Coronavirus: who to contact for help and how to avoid catching the virus

Government asks people to contact 111 for help and to avoid visiting clinics and emergency departments, urges washing of hands to prevent Covid-19 spread

111, a specialised Covid-19 helpline, has been set up
111, a specialised Covid-19 helpline, has been set up

As the first case of coronavirus is confirmed in Malta, the government is urging people to avoid visiting the emergency department except in cases of genuine emergencies.

It is also highlighting the need for the public to take measures to prevent contracting Covid-19.

A specialised testing hub will start operating on Tuesday, negating the need for people to go to health centres or hospital to get tested for the virus.

Who to call if you require assistance or advice

  • Call 111, a specialised Covid-19 helpline which has been set up
  • Avoid calling 112 unless it’s a real emergency
  • Avoid going to GP clinics, health centres and hospital emergency departments
  • Visit for latest updates
  • Test hub to open on Tuesday where people can go to be tested for Covid-19

WHO guidelines on protective measures to take

  • Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based rub or wash them with soap and water
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Practice good respiratory hygiene - cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of the tissue immediately
  • Maintain at least one metre (three feet) between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. Coughing or sneezing by those infected with Covid-19 leads to small liquid droplets containing the virus being sprayed into the air

The coronavirus has to date infected more than 102,000 people globally since the first reported case in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019. Over 3,400 people have died, the vast majority in mainland China, and around 450 in other countries. More than 57,000 people have recovered from the disease. 

Major outbreaks have taken place in China, South Korea, Iran and Italy.