Majority of Gozitan MPs against divorce but Refalo says he still has to read draft law

Four of five Gozitan MPs have said they are against the introduction of divorce, whilst the fifth, Anton Refalo, said he is yet to read the draft law presented by Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Labour MP Evarist Bartolo, afterwhich he will decide.

Sister newspaper Illum reports how although both parties have not officially taken a stance on the issue of divorce, in an island more insular than Malta, those elected from Gozo are expressing their views against divorce in a bid to retain popularity with those who elected them in the first place.

When contacted by the newspaper, the five MPs argued that Gozitans at large do not want divorce to be introduced.

Labour MP Justyne Refalo expressed her position against divorce, but said she will make her final decision after the debate is concluded in parliament.

“Although I do not think it should be introduced, I believe we should wait for the debate to be finalised before deciding what best be done for this country,” Caruana said.

When asked how Gozitans feel on the issue, Caruana said there is mixed sentiment, where although they are aware of problems arising from modern lifestyles, they do not think that divorce should be the solution.

Keith Goodlip
A country which is ruled by religion and it's instutions, will NEVER go forward.
Unbelievable !!. Do these progressive representatives still believe that Gozitans are still a herd of nincompoops ?. Do they think Gozitans are a troglodite breed?. Do they believe Gozitans are still led by the nose by rancid octogenerian monsignors who used to instill terror in the "fidili" (not " faithful" ) ages ago ?. If Gozitans are such a breed, then may someone have mercy on them.The many Gozitans I know are far different from this breed and they look forward to a truly modern island free from the fetters of antiquity . MPs please grow up, and don't expect votes for your stands.
Alfred Galea
WHO are Gozitans at large?? Did these guys have a survey?? Or is it what they hear after mass on Sundays??
If the referendum is won by the YES side there is nothing MPs from both side of the house can do but to legislate, all they can do is make sure there aren't any loop holes in the law and that the law concerning divorce is devoid of all the mistakes other countries did.
If the referendum is won by the YES side there is nothing MPs from both side of the house but legislate, all they can do is make sure there aren't any loop holes in the law and that the law concerning divorce is devoid of all the mistakes other countries did.
GOZO? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL medju evu LOLLLLLLLLLLL u le kemm qedghin sew :) against the introduction of divorce? MPs? ara x'membri parlamentari ghanda ta- mhux kontra divorzju- tridu tghidu.kontra l-ligi tad-divorzju, ghax divorzju hawn mijiet eluf- isma jaqaw qedghin tghixu f'dinja ohra ,ghid? jew kulhadd qed jigdeb? tafu li kwazi ,f'kull familja esperjenzat , seperazzjoni miz-zwieg? meta qed nghidu familja , jigifieri jew tfal -jew tfal tat-tfal. dawn l-problemi socjali mu ser iwaqqafom hadd! ma ninsewx li l-bniedem jaf jigdeb- isma dawn il-membri parlamentari, tahsbu li dawn l-affarijiet ma jafuhomx? ovja li jafuhom, izda kulhadd qed jitkellem u jaghmel kif jaqbillu. imsomma din hija farsa totali. komplu dahqu u idhqu min ghalikom bin-nies- ifhem , il-paroli li nghidu ahna ma jiswa xejn vera ghalihom -ghaliex l-anqs jikalkulawh(MPs) Pero wahda nghid jien , taf meta jinbidlu l-aafarijiet f'dan il-pajjiz? meta il-maggoranza tal-poplu malti tiftah ghajneha, u tinduna li l-vera POTER qieghed fidejha!!! hemm hekk imbghad taf kemm jibdlu l-attitudni taghhom hux certu MPs. jiena nghid ghalija bil-ligi tad-divorzju u minghajr lilgi tad-divorzju xorta nghamel li ghnadi naghmel! pero nghid u nibqa nghid li l-affarijiet mhux ghal kulhadd l-isstess. ghalhekk ma hawnx gustizzja u liberta! xoghol gustizzja u liberta."tiftakar jonghos dottor eddie fenech adami?;-) saviour falzon