOD done by Steward, just to piss the Nationalists off
2013: The year Disney’s ‘Frozen’ came out. And Muscat’s infamous 40k win

The Skinny | No. 182 - Ten Year Labourversary

The Skinny | No. 182 - Ten Year Labourversary

Galaxy-brained Bongailas failed in his quest. Can we finally boycott the construction industry?

The Skinny – No. 181 – The Bull by the Horns

The Skinny – No. 181 – The Bull by the Horns

No American hospitals or universities please. We’re Maltese

The Skinny - No. 180 - Damning Vital Signs

The Skinny - No. 180 - Damning Vital Signs