Malta ranks 35th out of 45 states in child literacy study

Malta ranks 35th out of 45 countries in child literacy PIRLS study, Maltese children score worse in Maltese than English

Education Minister Evarist Bartolo, flanked (from left to right) by Dr Christine Firman, Dr Frank Fabri, and Louis Scerri
Education Minister Evarist Bartolo, flanked (from left to right) by Dr Christine Firman, Dr Frank Fabri, and Louis Scerri

Malta has ranked 35th out of 45 countries that participated in the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), a reading and writing literacy study conducted in 2011 among 10 year old school children.

The study's findings were presented by Education Minister Evarist Bartolo, who described the study as "eye-opening."

"We are not happy that we performed the way we did. There is a lot we can learn from the report and its recommendations not only as policy-makers, but even school administrators, teachers, and also parents can learn more about their role in children's literacy skills," Bartolo said.

He emphasised that there is a big relationship between a given child's social background and his or her literacy uptake. "Broadly speaking, the greater the social poverty, the greater the linguistic poverty," Bartolo said.

Bartolo insisted that one of the most important factors in children's linguistic development is the parents' ability and willingness to converse with their children and read to them on a regular basis, as well as to encourage a reading culture within their upbringing.

He said that teachers also have a role to play in this by actively following what children are reading, and encouraging them to read more.

He highlighted several elements from the report, most notably that:

  • The language instructional time throughout a school year in Malta (181) is 51 hours less than the international average of 223 hours.
  • The time spent reading as part of langue instruction throughout a whole year in Malta (37 hours) is the lowest of all countries and is 34 hours less than the international average of 71 hours.
  • The time spent reading across the curriculum, including time sent on reading instruction throughout a whole year in Malta (104 hours) is 42 hours less than the international average (146 hours).

"This shows that we have a lot of work to do to make up the shortfall," Bartolo said.

He however dispelled the suggestion that the government is looking towards extending existing school hours, insisting that the solution lies in better use of existing school hours, especially at primary and secondary levels.

"More of the same is not the solution. The solution is to find ways to make more efficient and more effective use of existing school hours to introduce more opportunities for literacy skills such as reading and writing."

He noted that currently, many teachers struggle to meet the curriculum requirements. "Should we not consider doing less, but placing more emphasis on covering the basics properly?"

Bartolo added that the government will be coming up with several measures aimed at correcting this issue which will form part of a greater holistic literacy national strategy, and which will incorporate the Labour Party's free-tablets electoral proposal.

He said that strategy would be announced in the coming weeks.

Bartolo also downplayed the desirability of kneejerk short-term reactionary measures, describing these as "instant coffee solutions," and insisting that government would be studying the problem and introducing solutions as part of the upcoming literacy strategy plan.

"We should not be hasty, but we should not delay needlessly, either," Bartolo said.

He added that, as from tomorrow, the government will be meeting with school heads and teachers from all local schools to discuss the report's findings and how its recommendations could be implemented.

He also emphasised that there was a lot of work being done to improve literacy by schools and the education department in the preceding months, and said that Malta's literacy rate is likely to have improved since the PIRLS test was conducted.

Among its findings, the study also found that Maltese student scored better in English literacy than in Maltese literacy, and that girls fared better than boys with regard to reading and comprehension.

The study also found that on average, independent school pupils scored significantly higher in reading than Church school pupils, who in turn scored significantly higher than State school pupils.

It is encouraging to see the new administration tackle the fundamental problems inherent in our education system. It is true the solution does not mean doing more is necessary better, but doing the same thing or less using better quality and with more concentrated effort should bring about better results. Overloading students does not necessary lead to a marked improvement in performance. Literacy skills are best acquired by encouraging students to enjoy reading and have a positive attitude to learning. I also suggest that this administration conducts an audit at tertiary level of education especially in places like the university. Meritocracy is not the order of the day! There are many under performing top level persons who are wasting the country's funds for their own interests!
Indeed there is much to be done on literacy, starting with this very journalist, Nestor Laiviera. Not only is Mr. Evarist Bartolo NOT the Health Minister, but the use of 'instructional' and the sentence "This shows that we have a lot of work to do to make up the shortfall", are but a few examples of the poor command of English of many the local journalists. So Nestor should not be singled out - he is in good company.
Indeed there is much to be done on literacy, starting with this very journalist, Nestor Laiviera. Not only is Mr. Evarist Bartolo NOT the Health Minister, but the use of 'instructional' and the sentence "This shows that we have a lot of work to do to make up the shortfall", are but a few examples of the poor command of English of many the local journalists. So Nestor should not be singled out - he is in good company.
It is fresh to hear the bold truth about the local situation with regards to the Education sector. What we were repeatedly told by the Goebbels-like propaganda machine employed by GonziPN was that there are a record 10,000 students at the University of Malta, that 20,000 have graduated from the university over the past five years; that this figure is far higher than under the Labour government of 1987 and that the PN opened MCAST. True and the Maltese electorate should give credence to the PN for this. But what GonziPN never mentioned was that 40% of our human resource at school-leaving level are ending up illiterate; that vocational training in basic skills is non-existent following the closure of trade schools, technical institutes and the Malta Drydocks; that the 'numerus clausus' was still being employed in a number of University courses a quarter of a century after so much criticism by EFA; that the position of the University of Malta in world university classification tables is around the 1,000th place in three separate lists updated bi-annually or annually; that research and development in Malta is non-existent; and more importantly that all the other 26 EU member states and/or 46 other Council of Europe members have totally outpaced us and outsmarted us in the last 15 years: just look at Finland amongst other countries. So GonziPN should forget reminding us where the PL left the country in 1987 but should have focused on the opportunities lost because of their bad governance.