‘No obligation’ to Vassallo over €250,000 loan, Prime Minister says

Vassallo Builders Group €250,000 loan was bridging facility for PN's media company, says Gonzi.

Nazzareno Vassallo behind the perspect at the counting hall in the 2008 elections.
Nazzareno Vassallo behind the perspect at the counting hall in the 2008 elections.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has denied "feeling obliged" to PN donor Nazzareno Vassallo, the construction magnate whose company Vassallo Builders Group loaned €250,000 to the PN's media arm Media.Link.

In an election in which all parties have committed themselves to regulate party financing, PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier last week confirmed that Vassallo's construction group had loaned €250,000 to the company Media.Link.

But Gonzi, who today visited the works-in-progress at the Malta's national aquarium in Qawra which is expected to be finished by summer, told the press that he "never felt obliged and there is no reason to feel obliged to Vassallo" when asked whether the loan to the party's company created some form of political obligation.

"Companies that loan money from banks do not necessarily feel obliged to the bank," Gonzi said, who also assumed responsibility for the PN's administration's decisions.

"There is nothing strange about taking a loan. We have a commercial operation, in the same way that Labour has, and this company has commercial needs. We take out loans from banks, so there is nothing wrong here. We are being transparent."

When asked why the PN had taken out a loan from Vassallo's VGBL instead of a bank, Gonzi said the €250,000 facility was a bridging loan that was needed at that particular time. "It's something very normal in business. Nothing strange about this. This is not a donation, but a loan that must be paid back, just like a bank loan."

Gonzi did not answer to questions as to how much the interest on the loan from VGBL was.

During a press conference held later that day, Nationalist Party Executive Council president Marthese Portelli fielded questions regarding the loan. She was asked whether it might have been preferable to obtain such a loan from a bank, and whether there was anything inopportune about securing a loan from a prominent business man. She was also asked whether such a loan could influence the decision-making process of a party in government.

Portelli however sidestepped the questions, pointing instead to the statement issued by PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier which Portelli said "explained all the details pertaining to the loan."

Portelli similarly sidestepped questions regarding when the Nationalist Party would be publishing its campaign spending, and whether such donations would be similarly included in the published material.

"A few days ago, PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil delivered a press conference where he explained when and how these would be published," Portelli would only say.

Paul Sammut
Anyone remembers Manfred Mann's song "Ha Ha said the clown .... as the king lost his crown....Ha! Ha! Said the clown, is it bringing you down, That you've lost your chance.... R
Since this is being touted as a commercial loan, it would be interesting to know at what interest rate it must be paid back and whether Vassallo Builders have authorisation by the MFSA to act as a bank....
Jista xi hadd jimmagina xi pulcinellata bhal din tigri qisa 'business as usual' go pajjiz Ewropew li mhux l-Italja?
Jiena nemmen dak li qed jgħid Gonzi li ma hemm ebda obligazzjoni bħall ma nemmen li id-dinja kwadra u il-qamar sħun u ix-xemx iffrizata . Nemmen ukoll li Tonio Fenech għandu ħafna ammiraturi li lesti jieħduh magħhom fuq titjira spazjali biex jiltaqa ma il-grande puffo , il-viċi tiegħu kif ukoll mas-segretarju tagħhom gargamellu . Din il-laqgha ser issir fil-latrina esklussiva tal-Pieta . Biex juru l-ammirazzjoni li għandhom lejħ , ser jiġi pprezentat b'kont bankarju li Zvizzera . Jingħata wkoll arloġġ cockoo biex ifakkru f'ammiratriċi partikolari .
When I was young and Malta received aid from some countries from East Europe the PN battle cry was that no one gives anyone else something for nothing. And they used to repeat this until even the chickens were repeating it. If what the PN said was true in the case of international aid, the money coming in going into Malta's Treasury, is it not more true today when the money from a big contractor is going into the unaudited coffers of a political party which is also the Government and has billions worth of contracts to give out? I do not think that PBO, Simon or Gonzi would like to answer this one.
Jien rajt ragel b'sitt saqajn. Emmnuni ta!
Whom do you take us for dear Prime Minister: xi cuc Malti minn dawk li ihobb jimmagina Tonio Fenech?. Dak ukoll ha trip fuq jet privat bla obligazzjoni;sewwewlu id-dar bi pjacir ta xejn, tawh arlogg ghax jiggustawh,is-segretarju privat tieghu ha l-flus u hu ma kienx jaf bihom; is-secret service qalulu bil-kickbacks imma ma marx ghand il-pupizija: anqas is-secret service ma marru ghand il-pulizija! Qisna qed naqraw ' Tales of the Unexpected' ta Roald Dahl bi differenza li dawk fittizji imma ta GonzipN le!
Fabian Psaila
NEMMNUH? Dan irridna nemmnuh? Min irrid jithaq b'min issa.......
haha vassallo gave him half a drop in the ocean
Hawn xi-ċuċ Malti jemmen dan ? Jekk inti li qed taqra temmen din il-ħaġa , allura Tonio Fenech kellu raġun li jgħid li għad hawn iċ-ċwieċ . Pero jiena ċert mija fil-mija li jekk hawn , dawn kollha jinsabu fuq in-naħa tal-partit Nazzjonalista .
SUR P MINISTRU CARETAKER MINN TAHSEB li se jemnek meta tghid dawn il paprati ??? Kif dejjem tipprova tigustifika li intom dejjem ghandkom ragun hu haddiehor dejjem sbaljat Tahseb li il poplu baqa jemmen dawn il hmerijiet tieghek u tal ministri Minn jinsa il-bank accounts minn jinsa arlogg minn jaqla biss xi domna jew salib111 Qatt ma sibt lil hadd jammirani lili hu imqar jaghtini 600 euro zida fil gimgha forsi imqar b'self baxx jew minghajr irbit ta xejn
Joseph MELI
Kinda reminiscent of Greece's "no obligation " to repay our loan ,I dare say!
Ok - that settles everything then. The GonziPN took the Vassallo loan without feeling any obligation and had debts written off by the same source; Tonio Fenech received a clock because a Ms Farraugia wanted to show her appreciation and recently received a crucifix and a votive neck appendage (for want of a better description!), besides accepting a free trip to watch a football match etc etc. Everything is above board and lilywhite. As for the 500 euro weekly rise - well they have paid that all back ... haven't they? They really are an honest clique after all. ALBERT FENECH Qawra
Why has maltatoday not picked up this story: http://www.maltastar.com/dart/20130224-video-prostitute-in-action-at-ira-pn-club#comments
Ma titwemminx il-verzjoni tal-Prim Ministru xi hadd jaghtik self ta' €250,000 u ma thossokx obligat. Biex ma thossokx obligat issellifhom mill-bank mill-ewwel imma forsi dan is-self minn ghand Nazzareno Vassallu huwa bhal imghaxx ukoll jew dawn gew mislufa b'imghaxx kummercjali. Jiena nghid li dan is-self seta' sar jew b'imghaxx kummercjali, jew imghaxx baxx, jew bla imghaxx xejn (ghax jahasra l-PN spicca fallut bhal ma falla lil Malta) jew inkella bl-uzura u l-uzura mhux imghaxx li jithallas bi flus imma b'kuntratti? Wahda minn dawn l-4 zgur u nispera fil-hanin Alla li mhix din ta' l-ahhar. Risposta minn ghadn Gonzi jew Borg Olivier irrdu.
Ma hemmx obligazzjonijiet lejn Zaren Vassallo fuq dan is-self . Dr Gonzi , inti taħseb li għawn xi beċċun f'Malta li ser jemmen dan ? Inti taħseb li dawk in-Nazzjonalisti onesti u ġenwini ser jemmnuk ? Int in-nies qed taħsibhom ċwieċ bħall ma darba qal l-arloġġ tal-lira ? Ara ma jfettillekx tgħidilna li dawn silifhomkhom għax jammirakhom ta . Zaren Vassallo xi ħaġa lura ikun irid zgur , u inti taf dan Zaren xi jun irid . Għalhekk tkomplix tipprova titnejjek bin-nies , Sur Prim Ministru .
Anette B Cassar
B'min tridu titmejjlu?
TELL Gonzi, that he has just confirmed the Maltese perception that the PN is just one big business hiding under the umbrella of a political party!!
Imma dawn jitwemmnu dawn l-affarijiet!!!! Xi hadd jislifni somma flus u ma nhossnix obbligata??? Anke kieku kienu ommi jew missieri stess li selfuni nhossni obbligata, ahseb u ara!!!!
Joseph Pellicano
This is not a donation, but a loan that must be paid back, just like a bank loan."gonzi kif ma tisthix mil poplu malti u ghawci, kul gurnata gidba gdida. Morc titqarben il birah ukoll.
If the electorate should dare think that it is logical that there should be strings attached, then the electorate should be ashamed of themselves. So says Dr Gonzi and therefore so it must be. Dawn kollox ghal patria jaghmlu . Xejn izjed, xejn inqas.
Stefan Mifsud
Seriously, does our Prime Minister expect us to believe him. If anybody does let me just say to them, I am the Queen of England!!!!
"Gonzi did not answer to questions as to how much the interest on the loan from VGBL was." Maybe he does not know or maybe there is no interest! But, if there is interestt, one assumes it is equal or less than that charged by the commercial banks! Logical, no?
It would be interesting to get some more details about this "loan" such as the security offered for the loan and the interest rate / repayment terms. At least for the sake of the company's directors, because it would be very embarrassing if their oversight of corporate governance had to be investigated - business and politics shouldn't mix!
ever loan carries interest in some form or other....
Igor P. Shuvalov
So much transparent that no mention of this loan was made before the Maltatoday story about Vassallo's financial help to the Nationalist Party. As for the "no obligation remark".. the least said the better.
In other European countries there have been resignations for very similar stories: http://www.maltatoday.com.mt/en/newsdetails/news/world/German-President-resigns-in-corruption-scandal-20120217 Why is the interest rate not made public? or then is then none? "The developments of the past few days and weeks have shown that trust and thus my effectiveness have been seriously damaged" ... is this not a common feeling??
VGBL is defintely anything but a bank Dr. Gonzi! Once more you seem to think that the people of Malta and Gozo are idiots. Respect our intelligence!