Gejtu Vella suspicious of Labour’s ‘dangerous’ alliances

Former union leader and new PN candidate Gejtu Vella expresses his concern at the ‘dangerous’ and ‘strange’ alliances Labour is building.

PN candidate Gejtu Vella
PN candidate Gejtu Vella

Nationalist candidate Gejtu Vella described the recent union between the Labour Party and the Malta Employers Association as "dangerous" and said it goeas against the very nature of Labour.

In an interview on Sunday newspaper Illum, the former Union Haddiema Maqghudin (UHM) secretary-general , Vella said: "The close ties between Labour and employers, especially in regards to the minimum wage,  is dangerous and does not bode well for workers in all sectors."

In the seventies and eighties, the Labour Party led by Dom Mintoff granted two General Workers Union (GWU) representatives, the president and the general secretary, to attend Cabinet meetings.

However, Vella said that now Labour is cosying up to employers and said that this is a clear betrayal of Labour's claims to be a working-class party.

Read the full interview in today's edition of Illum

hi gejtu.... ipproponi imqar 7 euros lil Gvern ghax lil Alfred Sant tlabbtu LM7.00 !!! tiftakar?
This man is an insult to Trade Unionism ......
Minn mindu Gejtu Vella qed taharqu qalbu ghal-Labour?
Patricia Marsh
Ma jinteressanix kif jahsibha l-ex segretarju generali tal-UHM poggut mal-Partit Nazzjonalista (ghalkemm ma kienx jattendi ufficjalment il-laqghat tal-kabinett)
Tiskanta kemm int bravu Gejt. Jew tipprova taghmilha tal-bravu. Ghax sfortunatament m'intiex. Propju ghax tahseb li n-nies m'ghandhomx memorja. Mela insejt meta snin ilu meta kien hemm gvern tal-labour int kont tlabt DISA liri maltin zieda fil-gimgha, U meta telghu il-pn lanqas boss ftaht halqek ghal centezmu wiehed zieda. Halliena Gejt nghixu fil-paci u ahjar ma tiftahx halqek ghax izjed ahjar ghalik u ghal frejjegpn.
Mark Fenech
One thing Gejtu Vella forgot to mention in the interview that in 23 years of PN administration the minimun wage was never augmented, except for the COLA increases. He also forget that the annual bonus suffered from same faith under the PN governments.
Luke Camilleri
Oh Gejtu, Gejtu.... just go and do some soul searching before opening your mouth and putting your foot in it! Since COMING OUT with your candidature with the PN , it was no real secret of where your ALLIANCES were and NOT STRANGE AT ALL, in fact quite well known - your "PARTNERSHIP" (ingarzar) with the PN as long as the PN kept the tables you enjoy going round with, WITH GOODIES...... like Gonzi is still doing?
As long as there is Gejtu in Parliament there is no need for workers to be scared: he will promptly ask for 9 Malta liri salary rise per week, if this alliance takes place! Lol!